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Your 4-Year-Old: Reading: Chapter 1


Reading: Chapter 1 A few precocious children learn to read at 4. But the norm is for an interest to start at 4 and actual reading to begin at age 5 or even 6 or 7. Before your child can start sounding out words, he needs to begin recognizing letters and understanding that words are read from left to right. These things sound basic, and they are — they're the foundation every child needs to become a reader. 說到要讓小朋友自己開始讀書,可能要到5、6或7歲,現在小馨才4歲,雖然偶爾會自己拿書看,但距離要將內容念出來,還是有段時間!不過她的確慢慢學會認字了,我想應該是學校老師教的,這種認字的樂趣以後會愈來愈明顯! 有件有趣事情值得記錄下來:話說小馨已經會任阿拉伯數字了,但她讀數字時是「從左到右」,真的很「另類」!後來才得知原來小朋友都會犯這種錯誤,應該大一點就會更正過來了! 她也會認我們車牌的數字,we are surprised enough! Your 4-year-old now Before children start reading, they master certain pre-reading skills. Be sure your child's world is nudging him in the right direction: Create a word-rich environment. The more you read books to your child and engage him in conversation, the more practice he has with language. Point to words as you read. This teaches that words are made of a sequence of letters and go from left to right. Reinforce the makeup of a book. Point out the title and the name of the author. Ask questions about the illustrations and what's happening in the story. Play matching games. This is good prep since reading also involves matching shapes, letters, and words. Four-year-old favorites: card-matching games like go fish and concentration. Play with rhyme. Of course, before a child can read, he needs to know his letters and their sounds. But more important, he needs to connect the idea that letters match sounds. At this age, you don't need to hammer the fact that the letter h sounds a certain way. Instead, sing rhymes together when you walk, make up your own rhyming songs, or concoct silly nicknames like Hopalong Holliday. It doesn't matter if they're nonsense. What matters is that your child is manipulating sounds. Your life now It might seem premature to think about kindergarten. But if your child has not yet had experience with preschool or daycare away from home, you might want to enroll him in some kind of class or structured playgroup this year. Swimming lessons or a music class will give him practice being away from you, listening to an authority figure, and socializing with other kids.

Your 4-Year-Old: Hands-on Fun


Hands-on Fun The older the child, the smaller the toys. They tend to have more pieces, too, from doll clothes to building blocks. Working with these small pieces can be frustrating for a 4-year-old, because her hands' fine motor skills are not yet fully developed. Although she's growing taller, her fingers still have some small-child stubbiness. But don't rule out small, multipiece toys; working with them gives your child's hands a healthy workout. 最近小馨生日收到一盒新的樂高玩具,不是之前玩的duplo系列,而是真正的lego,拿到之後我自己也玩得不亦樂乎,不過小馨得手指靈巧度還沒發展完全,因此太細、太小的零件也拿不穩,我想大概五歲以後應該就能玩了吧! Your 4-year-old now Is your preschooler easily frustrated by tasks like snapping or buttoning? It makes sense developmentally: Your child's fingers are still better suited for throwing balls than tying shoelaces, because the fine motor and visual areas of her brain aren't fully developed yet. And it doesn't help that patience is also in such short supply for many preschoolers. To help build greater dexterity — and more patience — bring home some building toys. Things like blocks, Legos, K'Nex, and Playmobil encourage children to manipulate small pieces over and over again. That they stoke the imagination is the frosting on the cake. Check frustration by encouraging persistence: "You worked so hard. Let's try again." Break down the task into smaller, more easily managed parts. And if her tower keels over, try to get her to laugh about it or even make smashing buildings part of the game. Drawing, cutting, and stringing beads or tubular pasta also can strengthen small muscles. So does working with thick clay and Play-doh. Store them where your child can get at them easily but where they're away from the grabbing fingers — and mouths — of any younger siblings. Your life now Should you ever apologize when you inappropriately lose your cool with your child? Many experts say, "Sure." Admitting that you made a mistake won't undermine your authority; rather, it gives you credibility. Pointing out that you know you overstepped the rules of civilized behavior underscores the idea that having rules and behaving nicely are important. It shows you're only human and it models remorse. Plus, you're apt to feel a lot better afterward.

