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Camel Point Beach

早上山大王幼稚園和二年級同學媽媽 Mrs. Gonzalous帶雙胞胎姊弟一起來看兩隻貓 了解幫忙顧貓的事宜 真的非常感激她長週末幫山寨家顧兩隻貓 儘管山寨家冷氣已經壞掉天氣又熱 好朋友依舊幫忙真是大感謝啊 之後媽咪帶山大王和山大妞去 和山大王好朋友Alex暑假後第一個play date 雖然約在Aliso Beach Park 但是媽咪不太喜歡那個擁擠的海岸 而且路上Sandra打來說突然要送女兒朋友要晚45分鐘到 媽咪就想找路上停車位 順便帶兩隻去探探拉古纳其他Coastal Access的海邊 走上坡路就見到Camel Point 因為十一點周間路旁不用投幣停車位還很多 過了有圍欄的Camel Point community 沒多久就見到Coastal Access的棕咖啡指示牌 窄窄的石階走下去兩旁古老的大樹 低調的老舊公寓和深深豪宅庭院交錯 石頭階梯路上陰涼濕暗舖滿前年的落葉 接著過了大板根的老樹 見到路上掉了好多無花果任憑過客採碎 走過這一樹遮半天的階梯很有故事感 不知道多少浪漫煙波曾在此上演 出了老石階再往下走柏油路沒多久就是海闊天空的白沙貝殼海灘 除了救生員,沙海灘排球三四個無人玩 幾位老先生沿海灘撿拾垃圾 看來都是常年來住此的當地居民 媽咪請山大王山大妞不要弄濕衣服 一來原本只是要探路沒帶海灘衣袋毛巾 因為等一下還要走回去 但是見到這麼透明藍綠的白水綠浪與漲潮的海岩 媽咪也不願太制止愛玩浪的孩子 這時暑假的感覺才湧上心頭


聖地牙哥野外動物園safari park

聖地牙哥野外動物園safari park 讓山大妞如願以償見到動物們 山大王對動物沒什麼興趣但是 因為有Flightline所以他想去 抓住春假的尾巴最後一天去 沒想到Flightline限十歲且體重75磅以上 才可以參加 而且要另買票小孩$70 這對山大王來說真是晴天霹靂啊 才過9歲生日體重更到不了75磅 山大王馬上說要回家了 山大妞因為等蝴蝶秀很久 吵著之前媽咪提過的棉花糖 結果要一個3央斯輕的棉花糖就要四塊大洋 雖然憑門票買一送一也覺得划不來 最後爸鼻么不過兩個沮喪的小孩看遠遠的大象 (.25投幣式望遠鏡還不能正常運作) 答應看完蝴蝶館後可以買棉花糖 最棒的是坐Tram繞非洲草原區 看到許多長頸鹿,羚羊和犀牛 在駕駛講解導遊員解說下 了解在開放空間自由活動覓食的動物才會想要有下一代 尤其是犀牛們,一女一男相處還不能受孕 San Diego Safari Park 是第一個了解到 生育年齡的母犀牛要和一群姊妹們生活 才會容易受孕 因為放心阿姨們會幫忙照顧小犀牛才會懷孕喔 這是不是給諸位阿姨們一些啟示呢? 逛回水鳥區,見到許多新手鳥爸爸媽媽們交接孵蛋 動物園裡有許多春天寶寶 見到新的生命誕生總讓做媽媽的我格外高興 大小兩隻在水邊橋上等生了七顆蛋的鳥爸爸媽媽交接 因為靠太近 被鳥爸爸媽媽斥責聒聒叫 溫暖的天氣讓動物園裏的動物自由自在漫遊 人活在地球上在文明的包裹下的生命很脆弱 但在大自然的孕育下 生命又是如此蓬勃 這個星期五是Earth Day 地球日 山大妞從學校學了不少R的道理 Resue, Reduce, Recycle 學校校訓示 RESPONSIBILITY for yourself and your actions! RESPECT for yourself, others, and the school! READINESS is to be at school and ready to learn! 山大妞回家路上把6個R 加在一起用 讓媽咪哈哈大笑 正負相減就是零啦 小妞妞最近對infinite是數字還是概念很好奇 人生就是如此加加減減 無邊無際的宇宙還是一場漫長的遊戲


