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20 週 -half way to go~~


自三月初開始媽咪靜下來時 已經可以開始感受到小小北鼻的胎動囉 山大王也對媽咪說 "媽咪你為什麼肚肚這麼大呀?" 我們也常常以小北鼻為藉口鼓勵山大王 要做個好哥哥喔 除了當big boy; good boy外 山大王還有一些當哥哥的任務: 1. 不要亂丟東西嚇到媽咪肚肚裡的小北鼻 2. 要給媽咪肚肚裡的北鼻抱抱惜惜 3. 唱歌說故事給小北鼻聽 最近媽咪想吃的有: 頂級超新鮮的生蠔 頂級medium raw牛排 東京自由之丘的甜點店「Mont St. Clair」 青山的人氣甜點專門店「Quil Fait Bon」 Quil Fait Bon 東京都港區南青山3-18-5 +81-3-54147741 Mont St. Clair 東京都目黑區自由之丘2-22-4 +81-3-37185200 La Réserve 東京都港區西麻布4-3-7 +81-3-57666880 刀削麵莊 東京都新宿区西新宿1-12-5 三平西口ビル4F 羊肉泡莫 最近媽咪的確有nesting instinct Quote from Ask Dr. Sears: The nesting instinct, so much a part of the folklore of later pregnancy, often shows itself for the first time around the fifth month. Coincident with a spurt of energy, you may have a sudden urge to clean house, even to extremes you've never tackled before (wall-washing anyone?). You may find that where you once were outgoing, you now prefer to keep to your nest, like a brood hen. ITCHY AND SENSITIVE BELLY Stretching skin itches. That's a dermatological fact. Massage a soothing emollient into the itchy areas. Beginning in the second half of your pregnancy you may not want to wear anything that binds on your belly or to lie on it. CRAMPING As early as the fifth month some women, especially those in their second or subsequent pregnancies, experience abdominal discomfort similar to but less intense than menstrual cramps. These tiny contractions are a prelude to warm-up contractions called Braxton Hicks, which are more frequent and more noticeable during the third trimester. ROUND LIGAMENT PAIN The tissue surrounding and supporting your uterus has more work to do now that your uterus is bigger and heavier. This brings new physical sensations. Large ligaments, called round ligaments, on each side of your uterus attach your uterus to your pelvis. Round ligaments must stretch as your uterus grows. This slow and steady stretching does not itself cause discomfort, but because they are being taxed by change, round ligaments can suddenly become sensitive to normal actions. The most common offender is a sudden change of position. When you twist, or get out of bed in the morning, round ligament strain can cause a gripping pain along one or both sides of your lower abdomen, or even toward your back. While not harmful to baby, this pain can sometimes be excruciating for you. To prevent or lessen pelvic-ligament pain, try leg lift exercises. Avoid sudden changes of position, especially from sitting to standing and when getting out of bed. Try lying down on your side, either the side of the pain or the opposite one – whichever brings you more relief. If you need more relief, try a hot water bottle. CHANGES IN YOUR VISION AND EYE MOISTURE Sometime during the mid-trimester, many women find their vision changes, usually for the worse. The increased fluid retention throughout your body actually changes the shape of your eyeballs, and with it your vision. Some women become more far-sighted, some more near-sighted during pregnancy. You may feel you need a change in the prescription of your glasses, or your contact lenses may become uncomfortable, as if they no longer fit. Another cause of vision changes in pregnancy is the drop in estrogen, which decreases the moisture available to your eyes (dry-eye syndrome), and can lead to blurred vision, light sensitivity, and red, burning eyes FEET CHANGES If you feel your feet are getting larger and heavier as your abdomen does, you are right. That's the fluid collecting in your ankles and feet, especially after a day of standing. Feet also feel the effects of the normal ligament looseness that develops throughout your body, causing weight-bearing joints to stretch and widen, and arches to fall. The extra body fat you are accumulating doesn't help any. Put all these changes into a shoe, and it's no wonder that it no longer fits. Most women require at least a half-size larger shoe in the second half of their pregnancy, and around fifteen percent of moms permanently require footwear at least a half-size larger. Easy Ways to Be Kind to Your Feet Elevate them as much as possible. Avoid standing for long times without a