Your 4-Year-Old: A Better Grasp of Time


A Better Grasp of Time By now you probably have your child's daily routines down pat. You may have noticed that things run more smoothly when everyone has clear expectations for what happens next. But did you know that this is also helping your child gain mastery over his understanding of time? It may be a couple more years before he can read a clock, but your references to time are teaching him that time is the way the day is organized. 小馨現在對時間還沒有概念:明天、今天晚上、這星期六、晚上10點...但是由於她喜歡小梅子卡通,所以當洗完澡後小梅子開始時,就是10點,但她還沒有很清楚。有時早上不想起床上學,我就會跟她說,今天星期x,再過幾天就星期六,就可以不用上學了,但她還不是很瞭解。 Your 4-year-old now Following routines does more than provide structure; it also helps a preschooler learn about time and sequence. By age 4, children are able to follow familiar routines on their own. In fact, they thrive on the security and order they provide. You might notice that after a bath, your child automatically reaches for his toothbrush, for example. Or he may bound to the couch for a book as soon as his pajamas are on. 生活上的規律事件的確讓她比較有秩序,洗澡時刷牙、然後穿衣、睡覺前要媽媽講故事...生活就是這樣,日復一日,放學後等著把拔馬麻來接她,日子一天一天過! His understanding of the past, present, and future will become clearer this year. He grasps now that night follows morning and that "tomorrow" is the very next day. If he can't do it already, he'll soon be able to gauge the difference between "in a few minutes" and "in an hour." 但是她對於時間長短的掌握還不是很明確,有時跟她說「等一下」,可是實際才過了幾秒,就問我「好了沒」,或許未來一年她能夠更清楚認知「時間」的概念。 To reinforce these concepts, try to stick to daily routines and discuss the day's plans with your child: "After we get dressed and have breakfast, we'll go to the library. We can stay for an hour; then it will be time for your haircut." Refer to specific times along with events, even though your child can't yet tell time: "At 3 o'clock, when your sister comes home from school, we can go ride bikes." 上次帶她去看「穿長靴的貓」,因為太早跟她說,讓她有了期待,因此每隔一段時間就問我一次,還有冰淇淋工廠也是,一直問我何時會帶她去...對於「時間」,最好的方法就是用特定事件來標記,讓她清楚認知放學接她回家後的時間,會帶她出去玩/買東西... Try keeping a family calendar to count down the days to special events. Start about a week ahead — longer intervals don't make sense at this age. And encourage your preschooler's interest in leafing through his baby pictures — looking into the past is another way 4-year-olds gain perspective on time. 哈!我們家客廳有一串鑰匙鏈相片,就是小馨剛出生時的照片,她有時會自己說,那是她還小的時候,現在已經很大了....哈哈!現在她四歲,她會說以前我還小的時候,真是可愛! Your life now Most kids from ages 4 to 8 should ride in a booster seat in the car. But you don't need to make the switch automatically once your child turns 4 — his size is a better indicator. Check the weight limits on the label of your child's five-point car safety seat. As long as he fits in it, that's the safest way for him to ride. When your child outgrows the car safety seat, make sure he sits on a booster seat every time — and always in the back. An air bag is more of a danger than a protection to someone of such small stature. Always use the booster seat with a shoulder as well as a lap belt. Most booster seats accommodate weights between 40 and 60 pounds. 安全座椅現在對小馨來說已經習慣了!她知道那是她的座位,我們也很高興能夠堅持使用安全座椅、不妥協,之前她還小,不願意被束縛在安全座椅上,現在已經能接受不再抗拒了!