才藝表演日(DJAES Talent Show) $5 per ticket

幫山大王聽練琴那麼久 爸鼻是應該去看看學校的才藝表演 媽咪和山大妞陪山大王去彩排兩次都耐心看了大家的表演 所以今晚就留在家裡 山大王三年級屬於上半場幼稚園到三年級組(5:30-7:00pm) 爸鼻五點就得送山大王表演者先進場 然後在外面排隊呆20分鐘才可以開始觀眾入場 表演的才藝多半是唱歌跳舞 少數兩個彈鋼琴, 一個小短劇,一個吉他伴彈唱,還有一個呼拉舞。 其中有為三年級的女生一年級時曾和山大王同班 她跳踢踏爵士舞跳得不錯 第一次彩排時和她的媽媽聊 Yasemine一周七天跳24小時,每天都去離家約半小時到40分鐘的車程去上課 媽咪聽了真的很佩服 山大妞喜歡另一對跳fireball爵士舞的雙胞胎姊妹 尤其對她們跳起來然後劈腿坐下的動作十分感興趣 回家還在地毯上練好幾次 看得媽咪驚心膽跳怕她練傷了 由於山大王第二次彩排時彈得很不好 所以演出前兩天苦練了一下下 還好今晚表演算成功 很多老師朋友都當面恭喜稱讚他 讓他對自己信心增加不少 每個上去表演的孩子都拿到一座獎盃 團體合照時山大王和同表演鋼琴的麥修開心地互道恭賀 爸鼻說看山大王的表演感動得快要掉下眼淚 覺得山大王可以苦練兩個月上台表演的努力沒有白費 尤其其他小朋友都已花俏取勝 山大王一反平常髒兮兮的樣子 穿著小襯衫打蝴蝶結領帶和正式的褲子黑鞋上台 不用擴大器(因為前兩次彩排鋼琴用的麥克風都出岔錯) 本來觀眾還很吵鬧談話但山大王一開始彈奏 整個會場突然自動安靜下來 大家專注傾聽那個學校不會去調音的鋼琴發出來的 Sonatina in G major by Thomas Attwood 山大王覺得自己表現不錯也很開心 結束後要求要吃披薩 這次表演算是一次不錯的學習經驗



山大王第一次參加學校才藝表演徵選 其實是他媽和爸為了讓他見識自己的優點與別人的長處 因為山大王覺得自己沒什麼才藝 上回想表演耍寶空中丟球被媽媽回決所以沒有參加才藝表演 這回參加就當是幫學校PTA募款好啦 這次為了簡單方便就問他為大家彈Sonatina in G major by Thomas Attwood, 曾是莫雜特的愛徒 因為已經練這首曲子練很久啦 從慢練到快 從左手用力彈伴奏到了解如何輕點使力伴奏 從每次被唸沒有輕重緩快的節奏 到爸媽說還不錯但他自己覺得不夠好 其實媽咪爸鼻都很欣慰他的進步 只是進步不再練的話還是會退步 過了徵選山大王拿到Golden Ticket就是有入選 讓他拿給鋼琴老師看 結果老師給他上課練習記上"退步" 其實這是一個很好的教訓 要山大王記住不是只跟別人比 要自己超越自己 山大王聽了課本附的CD很多次 照著CD的快慢來詮釋 結果被照譜看的爸鼻斥責他快慢亂改 罵到山大王有理說不出眼淚鼻涕一起流 再聽CD鋼琴家彈的是跟山大王剛剛彈的一樣快慢 XDDD 當然爸鼻跟他道了歉 我們問鋼琴老師上面的rall. (*rallentando)到底要從哪開始 為何CD和琴譜有些不太一樣 老師淡淡說每個音樂家的詮釋有些許不同 哈~幫老爺和小鬼找到答案啦 之後山大王只要一天不練這首曲子 下次彈就會出岔錯 所以今天下課接到他後得回家再練一練 才能40分鐘後趕去參加第一次預演 山大王換了tux去表演 全部小朋友只有他穿最正式 不過因為準備上台前所有小朋友都排隊坐舞台前面的地上 他後面的襯衫尾巴就跑出褲子外面了 開始彈四個小節麥克風出岔錯爆音嚇到大家 不過山大王回頭給大家一個微笑 會場幫忙的家長朋友關麥克風 讓山大王再開始彈琴 剛好把緊張的情緒嚇跑 雖然小聲了一點不過因為旋律優美 大家聽得很開心啦 K到三年級除了他和麥修都是彈鋼琴 其他就是唱歌跳舞 比較特別還有一個是呼拉舞,一個是短劇,好友Ryan伴彈電吉他 所以看起山大王表現還不錯 只是他自己還沒有很滿意 有進步的空間直得期許! 山大妞陪著媽咪看完才藝表演也很乖 表演完山大王直喊好餓他想吃披薩 幸好媽咪皮包帶著山大妞老師發給她的 讀書獎免費個人小披薩四張卷 晚餐才有著落啊:) * rallentando (rall.): lite slowing down a gradual decrease in speed similar to a that of a ritardando, but with more of a rolling stop effect; a lazy deceleration of the tempo.