break. Do foot exercises: flex your toes and then pull them toward you as you point the heel away from you. Extend your leg, point your toes up, and make a circle with your toes, rotating your whole foot and ankle. This also exercises the calf muscles after standing or sitting for a long time. Solicit a foot massage: the masseur holds the aching foot in both hands, places his thumb just under the ball of the foot, and moves along the arch, massaging in slow, circular strokes. Nurse swollen, painful, day's-end feet in cool water. Allow your feet to breathe by using cotton socks. Choose shoes with wide, low heels (no higher than two inches) or wedges. Non-skid soles make you more sure-footed. Try soft leather or canvas shoes, preferably without laces, since sooner or later you won't be able to bend over to tie them. Shop for new shoes at the end of the day when your feet are most swollen. Try orthotics – plastic arch supports that fit into your shoes. These are available at most shoe stores, pharmacies, or molded custom by a podiatrist. GROWING CONCERNS Now that you are bigger, you may have a whole host of new fears. Feeling the baby move and perhaps seeing the clear evidence of baby's presence tend to make mothers acutely aware of the little life they're protecting. With this awareness come new, and very real, concerns. How will you be physically able to handle everything – job, home, older children? How will you be able to stretch yourself emotionally? How will your relationship with your mate change now that you are so preoccupied with your pregnancy? What about the baby? The fear of bearing a deformed baby crops up now and then. We'll take a look at the most common concerns women have during the middle trimester. FEAR OF FALLING In the first trimester, a thick, muscular uterus and an even more protective pelvic bone shield your baby, so it is nearly impossible to injure her if you trip and fall. By the fifth month, however, your uterus grows beyond the protective shell of your pelvic bone. While the chances of injury from a simple fall are still very unlikely, you will naturally worry more. If your expanding breasts don't yet obstruct your view of your feet, your abdomen soon will, and so you can't always look down to see where you are stepping. Since your body is changing rapidly, your balance will not be as secure or as graceful as it used to be. In the months to come, you will not only become less graceful, but also less agile. There is no need to worry unduly about minor falls. Your baby is well protected by the natural shock absorbers of your abdominal muscles, uterine muscles, fetal membranes, and the amniotic fluid, all of which cushion any outside blows. It would take an accident that seriously injures mommy to have even a remote chance of injuring baby. To see how well your baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac, fill a mayonnaise jar with water, place an egg in it, shake it up, and see how well protected the egg is. Amniotic fluid is actually thicker and more protective than water. While baby is unlikely to be hurt by a fall, you may be. A sprained ankle or twisted knee is no cakewalk without painkillers, and might necessitate x-rays or other medical interventions you would rather avoid. Realize the natural limitations that your new body imposes. FEAR OF DEFORMITIES It is inevitable that you will be afraid that your baby will be imperfect, that's why moms and dads count fingers and toes with such delight right after birth. Minor imperfections like birthmarks, skin tags, an oddly shaped head (it will look nice and round in a day or two) often alarm new parents the day of birth. Concerns that major deformities like clubfeet, Down syndrome, heart defects, or digestive abnormalities are possible, yet these are extremely rare. Firmly tell yourself to stop worrying. Nothing is gained by borrowing trouble, as our grandmothers used to say. Medical science is so advanced that it can correct or alleviate most infant problems. If you can't stop obsessing to the extent that it disturbs your ability to be a wife and enjoy your pregnancy, seek professional help.