Your 4-Year-Old: Figuring out the Fours


Figuring Out the Fours Wow, 4 years old already?! If 3-year-olds are busy, inquisitive, and fun, 4-year-olds are all that, magnified — yet with a budding maturity, self-control, and understanding of rules that help make life a bit calmer. Sociability is a hallmark of this age. Wariness around new people wanes, and your child will likely enjoy making friends and playing with them. 哇!!已經四歲了!小馨轉眼間就四歲了,園所老師說她感觸很深,看著從她一歲半到4歲...我們為人父母者又何嘗不是這種感受?! 但是就像上面描述的,小馨的社交、成熟度與控制度都愈來愈好,也深知生活裡的常規不容踰矩,細細想來,小馨算是很乖巧、好帶的小孩,除了兩歲時常發燒生病,讓人擔憂不已外,其他倒是沒讓我們傷太多腦筋。 Your 4-year-old now Welcome to a year that's full of building on old skills while picking up brand-new ones at breakneck speed. Four is typically a lively, energetic, and sociable year. 四歲是充滿生氣、活力和社交生活的一年!Confident about basics like speaking, running, drawing, and building things, your child is ready to use these skills to the fullest.小馨無時無刻都在證明自己已經是個大姊姊,而且她還很會「管人」:管把拔開車時不要講話、管馬麻不小心說錯話....一直覺得小馨跟自己小時候很像,像是個大姐頭!哈! Even more reserved 4-year-olds tend to enjoy the company of adults and children of all ages, from the smallest babies (next to whom they feel "so big") to the oldest great-grandparents (with whom they can often connect on the simple level of enjoying a moment together). Everybody seems fascinating now, from the mail carrier to cousins to random new faces on the playground. 四歲小孩的社交人物從小到大,從寶寶到阿祖等級的人物都是她可以play with的對象,不過小馨自己說她很害羞,看到很多人時她會低下頭或將頭埋入把拔馬麻懷中,不願見人...特別是當她成為焦點時,她要好一會兒才可以自在與別人互動,這點從小到大都沒變過。 Your life now Your child's birthday probably brought a few (or more than a few) new toys into your house. Time for the post-birthday purge. Look through your child's playthings to figure out what hasn't seen any action in a while and might be expendable. It's easiest to give toys away on the sly. 哇!這段話說得太好了!我們前一陣子果然將客廳的玩具好好整理了一番,家裡的玩具實在太多了,這次的生日小姑姑送了骨排遊戲,可是她還不會玩,而且需要很多耐心,至於其他毛茸茸的玩具,我也提醒老公不要再買了,這些玩具她很難割愛,送也送不走只好堆在家裡...If you ask permission, your child is apt to insist on saving everything, but at this age she isn't likely to notice the disappearance if it's not mentioned. (If you're worried, you could put outgoing toys into purgatory in the garage for a week or so to make sure they're not missed before heaving them for good.) 哈!這點說得一點也沒錯!又是勝得我心的一句話:「可以將一些玩具悄悄地丟掉,如果擔心她突然想起來,可以先放在車庫中一段時間,她不會注意到後再丟掉」!Charities such as Goodwill, family shelters, daycares (especially at religious centers or other nonprofits), and fund-raising bazaars may welcome toys that are in good shape. And you'll be glad to have less clutter around the house. It's also wise to start hiding away some of the toys you decide to keep and bringing them out periodically in rotation. A child who has too many toys around can have a hard time focusing on anything for very long. Having fewer playthings helps create a sense of order, which is calming for both of you. 「或將玩具藏起來....」,小馨的玩具分散在秘密基地及客廳,以前每隔一段時間我會將兩邊的玩具互換,現在懶了,客廳的玩具幾乎都被她玩遍了,所以偶爾如果到秘密基地發現舊玩具,又可以讓她玩上一段時間。