學校Boo Bash

學校Boo Bash


Info: Strands Beach and Strands Vista Park in Dana Point

Strands Beach and Strands Vista Park in Dana Point: Walk the Loop or Play in the Sand Be Aware: If you’re heading down to the beach, there’s no escaping HILLS or STAIRS. If decide to walk down the beach to see the sunset, remember it might be dark by the time you reach the parking lot. This is a SKINNY beach at high tide. You’ll be okay getting from Point A to Point B on the boardwalk, but you might not be able to get all the way across the beach on the sand. The funicular is FREE, but has limited hours of operation. I don’t necessarily recommend this beach for swimming. It’s very rocky and there are experienced local surfers in the water. It’s certainly fine for dipping your toes and playing knee-deep in the waves, but I wouldn’t venture too much further. •What is a funicular? ◦This particular conveyance system for Dana Point, although called a “funicular” in the planning documents, is technically more like an inclined elevator. It is driven by a cog rail system with an electric motor on the car itself. No cables are used. The car will hold up to eight passengers. •Why is there a funicular at the Headlands? ◦The California Coastal Commission, in their charter to improve beach access, required the funicular as a condition of development approval. The intent is to make it easier for the public and handicapped individuals in particular, to gain access to Strands Beach. •When will it operate? ◦At a minimum, the funicular will be open to the public during daylight hours on weekends, holidays year-round, and every day beginning Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. •How fast does it travel? ◦Slowly, at about 2-3 miles per hour. •What will it cost to ride? ◦The cost will be a nominal fee. The Coastal Commission requirement is that the fare be no more than any round trip fee collected as a regular cash fare for a single ride on a local route upon a public bus operated by the Orange County Transportation Authority. •Is it noisy? ◦No – The Crosslift travels almost silently, powered by an electric motor. •Will the cars be accessible for mobility-impaired individuals? ◦Yes. •Will the funicular obstruct any view corridors? ◦No, the track has been designed below grade so the car will not interfere with views from homes nor the adjoining stairway. •Has the City set aside funds for maintenance suitable for heavy machinery at the beach? ◦Sufficient maintenance, operation, repair and replacement funding will be provided through the Community Facilities District, paid for by the Headlands property owners on their annual property tax bill. •Has the City set aside funds for liability insurance? ◦Yes. The City is currently a member of the California Joint Insurance Powers Authority (CJPIA) and budgets funds annually for our insurance premiums. The current Memorandum of Coverage (MOC) provided to members of the CJPIA provides substantial insurance coverage for general liability, personal injury, bodily injury, property damage, and subsidence (earthquake, landslides, etc.). Under the MOC, the City of Dana Point is provided $10 million per occurrence in coverage; plus up to an additional $50 million per occurrence in “excess” coverage, if necessary. ◦The funicular would be covered under the City’s current MOC to protect the City in the case of potential claims or lawsuits. ◦In addition, the Revetment and Funicular Maintenance Agreement between the City and the Headlands Reserve LLC requires the developer to procure and maintain at all times during the terms of the Agreement comprehensive general liability insurance on a per occurrence basis naming the City and its agents, officials, officers, representatives and employees as additional insureds. Proof if this insurance requirement has been provided to the City in the form of an insurance certificate. This agreement also indemnifies, defends and holds the City and its officials, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees sing from or in any way connected with the Developer’s non-performance of the agreement (the construction and maintenance of the funicular). •Will there be any special or additional taxes by residents of Dana Point or Orange County living outside the Headlands to support the above items? ◦No, the Development Agreement between the Headlands Reserve LLC and the City contains provisions which state that both parties shall cooperate in establishing a Community Facilities District (a CFD or Financing District) for the purpose of financing the developer’s obligations to construct and maintain public facilities, and public park and open space facilities in conjunction with the Headlands development. A CFD is a method of financing and funding facilities and certain services by imposing special taxes against real property located in a limited geographic area --- in this case the Headlands development area. The funicular is one of many public improvements and or services that are eligible to be financed through the CFD. Other improvements include