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同Jeannie一齊食Pizza(Pizza Lunch with Jeannie)

上個星期同澳門媽咪會既朋友一齊飲茶時,提及過公仔造形既Pizza…最後大家就決定依個星期六去食啦.原來都有4,5個家庭話去架…點知最後得番我同Amy得閒呢=.= 約左12點半係餐廳度等. 唔,記得上次同Melina同Boo去既時候,真係好抵食,我地叫左個小朋友餐,只係99蚊就有2個公仔造形既Pizza,一個漢堡包同1公升可樂.不過今次搵唔到依個餐囉.最近似既餐係1個公仔Pizza, 一個漢堡包同1公升可樂,但係就要113蚊囉.相比起上次係貴左好多,但係我都重係覺得好抵,因為真係食得飽一個大人同一個小朋友囉.最後我地叫左2個小朋友餐,駿駿揀左薑餅人公仔,Jeannie就揀左車車..之後佢地就猜包剪拳睇下邊個食車頭同人頭咁囉.而我同Amy就食左個餐既漢堡包啦.不過諗諗下,果間餐廳其實重有其他野食架=.=點解我地唔叫呢? 食飽飽,我地就去公園玩一陣啦,Nori重係公園度匯合我地添.玩到2點半左右先分手,因為駿駿2點45分要返英文班呢.希望下次搵個星期六再一齊去食Pizza啦. 今日英文班駿駿佢地學左有關浴室既野呢…重又寫又畫畫,自己做左本有關浴室既書呢.小朋友好似好鍾意自己做書仔咁..所以依個英文班都成日同小朋友做書仔呢^^ Mentioned Car shape and Pig shape pizza last week when I have lunch with Macau Mama friends and then we decided to have pizza lunch this Saturday. However, only Amy and I could go this time=.= We arrived to restaurant around 12.30pm and then have lunch there. Hum, remember last time when I went there with Melina and Boo… we ordered 1 kids meal – 2 cartoon shape pizza, 1 hamburger and 1L coke, and it’s only $99; but today, I couldn’t find that kids meal… the most similar kids meal is cost $113 – 1 cartoon shape pizza, 1 hamburger and 1L coke; it’s a lot more expensive than last time I come, but still very reasonable^^ We ordered 2 kids meal, Chunchun ordered a gingerbread man shape pizza and Jeannie ordered a car shape to share. Amy and I both have the hamburger for lunch. After lunch, we went to the park to play for a while and then say goodbye around 2.30pm because Chunchun need to go to English Course on 2.45pm. Hum, hope that we could have another pizza lunch some Saturday^^ Today, Chunchun was learning things in the bathroom, and they made a book too… draw and write things in the bathroom. Kids always like to create their own book^^猜嬴食車頭同Jeannie一齊食公仔Pizza好緊張丫一齊吹泡泡


參觀小學(Visit Primary School)

今朝同駿駿去完圖書館之後,我就送佢上班房順便交張訂單比老師啦.希望今次可以快d收到DVD同書啦. 下午2點左右我就去左駿駿學校既小學部參加佢地既親子參觀小學部活動^^其實都唔係好多媽咪參加咋,2班幼高班既小朋友大約40人,不過只有6-7個家長黎參加呢.駿駿見到我當然開心啦,我都好開心可以成日參加學校既活動呢^^我地先係小學部周圍睇野,之後就去小一既班室玩遊戲,最後去禮堂睇表演…3點鬆d就準備返去幼稚園部等放學啦.放左學,因為今日難得泊到車,就同駿駿去髮型屋剪埋頭髮先返屋企囉. 晚上同爺爺佢地去MGM度食晚飯丫.因為爸爸唔比帶nds,所以駿駿今日帶左2個迷你變形金剛去玩呢.駿駿今日真係好乖,做一個大哥哥丫.初初佢只係借一部變形金剛比阿寶玩,後來朗朗又想要,佢就借埋自己玩緊果部比佢.自己乖乖食飯唔玩玩具呢. Went to library with Chunchun this morning, and then hand in the order form before I back home. Hope that we can receive those DVD and story books soon. Hum, went to Primary School around 2pm this afternoon to visit the campus with K3 students^^ Didn’t have too many Mama join this activities, only around 6-7 Mamas came to School this afternoon. We walk around in the campus, playing games and watch performance until 3pm something, and then walk back to Kindergarten. Went to Hair Salon after school to take Chunchun to hair cut^^ At night, we went to MGM to have dinner with Grandpa’s family. Chunchun took two mini Transformers to dinner tonight, he was being a big brother tonight. At first he just borrow one Transformers to one of his little brother, but then he willing to borrow the other one to other little brother.黎參觀小學囉配到姐姐帶我遊小學校園參觀天台操場哎丫好似整到丫


小建築師巴布(Bob the Builder)