晚上回家後,為了能讓明天打掃阿姨有個乾淨的環境,因此我要小馨跟我一起收玩具... 對於「收玩具」這件事,小馨基本上是配合的,我則初步過濾一些小小玩具、歸類、重新整理,整理後發現家裡小玩具或有殘缺的玩具,則在經過她允許後丟掉(曾經幾次沒經過她允許,被她在垃圾桶發現,又檢了回來...) 還有些玩具則是已經不適合她的年齡了,也經過她同意後整理送給小強的baby... 其中有個玩具我實在不想再讓她玩佔家裡空間了,因此就問了她能不能送走? 馨答:「不行!我還要玩」 .....媽媽繼續整理玩具 (過了5分鐘) 媽媽又看了那個玩具,想說再問一次好了,說不定她會改變心意... 媽問:「可以把這個玩具送給小baby嗎?」 馨答:「當然不可以啊!我剛剛不是說不行嗎?妳怎麼又問了呢?」 當場媽媽無言,因為她的回答實在太"小大人"樣了,實在很好笑! 說到這點個性,真的跟老公很像,什麼都要、都不許丟....完全遺傳到老公,希望家裡以後不會變成倉庫啊! 而這點,梓熏就比較大剌剌,什麼都無所謂、什麼都可以給...也不會捨不得,反之庭琳就好一些。 而且小馨記憶力超好,她幾乎記得這個玩具是誰買的、誰送給她的! 有一個珊迪的玩具,是我從南投拿回來以兩個姐姐的名義送給小馨,當做她不能跟我去南投的補償,我也是問她能不能送給別人,她說「這是姊姊送給我的玩具,如果我送給別人,姊姊知道了會很難過...」 唉∼也是啦!就成全她再保留一陣子吧!

Your 3-Year-Old: A Is for Aaron


A Is for Aaron Often, the first letter a child learns is the first letter of his name. ("Hey! There's my A!") When he later recognizes his entire name, he's not so much reading it as he is identifying that those symbols mean his name. Symbol recognition, of course, is essential for reading. But before he can learn the sounds of the letters, he has to make the mental leap to understanding that those squiggles and lines stand for ideas. 呵呵!雖然我們不是美國人,沒有用英文聽說讀寫,但小馨的發展歷程與同齡的外國小孩是一樣的!小馨也會認字了!她可以認得她的entire name,就從接她放學時她可以找到自己的書包這件事,就可以證明! 約有半年了吧!剛開始很訝異她會認自己的名字,後來老師才說為了讓他們有秩序,因此有教導他們認名字、也給每個人編號,現在他們都能很守秩序... Your 3-Year-Old Now: Your child may or may not know how to write his name. But you can prime the pump by letting him see his name in lots of places. Often 3-year-olds recognize the letters (or just the first letter) of their name. They can't yet "read," but this kind of symbol recognition is a key pre-reading skill. Objects around the house decorated with your child's name give him a thrill every time he "reads" them. You can buy puzzles with the letters of his name, for example, or put a nameplate on his door. These things also give him a sense of ownership and individuality. 在家裡任何地方貼上她的名字?其實學校裡已經讓她認識字了,家裡不需要再貼,不過家裡是有許多姓名標籤,她的物品(水壺、書本..)有些會貼姓名標籤,她就知道那是她的東西。 不過我們不是外國人,沒有拼音,因此英文字母對她來說是陌生的,不像美國人拿字母來教小孩認字,尤其外國小孩看到自己名字的拼音字母,會有親切感... Ask him to find things in the environment with his letter. Tad can find trees, trucks, and trains and Sarah can find socks, signs, and scissors. Tad is for trees,trucks....外國小孩就是這樣認識自己的名字吧!小馨的名字比較少在雜誌或書報中出現,但她應該認識「林」,呵呵。 Your Life Now: Your child is probably constantly amazing you with his new abilities to work puzzles and identify shapes and colors. This is a year of great strides in working with academic building blocks. But what if you feel your preschooler is not just bright, but so advanced he's gifted? Should you have his IQ tested? 小馨最近的確比較會玩積木了!尤其這個月生日,收到了兩種積木玩具,除了小lego實在太小、不好組裝,她的手指精密度還無法勝任外,其他大shape的積木都玩得很好! The answer is that it's too soon to bother. Intelligence tests are not particularly valid before age 5 or so, and there's not much that you could do with the results anyway. A gifted 3-year-old essentially needs the same kinds of stimulation and enrichment that his peers do: new experiences, free play, exposure to lots of language, and a wide variety of stuff to play with. 四歲小孩的智商?我不會擔心這個,小馨是個很「正常」的小孩,到了什麼階段會有什麼反應,她都有照正常程序發展,不過這裡說到,五歲時才能看出她的天賦異秉,現在只要能繼續給她刺激與環境、足夠的語言環境去說、去表達...這樣就可以了!