streets, sewer, water, park, landscaping and utilities improvements. A CFD allows the City to transfer the costs of development to the new lot owners in the Headlands, not existing residents outside the Headlands development. This special tax is disclosed to the new property owner at the time they purchase property within the CFD. An annual special tax would be imposed on the parcels in the CFD and is levied and usually collected on the property tax bill. Again, only the property owners residing within the CFD would be obligated to pay the special tax….not all Dana Point residents. •Is the funicular safe? ◦Yes, the essential design for this inclined elevator by Crosslift has been used for many ski resorts in Switzerland and other countries. The City has obtained a list of all Crosslift installations and contacted the owners of two U.S. installations, one at Telluride in Colorado (ski resort) and a second public park installation at Chattanooga, Tennessee. These owners are happy with both the operation and safety aspects of their equipment. A member of the City Building Department has also visited one of the Swiss installations. The City met with the State Elevator Safety Principal Engineer, Al Tafazoli, and his Senior Safety Engineer/Inspectors who will be certifying the installation and monitoring operational maintenance periodically (annual permit). They are exercising due diligence in review of the site installation here and have visited the installation in Chattanooga, Tennessee. They are a branch of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health. The following safety features are installed with the equipment: The Crosslift system has all the safety features of a common vertical elevator plus additional safeties for the inclined application. Some of them are: a) Emergency phone in the cabin – to ensure communication to passengers in the cabin b) 3 independent braking systems -Regen drive of electric motor -Mechanical brake attached to the electric motor -Mechanical safety brake acting on a dedicated braking surface c) Overspeed governor and safety – to detect an overspeed of the car and stop it with independent braking system which is mounted on the car (just like a vertical elevator). There are two independent overspeed detection devices: -electrical overspeed set at 110% normal operating speed -mechanical overspeed set at 130% of normal operating speed d) Monitored door locks – to prevent someone opening the door during the ride. e) Low operating speed – operating speed is only 2-3 miles per hour which is slow compared to other urban transport systems. f) Double cog drive – there are two sprockets side by side. g) Automatic stopping/braking mechanism – the system is designed to go in a “dead man” position in any failure situation. That means e.g. in a power outage, the brakes would close, stop the car and hold it in its position. h) Sensors in front and the back of the car – will stop the car in case of an obstacle on the track, e.g. fallen tree, animal, etc.. i) The carrier is so designed that it is “locked” within the track rails, which makes it physically impossible for the car to tip over or engage from the track. j) Sensors in the automatic doors – to prevent closing on an object (just like a vertical elevator door. k) Clearance at end of track – to prevent crushing a maintenance person (this is regulated by the elevator code). l) Fenced track enclosure – to prevent unauthorized access. Headlands Reserve LLC is also proposing the addition of video cameras for monitoring passengers. •Who will be installing the Crosslift Model Inclined Elevator? •Outdoor Engineers, Inc. Oswald Graber has installed many of the Crosslift Inclined Elevators throughout the world. The Crosslift is the model name. Outdoor Engineers, Inc. has two systems models for commercial passenger transportation: a) Crosslift: cog rail system as proposed for the Dana Point project b) Crossliner: rope pulled system Most of the components are produced by Inauen-Schaetti AG in Switzerland. Some parts (e.g. track rails, support towers, controls, etc.) are produced in the US. However, the “Heart” of the system comes out of Switzerland. The components company was founded 1961 by Albert Schatti. 1997 Inauen-Schatti AG was formed (previously Math. Streiff AG, since 1957). Outdoor Systems, Inc. has a long history of building and installing several types of “ropeways” all around the world. This includes: •material transport (like it is used in logging, construction, etc.) •passenger tramways •ski lifts: fixed grip and high speed chairlifts (high speed means the cars are slowing down in the stations while the hauling cable keeps running at its full designed speed) •gondola ropeways •people mover (cable car) •How is the equipment maintained? The Crosslift equipment will be inspected daily by City staff and periodic maintenance will be performed by certified elevator mechanics approved by the State Elevator Engineer. Periodic review and recertification will also be done by the State Elevator Safety Inspector.