看著攏起的肚皮 雖然現在媽咪還不知道是男是女 但心裏暗暗希望是女兒 眾多原因也因為預產期7/31的農曆剛好是七夕 媽咪告訴爸鼻後 爸鼻想一想說:是仙女下凡? 媽咪有時也會要山大王哥哥摸摸媽咪肚肚 跟小小北鼻喊話:媽咪要唸故事囉 或要山大王跟小小北鼻說:"要乖乖喔" 看山大王跟著媽咪跟小小北鼻說話的樣子 真得很感動喔~ 進入第二孕期 媽咪一掃初期懷孕的難受 現在滿腦子就是想著:好吃的... 心情也跟著好轉 很興奮地希望快些知道小北鼻的性別 好準備小北鼻的用品和名字 以下是媽咪吃午餐最喜歡的配料: Yilan生活美食玩家 美食地圖 只是嘆息家裡附近好吃的餐廳有限 真是羨慕這些有錢有閑的美食家呀 想當初媽咪就是喜歡把美食新鮮拍出來的攝影照片 才學商攝的 雖然只有修一兩年 現在一樣無用武之地... 既然決定生完寶寶後就要辭到朝八晚五的通勤上班族工作 媽咪也開始得認真充實自己做一個好媽媽 還有找到自己想做的part-time working from home project. 以下是關於小仙女第17-20週的成長 摘自Ask Dr. Sears TEN GROWTH MILESTONES AT THIRTEEN TO SIXTEEN WEEKS By the end of the 16th week, you can easily feel your grapefruit-sized uterus midway between your pubic bone and your navel. Let's look at 10 growth milestones during this month: Your little "peach" is about the size of a peach! Baby doubles her length and nearly quadruples her weight. She is around five inches long and weighs around four ounces at the end of the 16th week. Her arms lengthen this month and she can flex her arms, clasp her hands, and suck her thumb. Her legs lengthen, and kicking intensifies (you probably don't feel it yet). Her bones (arms, hands, and legs) form and are visible on x-ray or ultrasound. Baby "breathes" amniotic fluid in and out through the developing air passages and tiny sacs in her lungs. Her external ear folds are becoming more developed, as is her hearing, enabling her to react to sounds. She develops her own unique fingerprints. Blood vessels proliferate at a rapid rate and show through baby's thin, still transparent skin. The placenta becomes the prime producer of pregnancy hormones you will continually need to nourish your baby and yourself, and your baby now free floats in her own bubble of amniotic fluid, contained in an amniotic sac. By the 16th week, there is enough amniotic fluid for doctors to safely enter the fluid- filled sac by a procedure called amniocentesis. TEN GROWTH MILESTONES AT SEVENTEEN TO TWENTY WEEKS By the end of this month you can feel your cantaloupe-sized uterus at the level of your navel. Other growth milestones include: Your baby weighs around three-quarters of a pound, and measures between 8-10 inches long. This is about half the length baby will be at birth. Baby's legs, now around the size of your little finger, continue growing, become more muscular, and make their presence felt as tiny flutter kicks. He waves his growing, but still tiny, arms. On ultrasound, you may see him sucking his thumb and making a fist. Baby hair is beginning to appear on his upper lid, eyebrows, and head. His skin, previously thin and transparent, now begins to accumulate fat deposits. Baby's oil glands start to secrete a waxy substance that mixes with his dead skin cells to form a cheesy coating, called the Vernix caseosa, which acts like a sort of wetsuit protecting the little swimmer's skin from chapping. Fine, temporary hair—called lanugo (meaning "wool")—covers most of his body and helps to hold the vernix on the skin. Baby's digestive system functions better now, and he regularly swallows amniotic fluid and urinates into it. By this month, baby's middle ear structures have formed, enabling baby to hear sound. Still, baby cannot yet survive outside the womb at this stage because his lungs are still undeveloped.