Your 3-Year-Old: Yech...Peas


Yech ... Peas Parenting a preschooler demands patience — perhaps nowhere more than at the dining table. Your child may skip meals, pick at her veggies, or eat only white-colored foods for weeks on end. These erratic eating habits are perfectly normal, especially at this age. 沒錯!小馨會挑小青菜!她不是不吃青菜,而是會挑芹菜、蔥花等小小的菜類,通常是在湯裡面,我需要有耐心地幫她挑掉,這時就不免怨嘆:小馨的這個壞習慣是來自老公的遺傳,但為什麼是由我來承受?這種挑菜的動作是很煩的!應該讓她的爸爸自己得到「報應」才對吧! Your 3-year-old now Preschoolers are seldom gourmands — they're too busy to be too interested in food, Some kids, though, are more adventuresome eaters than others. If you have one who tends to be finicky, you need to walk the fine line between haranguing and giving up. If you force foods on your child or try to make her clean her plate, she's apt to dig in her heels. You don't want to surround mealtimes and food with too much emotion. Don't let fussiness stop you from presenting healthy choices, though. Many preschoolers go through a stage of fearing new foods. They'd rather skip the park for a week than let a single broccoli floret pass their lips. But this is also the age when children develop the food habits they'll have for a lifetime, so it's best to keep trying. Nutritionists have found that a new food may need to be presented as many as 20 times before a child will agree to try it. What's happening those other 19 times is that the child is growing more familiar with it. Even if she acts indifferent, she's smelling it, eyeing it, seeing how it feels in her hand or on a fork. She's also watching you eat it, which is another way of familiarizing herself. Obviously it's impossibly frustrating to prepare a special, nutritious dish for your child only to have it rejected again and again. This is another reason it's a good idea to offer your child small portions of whatever you've made for yourself (and another reason to cook nutritious food for yourself!). Bottom line is, you're in charge of what food comes into the house and what gets put on the table. Your child is in charge of what goes in her mouth. Your life now As you watch your child branch out into a wider sphere of playmates, it's not uncommon to be a tiny bit anxious: Will she be well liked? Make friends easily? It's reassuring to know that some children mature socially later than others and may not have a strong interest in interacting with other kids until after they turn 4 or 5. Some kids are more naturally reserved. Neither situation, though, means you'll have a wallflower for life. With time, encouragement, and opportunity, your child's social world will expand. You may need to act as the social director for a while, arranging playdates or inviting a preschool mate for a snack.