下午去接駿駿放學時,駿駿就好開心咁同我講,我想要小建築師巴布丫…之後我係佢書包發現左張訂購表格. 哈,記得上年又係有依d表格,我最後我同我d網友加加埋埋訂左幾十套維尼故事書同迪士尼既卡通電影DVD呢.而今次係訂Noddy, Miffy同小建築師巴布丫…唔怪得駿駿咁開心啦…不過學校d通告真係好抵訂^o^ 今次Noddy Sing Alone 既vcd套裝120蚊有8隻碟,每隻碟3首歌…原價要480架.而Miffy說故事就100蚊4隻DVD加2本故事書…原價要380喎.最後係小建築師巴布,我覺得係最抵訂架,因為最多野嘛^^150蚊有6隻DVD,1本彩色印刷既故事簡介,重有一堆禮品添…原價要480架.見到平野,我又好似上次咁引唔住要上網話比朋友知,睇下佢地要唔要一齊訂呢^^爸爸重話我多瘀,自己訂輕輕鬆鬆,幫人訂就麻煩好多架啦…話我冇野搵野黎做喎…不過,有好野我真係想同大家分享嘛…而且做多少少大家都開心我又唔係好介意丫^^ 之後我地重發現訂購表後面重有書展既廣告,有更多既平書同dvd賣丫…駿駿好開心咁指比我睇佢想要乜要乜…我都好興奮呢…想快d有得去書展.真係開心駿駿咁鍾意睇書 Chunchun was so happy when I went to pick him up this afternoon, he told me that he want Bob the Builder… and then I found an order form in Chunchun school bag again, it’s some kinds of special offer for school. Haha, remember last year we ordered Winnie the Pooh story books and Disney Classical DVD; and this time are Noddy Sing Along, Bob the Builder and Miffy… and they all worth to order too. Noddy Sing Along VCD set is only 120 with 8VCD(3 sings per dish) it original price is 480; Miffy Story DVD set is only 100 with 4DVD and 2 story book it original price is 380; and then Bob the Builder is the most worth to buy, it’s 150 with 6DVD, 1 story book, and some gift… it original price is480. I post it online immediately to let my friend know, to see if they wanted to join my order^^ Papa asked me why have to post it online, I didn’t have to help others to order it… but I think it’s really attractive, I just want to share with others, I don’t mind to order with them. We found an books fair advertisement on the order form too, there have a lot more books and DVD in a very reasonable price… Chunchun had been pointing what he wants in the books fair to me. I was kinds of exciting too; wish that we can to go books fair soon…依架飛機我整架


騎馬仔(Little Horse)

今日婆婆大約9點前就走左啦,因為琴日佢買左9點半既船飛,今朝11點要返到公司呢.都醒目知今日會多人早一日買飛架啦,點知今朝勁大霧,所有船都要停航喎.就係咁,婆婆係碼頭由9點幾坐到11點先上到船丫~_~ 同婆婆講完電話之後,我同公公就準備帶駿駿去漁人碼頭玩啦.我地應該係中午前去既,第一時間去左機鋪先,因為我想玩完再去第二d地方食野都冇所為嘛.玩左半小時之後,我地就離開機鋪準備搵食啦.都唔知係我唔好彩定係駿駿好彩.我地一出門口就見到馬會貨車喎,重睇住個職員拉隻bb馬落車.駿駿即時雙眼發光呢.再問下,原來依家係漁人碼頭玩滿50蚊機動遊戲就可以同馬仔影相丫.益左駿駿啦,又可以玩又可以同馬仔影相.重因為馬仔影相時間係2點開始…我地重要係漁人碼頭食野等到2點先可以同馬仔影相添. 最後我地玩左1次碰碰車(2個人),同駿駿自己坐左1次火車…之後再去水上宮食午飯,等到2點都就去同馬仔影相啦.駿駿真係好開心呢..走去攬住隻馬喎…人地同佢戴好安全帽就抱佢上馬啦^^ 係漁人碼頭玩完,食完午飯,我地就同公公一齊行去碼頭買飛啦,公公話一係明天一早走,一係今晚走喎…最後佢揀左今晚7點半船..因為冇飛啦,再夜d就要去到10點半先有飛.可憐駿駿今晚開始又得番一個人囉.. Grandma leave around 9am this morning, she bought the 9.30am ferry ticket and have to back to work around 11am. However, it was a foggy day, Grandma have to wait in the ferry terminal, until 11am something to get on ferry~_~ Grandpa and I took Chunchun to Fisherman’s Wharf around noontime, we first went to amusement arcade to play for a while, and then planned to have lunch in Fisherman’s Wharf. Happy Chunchun once we step out of the amusement arcade, we saw the Macau Jockey Club truck… and then Chunchun saw a baby horse came out from the truck^^ We found that if we play $50 game then we would take photo with the baby horse… and it will be start on 2pm. We played 2 games in Fisherman’s Wharf, and then we have lunch in a restaurant. Waited until 2pm something, then we went to take photo with the baby horse. Chunchun was super happy that he could ride on the horse^^ and he’s cutie with the hat on him. After playing in Fisherman’s Wharf, we walk to ferry terminal with Grandpa to buy ferry ticket with him. Grandpa planned to back to Hong Kong tonight around 7.30pm. Poor Chunchun will be lonely again.打機自己渣碰碰車同公公去漁人碼頭騎馬仔