連續第三次產檢都是全家一早出門 當然媽咪起床第一件事就是洗澡 山大王起床第一件事就是看他星期六早上特別期待的:"新的Thomas" 爸鼻起床後"他的"第一件事就是喝咖啡 可憐通常爸鼻星期六起床得幫山大王錄"新的Thomas" 如果爸鼻今天夠幸福可以賴床 起床後就會有媽咪弄好的早餐和好喝咖啡 像今天要去產檢的週末 可憐爸鼻弄完早餐錄好Thomas 想去洗個10分鐘澡 都被媽咪限制只能有五分鐘 今天產檢媽咪算是滿意 做了子宮抹片檢查 抽兩大管三小管的驗血報告出來 除了有貧血外一切正常 第一次的超音波檢查也是正常 醫生也很詳細解釋報告給我們聽 山大王期間還很雞婆地打斷醫生的解釋 跟媽咪說:"You go talk to Uncle, OK!" 醫生也不在意笑笑說山大王中文英文都說很好 繼續回答媽咪的問題 我們也聽了小北鼻心跳後 就可以三週後再來檢查囉 下次就要安排做第二次超音波檢查 還有安排加州血液檢查 再三週很快懷孕的過程就要過一半囉 產檢完山大王一家去看Culver Plaza舉辦的戶外多元文化表演 今天雖然天氣很好 但這些表演鼓舞的高中生們 女生都是挽高袖子; 男生都是半赤膊 說山大王對鼓感興趣倒不如說山大王只是看熱鬧 因為爸鼻還要保養車子去換機油 因此山大王一家還沒看完日本鼓舞就離開了 回到家吃過牛肉麵 爸鼻和媽咪與山大王分兩輛車前進分頭處理週末待辦事宜 結果發現並沒有多大的效率 原因不外山大王累了想睡 喊著要看爸鼻 媽咪又懷孕不能抱他 媽咪只拿回乾洗的衣物 就驅車帶熟睡在車上的山大王去接爸鼻 山大王在車上午睡;爸鼻的車又快好了 山大王一家也無法利用這時間幫山大王買九號鞋 在保養車廠等一個小時多 爸鼻的車也好了 兩輛車開回Costco:爸鼻的車繼續去換新輪胎 期間媽咪得在車上顧山大王睡覺 山大王睡到自然醒 媽咪去Costco買處方孕婦維他命 山大王和爸鼻就在Costco吃點心殺時間 媽咪拿了藥;大家吃過巧克力優格和Chicken Bake 就等爸鼻車子換好輪胎鞋鞋 山大王一家又兩輛車去Target幫山大王找九號鞋 翻遍鞋架還是找不到適合山大王的鞋子 今天沒有帶山大王去看火車 只帶著他跟我們到處跑 山大王一家回到家已經是六點多囉 結束這個辦了許多事的週六



摘自: http://www.cowa.com.tw/p3.asp 1、 何為養胎: 所謂「養胎」就是婦女在懷孕期間正確的飲食、生活及消除疲勞的方法,而其中又以孕婦的飲食管理最為重要,因為胎兒成長所需的養分來源,唯一的管道就是母體,也就是說媽媽吃什麼,小貝比就吸收什麼,所以想要小貝比出生之後先天體質高人一等,就要看媽媽懂不懂得在懷孕期間做好飲食管理,提供給小貝比既正確又充足的養分。 2、 孕婦補充鈣質的重要性: 養胎飲食要訣中,補充大量的天然鈣質可以說是最重要的一項,因為小貝比在媽媽的肚子理,從完全沒有,到形成一個胎兒長出完整的骨骼,需要超大量的鈣質,而小貝比才不管媽媽本身的鈣質夠還是不夠,他要吸收,就會從母體直接吸收,這時,如果準媽媽不懂得用正確的方法來補充鈣質,而一昧的只懂得付出,就會產生二種結果: 1、 小貝比因為鈣質吸收量不足,容易造成發育不良 2、 媽媽本身生產後容易造成腰酸背痛、鈣質流失、骨質疏鬆、未老先衰,甚至會提早更年期! 