Your 3-Year Old: Using Your Sences


Using Your Senses One of the reasons kids are discouraged from watching much TV in the early years is that they learn best from handling three-dimensional objects. Seeing a flower on TV is not nearly the same as holding one, feeling how soft and lightweight it is, smelling it, and noticing the gradations in color. Scientists now know that the best way to learn something is to take it in through multiple senses at the same time. 最近真的開始擔心小馨電視看太多,其實不只是電視,還有ipad、iphone、DVD...,而且住在大樓內的我們,平常也很少帶她出去活動,更別說老公太忙帶我們出去接觸綠色。現在四月了,想買部腳踏車給她,希望能讓她多出去活動一下,不要變成四眼田雞啊!! 現在即使ipad上的app遊戲做得再逼真,都比不上她直接接觸大自然,以前王大師說他女兒有一陣子迷上ipad上雨滴的遊戲,結果他讓女兒拿荷葉加上水滴,那種互動與經歷,是電子遊戲模擬不來的! Your 3-year-old now Did you ever find it easy to learn a new scientific principle or rule of grammar because it was set to music, a la "Schoolhouse Rock"? Research has shown that children may learn best when more than one sense is engaged at the same time. So, when your child is learning to write letters, have him trace the letter in a plate of sand or sugar. Seeing the letter, feeling the shape of it, and moving fingers and arms causes different parts of the brain to work simultaneously to reinforce the learning of the letter. You can see this kind of multisensory learning in action during ordinary play — wiggling toes in mud, tasting snow, or dancing to kiddie CDs. The more opportunities you give your child to smell, touch, taste, see, and hear his world, the more he learns about it. Your child also has his own personal learning style that may favor one kind of sensory input above others. Some children are visual, for example, and need to see how things work; others understand better if they listen or if they get up and move around. Your life now Big kids make big sneezes! Although you've probably taught your child how to sneeze into a tissue, there's another trick worth learning. When he can't get to a tissue in time, tell him to turn and sneeze into the inside of his elbow. That's better than broadcasting germs all over the room. 小馨打噴嚏時已經學會用手嗚住口鼻,我看見園所裡若有小朋友咳嗽或打噴嚏,也都會遮起來,大概是老師教的吧!還有老師會主動幫小朋友戴上口罩,這也是保護自己的方法吧!

Your 3 3/4-year-old: Classes for preschoolers?


Time for Class? We all want our child to shine. In this increasingly competitive world, is signing up for ballet, swimming, or music lessons now the best way for her to excel later? Not necessarily. While classes can expose your child to new things and spice up your day, overscheduling can actually hurt your child. At this age, kids learn as much, if not more, by playing than they do in structured classes. 去年九月起也想安排小馨上YAMAHA 音樂課、打擊樂課及奧福美育課程,不過經過幾次體驗與思考後,還是放棄了!因為小馨已經進入幼兒園,幼兒園的活動課程已經夠多采多姿了,坊間那些課程應該都是設計給尚未進入preschool的小孩,小馨在幼兒園已經有了體能課、畫畫、英語、捏陶土....正好讓我們省下一筆才藝課的經費。 Your 3-year-old now Planned lessons, classes, and activities abound for 3-year-olds, but sign up with care. Activities can easily become too much. Preschoolers who have every moment planned for them don't learn how to entertain themselves, stunting their imagination, creativity, and independence. Even if you like to keep your child busy during the day, downtime is as essential as activity time. How much is too much? Many child development specialists think one scheduled class or activity in a week is plenty for 3-year-olds. 專家說,一週一次的課程就已足夠 Pay attention to your child's behavior. Notice if she disengages during the class, cries, or refuses to go. Temper tantrums, disrupted sleep, and grumpy mornings are other signals that an activity might not be right or the day might be too structured overall. Experts agree that there's nothing a 3-year-old can "miss out on" that she can't do in good time when she's older. So if you're the slightest bit unsure about whether your child is ready for dance or gymnastics, wait another year. 其實我也想讓她學彈鋼琴、舞蹈或打擊樂,不過四歲顯然還是太早,依照「美國」專家說法,還可以再等一年! Your life now Having your child strapped into the seat of a shopping cart has been a handy way to run errands ever since she could sit up. But as she heads toward 4, take care to monitor whether this is still safe. Many kids wind up in the emergency room each year when shopping carts tip over or kids clamber out and fall. When your child is too big for the front seat, she'll have to walk alongside you; the grocery part of the cart is not designed to hold children, and it's not safe. Don't ever leave your child unattended in a shopping cart, even for an instant.