山大妞班級募款SWAP MEET園遊會

山大妞學校幼幼園有一週三天的班級募款園遊會 只有開放小朋友在遊戲場互相買賣 從家裡帶來賣的零食玩具小東西 父母跟老師買票卷 所得捐給班上 爸鼻給山大妞買了三元園遊劵 山大妞在星期一時買了一個橡皮擦, 和花圃小花標示牌的勞作但橡皮擦放在紙袋掉了 媽咪幫山大妞本來準備賣 彩帶髮夾幫她做好放在蕾絲小竹籃裏 山大妞玩一玩就不見了 還好因為媽咪將彩帶髮夾夾好在毛巾上 後來在山大妞床上找到了 不過最後媽咪還是讓山大妞賣山谷桐雛菊的種子 媽咪特地請哥哥一起幫忙 將種子分裝在折成紙杯的彩紙裏 一一標上種子的名字 貼在Costco拿回家的紙箱 山大王和山大妞採山谷桐雛菊的種子 包在彩紙折成的小杯 一包種子賣一張票卷 一張票卷25分 山大妞說她賣了很多喔 說大家都跟她買 還有好幾位老師都很有興趣 小妞妞還把賣得的票卷分給班上一個小女生 因為那位朋友都沒有賣出去什麼 媽咪覺得山大妞真的很可愛 這幾天山大妞在同理心的表現進步很多 記得媽咪跟她說遇到朋友傷心的時候 要想辦法安慰她/他 看來山大妞也很懂得分享所得 依山大妞的說法是 這樣那位賣得不好的小女生才不會對她生氣 @__@''' 山大王一直很想去山大妞學校幫她賣 他幫妹妹做得種子紙杯很起勁呢 山大王說不定以後很會賣東西 他很喜歡幫幼童軍賣爆米花募款說 從幼稚園來我們就是用努力唸書學數學和練鋼琴就會給他零用錢 山大王似乎養成了努力賺錢花錢的個性 雖然山大妞還不能像哥哥一樣 學習新的東西很快很有效率 很快地拿到爸鼻發放的點數 但是她模仿能力很強 也很有跟進的慾望 後來爸鼻特別給她三塊美金讓她去農夫市場買菜或水果 但是她還是不枝道如何花錢 去農夫市場時她緊捏著三元紙鈔仍然不知道買什麼好 山大王是在學校書展時 很愛樂高出的星際大戰樂高百科目錄 於是在家很努力地練琴110分鐘 賺到25美金通通花光光 連最後一分錢都捐給學校 媽咪真的對這兩位慷慨花錢的小朋友無話可說 反正都是捐給學校囉 這次山大妞班級募款SWAP MEET園遊會 對孩子們來說是很好學習做手工"賣東西"的經驗