所以補充天然鈣質是每一位準媽媽必要做的功課。 3、 孕婦補充鈣質的方法: 孕婦補充鈣質的前提是:必須補充天然鈣質! 因為一般含有化學成分的鈣片不容易被母體所吸收,媽媽都吸收不到了,小貝比當然更吸收不到!況且醫學證明,服用過多含有化學成分的藥品,會對人體的肝臟、腎臟造成負擔,所以每一位準媽媽都應該用正確的方法來補充天然鈣質。 養胎飲食要訣 孕婦在懷孕期間,需要有意識補充的養分有三項: 1、天然鈣質: 可避免媽媽鈣質流失、骨質疏鬆,並且提供給小貝比成長骨骼 2、高蛋白質: 提供小貝比成長肌肉及內臟 3、大量蔬菜: 每日須攝取三大盤蔬菜來提高媽媽的代謝力,以便小貝比充分吸收成長所需的養分 天然鈣質補充法有四種,須全部都做,才能完整的做好養胎的功課 1、 大骨熬湯 一隻豬的全副大骨(含四隻大腿骨、脊椎骨、肋骨、尾冬骨及尾巴)、小魚乾(丁香魚)600公克、白醋100cc、水 。 做法: 將豬骨洗淨、川燙後敲裂痕放入鍋中,加入小魚乾,再加入材料體積約12-15倍的 水,最後加入100cc的白醋,加蓋,以大火煮滾後改以中火滾6小時即可。 吃法: 待大骨湯冷卻後,去除大骨及小魚乾,只取湯,平均分成15份,放入冷凍庫保存, 每日取一份食用。 備註: 1、 做一次大骨湯為一個孕婦及胎兒15日的份量。 2、 豬骨亦可更換成牛骨、雞骨、或大魚頭,但須注意份量須充足。 3、 可將大骨熬湯當成料理食物的湯頭或直接服用,但注意須每日服用不可間斷,才能達到養胎的目的。 2、 每天食用100公克的小魚乾或吻仔魚 3、 鮮奶、羊奶或奶粉,每日3次,每次150cc,每日3次,每次150cc 孕婦可多吃的食物 孕婦的飲食管理相當重要,每一位準媽媽都應慎選每日的飲食內容。蓮藕、白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、白菜、黃瓜、香菇、海帶、貝類、魚類、小魚干、大骨、排骨、鮮奶、蔬菜、雞肫、糙米…。 蓮藕可以鎮定神經,幫助排便,促進新陳代謝,消除脹氣,使賀爾蒙協調;白蘿蔔可以消除脹氣,利尿;紅蘿蔔可消除眼睛疲勞,增加小腸吸收功能;白菜、黃瓜為涼性食物,可中和孕婦體溫,消除脹氣,增加代謝力;香菇可促進新陳代謝並防癌;海帶則富含碘而列入建議;干貝(貝類)有安定神經的功效;魚類除含豐富的鈣質外,還可補充蛋白質;大骨、排骨、小魚干及鮮奶可補充鈣質;蔬菜可增加代謝力,排除體內毒素;雞肫可以幫助消化吸收,但處理時須注意,必須完全洗淨,並留下「雞內金」(即裡面的黃膜);糙米可增加代謝力。 孕婦除可多吃以上食物外,還須遵守 3:2:1 的飲食原則,也就是將一日食用的份量分成6份,則早上吃3份,且以肉類為主食,並須配上肉類2倍以上的蔬菜;中午2份,以魚類為主食,同樣須搭配蔬菜;晚餐份量為1,以貝類及小魚或蘿蔔汁蒸粥為主食,並搭配2大盤蔬菜。 另外在烹調的方法上,宜多以蒸、煮、燙、炒等方式料理,並最好能選擇單一味飲食,即鹹、甜、酸、辣等味道不要混和烹調食物,調味料忌用味素(吃太多味素,易導致癌症),可用天然的寡糖代替味素烹調食物,不僅美味,而且又能吃的健康! 孕婦禁忌的食物 1、 蝦(含蝦米)、蟹: 蝦蟹的賀爾蒙十分旺盛,對於因懷孕而處於賀爾蒙分泌不協調狀態的孕婦來說,最好不要吃,因為會加強賀爾蒙失調。 