Your 3-Year-Old: Yuck It Up


Yuck It Up Research has shown that children who like a good laugh are more creative, have higher self-esteem, and get along better with peers. Nonsense songs, animal sounds, and lots of crazy gestures bring out a child's giggles — and that's good. 小馨喜歡一些怪怪聲音,這些聲音都可以逗得她很開心....早上看Micky Monse時,我們發現唐老鴨的聲音很沙啞、又聽不出來牠講什麼話,只覺得很好笑,果然小馨就樂起來了,自己也在哈哈笑不停。Taking advantage of your child's sense of humor can help make hard days run more smoothly. Your 3-year-old now Funny-sounding words or names, rhymes, and silly songs amuse young children endlessly — they're fun to pronounce and sound delightfully "wrong." To cultivate your child's sense of humor (which, incidentally, is thought to be learned, not inherited), try these ideas: Call things by the wrong name (when your child knows the right one). Say something like, "That doggie is meowing!" 故意說錯一些人名、將兒歌亂哼一通唱給她聽,小馨一定覺得好笑,而且還會糾正我們,不過等到她知道我們是故意的之後,她反而玩得比我們厲害,自己也會create一些好笑的錯誤! Play with the sounds of words. Your child may make up silly rhymes like "I love Mommy wommy grommy." Play dumb. Say, "Now where are my glasses? I can't find my glasses anywhere!" when they're right on top of your head. Make "mistakes." Try to put your child's socks on his hands or his pants on his arms. 故意犯錯也是可以導致笑點!故意裝做baby吸手指頭....不曉得她會有什麼反應... Your preschooler loves this kind of humor because getting the joke allows him to feel smart and "big." Taking a moment to be silly can grease the wheels of cooperation on days when you're running late or dealing with dawdling. Your life now Being around a 3-year-old isn't always a comedy routine. When tantrums, nonstop action, or other patience-testers wear you down, try 5-7-8 breathing: Breathe in deeply for a count of five, hold your breath for a count of seven, and then slowly exhale for a count of eight. Repeat this four or five times (with your eyes closed if you're in a position to take your eyes off your child for that long) and you're apt to find yourself calmer. (Not more rested, but at least calmer!)

Your 3-year-old:Your Budding Picasso


Your Budding Picasso It's exciting to see your child's first drawing of a recognizable thing, often a rudimentary person. Your child will also start ascribing meaning to her art (sometimes it's what she intended to draw, sometimes she'll decide what it's about after the fact). "That's you and me." Often, though, the picture isn't meant to be a picture of anything at all. You can encourage her by providing plenty of art materials and not trying to direct her work. 小馨會畫圖了!有時她會畫完圖後問我「這是什麼」?我會胡亂回答(因為她的畫也很抽象),有時會猜中、有時被她說不對...只有她自己知道那是什麼,不過她會畫太陽,畫得很好!其餘都是圈圈或線條...也看不出什麼啦! Your 3-year-old now To help your child benefit from making art: Don't direct her work or try to teach her how to draw or make a specific thing. Give her the tools and then step out of the way. 其實畫畫最可以表現出小孩子的創造力與想像力,我知道不要去限制她、引導她如何畫,避免受到大人世界的影響,這也是小朋友最可愛之處。 Lay down some newspaper on the work surface or a tarp on the floor and then let your child be messy (within reason, of course). This is one area in which she should have complete creative control. Let her discover new techniques. She may paint with a paper clip or glue clay to a piece of paper. Instead of asking, "What's that?" when presented with an unrecognizable image, comment on the color or boldness of a line, and invite your child to tell you more about it. 不要去問小孩子妳畫什麼...這的確很困難,我想一般大人的直覺都會問這個問題吧!記得以前就接受過類似的觀念,時間一久就忘了!我想還是讓她自己介紹她畫了什麼比較好! Ask your child what she likes about the art. You might hear something unexpected, like, "Yellow makes me happy." Ask if your child wants you to write down the name of the picture, or if she can tell you a story about it. Display artwork in a prominent place to show your child you value it. 這點倒是很好的作法:將孩子的畫放在顯眼之處!昨晚小馨看到床前放著她自己畫的「繪畫小書」(其實是著色小書),她很興奮地敘述當時畫畫的過程...呵呵,想不到小孩子的記憶這麼好又這麼鮮明啊! Some children may not sit still long enough to draw. Don't force it; try again another day with different materials. It may be a matter of finding the right medium to whet her appetite. Your life now Do you find yourself spending long minutes sorting blocks, cars, balls, and toy animals back into their proper containers at the end of the day? Don't. Three-year-olds are still deeply into dump-it-all-out play, and by breakfast tomorrow you'll only have another mess. Better to bring out fewer types of toys at one time, so they can be put away more easily. 沒錯!到現在小馨都還不喜歡收玩具,反而喜歡將玩具全部倒出來,顯示她有足夠很多的玩具...每當家裡要有人來打掃前一天,我就開始傷腦筋,雖然將玩具收好了,但很快也弄亂了!只能說,家中有小孩的人,對居家佈置要求不能太高啊!