2、 豬肝: 乃破血之效,許多人認為它補血,事實上它是破血(化血)的,所以懷孕初期大量吃豬肝,易導致早期流產,中期易生過敏兒,末期易導致早產。 3、 生冷及冰的食物: 雖然產前需要涼補,但指的是食物的性屬涼性,並非指生冷或冰的食物;生魚片、生菜類等生冷的食物,因未經消毒殺菌,容易造成拉肚子;冰的食物及飲品,會影響胎兒氣管發育,容易生出過敏兒。 4、 太鹹、太辣、烤焦及油炸的食物: 太鹹、太辣者對胎兒太刺激;烤焦者對上呼吸器官神經黏膜有影響,兩者都易造成過敏體質。 5、 薏仁: 其作用為消除體內異常細胞,但因受精卵對人體來說,並不是正常細胞,薏仁的功效恐怕會抑制受精卵的成長,所以應盡量避免攝取。 6、 韭菜、麥芽(糖): 產後退奶時很有效,但孕婦食用會影響賀爾蒙的分泌,且易造成噁心、嘔吐 。 7、 紅花油:避免使用 孕婦症狀與對策 害喜對策 害喜主要是脹氣所引起。症狀多數為噁心、嘔吐。主要成因為體內氣不協調所致。 美如老師的叮嚀: 1、飯前按摩(以腳的回轉與耳朵按摩最有效) 2、米酒薑汁泡腳 3、白蘿蔔汁干貝蒸粥外加一大盤蔬菜 水腫對策 美如老師的叮嚀: 1、 以紅豆湯當點心喝: 紅豆有強心、利尿的效果。一個六十公斤的孕婦,一天必須吃六十克紅豆。紅豆洗好後必須用水浸泡八小時,再用電鍋煮成紅豆飯或紅豆湯。如果是煮成紅豆飯,就當一般的飯吃,若是紅豆湯,不可以只喝湯,一定要連紅豆一起吃才有效。 2、 喝黃耆水: 體重每兩公斤,使用一克的黃耆,加十倍的水,煮一個小時即可。為免天天煮太麻煩,可以一次煮一個星期分量,冷卻後放冰箱,要喝前退冰加熱。 感冒對策 美如老師的叮嚀: 1、 白蘿蔔汁燉牛蒡、蔥白、薑湯 吃法:所有湯汁須分次在一天內喝完,牛蒡也要吃。 2、 白蘿蔔汁燉蓮藕、豬心、干貝湯 吃法:蓮藕及豬心切片,除喝湯外材料也一併吃。 過敏對策 美如老師的叮嚀: 1、 合掌法: 早上起床做。取掉枕頭身體完全平躺,兩腿伸直,深呼吸。再緩緩由下腹部將氣完全吐盡。吸吐動作共做三次。雙臂張開,雙手合攏,手掌上下交互摩擦至產生電能為止。當手中有熱度時,立刻把雙掌交迭合掌,防止熱氣流失。並且立刻將此合掌掩住鼻口 。再以下腹深呼吸,並慢慢將熱氣吐完後再重複共做12次。 2、 米酒薑汁泡腳 3、 蓮藕榨汁或蓮藕、干貝加豬心及白蘿蔔汁燉湯 蓮藕汁每天喝的分量為一公斤體重對500cc蓮藕汁。 濕疹對策 濕疹及皮膚過敏等症狀發於夏秋及冬春交之際,孕婦主要症狀有的是下陰部會癢,對孕婦來說十分困擾。要改善這種情況必須先幫大腸通氣。為什麼皮膚的問題反而要通氣呢?因為,肺與大腸有互為表裏的關係,而肺又與皮膚有關,所以,要治療皮膚問題,須由根本著手,通氣此時依然管用。 美如老師的叮嚀: 大腸頭加綠豆 作法:將大腸尾端拿綿線綁緊,填入綠豆(不可太滿,約一半既可,此乃因蒸時大腸會縮小,而綠豆卻會膨脹),再將另一端也綁緊,放入盤中隔水蒸40分既可取出切片食用。 妊娠糖尿病對策 美如老師的叮嚀: 綠豆水 做法: 1、 孕婦體重每一公斤用一公克綠豆。故孕婦如六十公斤則一天量為六十克綠豆。 2、 每一公克綠豆搭配10cc的冷開水。 3、 綠豆洗淨後。加入冷開水加蓋浸泡八小時。如果孕期為夏天,為防變質,須放置冰箱 PS:將水濾出。一天內當開水分次喝完。每天喝至血糖降回正常為止冷藏綠豆水須每二至三小時拌一次。 高血壓對策 美如老師的叮嚀: 豬腸干貝蘿蔔湯 吃法: 吃的時候可將豬腸切段,分次食用若吃到血壓恢復正常,須約七至十天。 抽筋對策 抽筋之所以會發生,是因為體內缺乏鈣質,另脹氣也會引起抽筋。 美如老師的叮嚀: 對策: 1、 晚上吃高鈣高蛋白蒸粥,並且分量不可太多,讓腸胃獲得休息;堅守飲食3:2:1原則,早餐吃得好、中餐吃得飽、晚餐吃得少。多吃蔬菜,降低脹氣可能發生的機率,抽筋症狀自然會減少。 2、 側睡時腳必須彎曲;伸懶腰前也務必把雙腳彎曲,切不可伸直。 3、 多補充鈣質,可多吃大骨熬湯、小魚乾、牛奶,或每日三粒美如~莊老師喜寶。 中暑對策 中暑有陰寒與陽熱兩種,一旦有中暑症狀,應該先判斷屬於哪一種,再對症下藥。 而所謂的陽熱,原因是長時間暴露於室外高溫下,造成出汗過多,體內水份和鹽份不足,以致積存在體內,無法順利排出。最好的處理方式是補充一杯加鹽的溫開水,如果屬熱盛口渴者,可用白虎(中藥)加人參,或竹葉石膏湯飲用。 至於陰寒,是因為盛熱時,一下子吹冷氣或喝冰的飲料,並且在室內室外間進進出出,使身體要在很短的時間內承受冷熱溫差,以致感受暑濕之邪,像腸胃型感冒就是屬於此類。如果外顯的症狀有畏寒、發燒、骨頭酸痛等,可以香薷(中藥)飲。 若為腸胃型感冒,有腹痛、嘔吐、腹瀉如水狀等,可以用黃連香薷飲或六一散。但若是頭暈、倦怠、四肢沉重無力或心悸出汗者,則用清暑益氣湯或生脈散。 受驚對策 美如老師的叮嚀: 蓮藕、豬心、干貝、白蘿蔔汁燉湯 食用方法: 1、 將湯汁與食材分開,各分成七小份,裝袋放入冰箱冷凍保鮮。 2、 每天取出一袋退冰加熱。為方便食用,可在吃之前將蓮藕及豬心切片,湯及食材都必須要吃完。這份湯品是當藥來吃,不論有無受到驚嚇的孕婦都可以吃,吃的時間由個人自定,但每天一定要吃,連續吃兩周以上,不可間斷,如受驚的情況嚴重,可一直吃下去。 3、 吃的時候要搭配大盤蔬菜。通常孕婦吃完後會排氣,使身體裏的氣下降,氣通了,情緒也會跟著舒緩,一般人若在此受驚,亦可用此法試試看



昨天媽咪整天都發冷想吐 撐到下午爸鼻勸媽咪還是去躺著休息睡個午覺 媽咪老是覺得餓了會太飽都會想吐 但是到第九週了 真的吐也只有一回 每天就在吃多吃少之間猶豫不定 以前懷山大王時想吐和吐出來大概半個小時可以決定 吐出來就會好多了 雖然一天吐個2-4回 但想吐的情況大概就是上午下午各一回 回到家吃完飯後睡覺時很少還會很不舒服的 可是這一胎可就不一樣 幾乎整天會想吐 想吐就會懶洋洋吃也不是不吃也不是 但想吐的程度又不到一口氣吐出來 總是覺得胸口悶悶的 今天買了陳皮梅 吃了想吐的感覺就會暫緩些 但半夜如果醒來 想吐的感覺馬上就回來 爸鼻和媽咪打趣說:難道孕吐的情況可以反應小孩的個性? 媽咪想一想還覺得山大王個性明快 不高興就大叫生氣哭鬧 安撫一下或轉移他的注意力很快就好了 一天哭哭鬧鬧好幾次 但也還是整天嘻嘻哈哈唱歌自得其樂 很少鬧彆扭一整天的 跟媽咪懷山大王孕吐的情形蠻類似的 如果真的媽咪孕吐的情況可以反應肚子裏小孩的個性? 那這種溫吞愛氣不氣;愛吐不吐的感覺 陰鬱寡歡一整天的個性倒也很像A型 不過媽咪覺得山大王的不高興的個性比較像媽咪 那這樣不高興很久又不真的發作的個性像誰啊? 呵呵~各位媽咪可能心裏已經有數了吧! 不管如何~媽咪已經知道如何應對這樣龜毛的個性啦! 嘻嘻~