Your 3-Year-Old: Why Lie?


看著小孩長大真的是一件有趣的事情,即時小馨已經快四歲了,與學步兒階段不同,她現在已經很會講話、也聽懂大人的話,甚至會搶話回答...真的很不一樣了! Why Lie? It's said that George Washington could not tell a lie … but on the other hand, even the father of our country was a 3-year-old once. In some ways, preschoolers can't help but lie. They don't usually mean to. The "fibbing" is just one way your preschooler is coping with the world right now. 這個時期的小孩會說謊?一直以為小孩都會講真話,即使講的不真,也是她自己想像出來的劇碼,其實是很好笑的,想不到,小孩會說謊嗎? Your 3-year-old now If you haven't heard your child tell a whopper(瞞天大謊) yet, don't be shocked if the day arrives soon. She may vigorously deny having broken your antique china cup even if you saw her do it. 這點我倒是有經驗,親眼看過小馨做的事,然後被她否認...這樣子就是說謊嗎? Why? It's not malicious, you'll be glad to hear. If the incident happened more than a few hours ago, she may truly not recall it, for one thing.沒錯!小孩的記憶力與理解力的確還在增長中,所謂「謊言」未必是她真願意說謊,而是她根本搞不清楚事情的真意,因此才有否定的答案! Three-year-olds' memories are still short, especially for anything that makes them uncomfortable.哦!原來三歲小孩的記憶力還很短,尤其是遇到令她不舒服的事。不過另一方面,小馨的記憶力也很強,會記住一些小小的事件,例如她看到把拔在整理棉被,就說這件棉被會讓媽媽打噴嚏!她真貼心!連媽媽以前講過的話都記得! Or she may remember, but understanding that it wasn't the right thing to do, she now wishes that she hadn't touched it. So she convinces herself — and then tries to convince you — of her innocence by wishing the smash away. Children don't tolerate emotional pain, so they reinvent their own reality or pass the buck to someone else. This process is quite automatic as children become convinced of the truth of what they're saying. Intentional, manipulative, or malevolent intent to deceive doesn't happen at this age. 故意性的說謊還不會發生,沒錯!她不會故意去扯謊,就像之前要便便,可是進去廁所多次都沒有便出來,她絕不是故意戲弄我們,而是真的便不出來!Try not to accuse your child directly, especially if you know she's guilty. Instead, say something like, "I saw you knock over the cup. You need to tell me when things like that happen. Come help me clean it up." You want her to be able to come to you and speak the truth without fearing your anger or harsh reprimands.要引導她說出實話,也要有點技巧,用鼓勵性質取代責罰,希望她不是故意說謊、不要用大人的狡詐套用在她身上! You can teach her an appropriate response and a way to make up for the harm. Above all, your child needs to know that you love her no matter what mistakes she makes. 讓她知道把拔碼麻愛她,即使她不小心做錯事情,我們都會疼她、視她為寶貝! Your life now Amid the sleep battles and tantrums, it's easy to miss the silver linings of life with a 3-year-old: Your child is endlessly curious — maybe you'll learn something, too. Your child is so enthusiastic — maybe some of that energy will rub off on you. Your child is forgiving — no matter what happens today, you can count on a 3-year-old to start tomorrow with a fresh outlook and ready smile. Your child sees the world with wonder.