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California Screamming!

California Screamming!









放寒假前一天山大妞老師就請假了 新年元旦放假結束後三個星期後老師才回來上課 還好期間山大妞班上都是請同一個代課老師 代課老師雖然改變一些上課的方式 但小朋友也都還能適應 不過家長們倒是很擔心 因為老師請假超長 代課老師又不好意思e-mail給家長 交代上課進度小朋友回家功課 所以家長們就來問學校和Room parent 媽咪覺得老師請假一個星期應該還好吧 但是家長們很擔心孩子適應的問題 他們e-mail給老師沒回 就問偶啦 媽咪只好和代課老師聊一聊 發e-mail跟家長們說學校進度和小朋友回家功課 和校長溝通一下校長也主動說會voice mail 上上星期五給每戶家長電話 說明一下老師請假狀況 說明天老師就會回來啦 今天剛好是農曆新年 媽咪覺得代課老師也蠻辛苦的 準備一個茶包的紅包 (送錢怪怪的嘛) 只是應景吉祥囉 媽咪今天到學校圖書館幫忙時 沒想到老師已經回來啦 小朋友很高興 偶也很高興 喜歡喝茶的老師領到這紅包應該也很開心吧 早上意外接到鋼琴老師說 她打掃時才發現山大王眼鏡掉在沙發後面 之前她說找不到山大王遺失的眼鏡 我們想那應該是掉在家裡或車上 但怎麼也找不到 失而復得真的是很開心 希望從今天起否極泰來,也祝大家龍年心平身健,萬事如意。



早上去學校幫山大妞班上圖書館時間 沒想到就此展開了悲慘吐血的一天 首先到山大妞教室拿了要歸還圖書館的書 到圖書館把所有的書都歸回紀錄 沒想到代課老師不知道有圖書館時間 所以小朋友只上課沒有來圖書館 弄好回到家 就聽到TM留言請我回她電話 我回她電話她還採錄音紀錄 然後吞吞吐吐地跟我說 不想讓山大王繼續DI 本來今天下課山大王就會去DI meeting 居然現在TM說這樣 我問原因TM說,山大王需要常常提醒不要分心玩 她不想讓他浪費大家的時間 這樣的說法我也很驚訝 因為我除了上次meeting跟TM協商後沒去 每次都參加DI Meeting 我問說有事前警告他如果不聽勸就不能繼續嗎? 要不要給他最後一次機會 山大王參加棒球足球都是不曾被教練要求退隊 什麼理由要退山大王DI? TM很鐵心地再次拒絕 接下來媽咪問還有其他人要加入嗎 6個人已經缺一人,現在她又要趕走山大王 只剩五人人數夠嗎 TM說她不會再加人 看來她很有信心啊 認為山大王是害群之馬啊 除去利多於弊 媽咪雖然是CO TM但也尊重她是TM TM說要退錢想討論錢的事 我內心很寒只想到 如何告訴山大王因為他DI不專心,干擾別人 所以被退出團隊 媽咪掛完電話真的很傷心 先打電話告知昨天發給另一家長可以幫忙DI的事 然後去接山大妞下課 媽咪還沒接到山大妞 又見到TM揹她小女兒來告訴我 剛剛她看到山大王跟她打招呼 就趁機告訴他以後都不能參加DI了 今天他媽咪會提早去接他 TM還跟我說山大王似乎很OK地接受結果 我聽了真是很火 我接到山大妞後趕緊去跟山大王確認這事 山大王覺得是他的錯 所以他也勇於認錯接受懲罰的結果--被退隊 真的是無言以對 山大王很難過地回去吃他的午餐 媽咪內心氣到破病 隔天早上趕快去看醫生


Dental appointment

Dental appointment


FW: business of nature and the business of human societies have much in common.

很有意思的聯想 http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/Properties/LagunaNiguel/Ambassadorsofthe Environment/ambassadors_group_information.htm How does Ambassadors of the Environment make a connection with your Group? It is now becoming apparent that the business of nature and the business of human societies have much in common. A careful look at ocean ecosystems reveals that our more important institutions and enterprises already exist in the sea. An investigation into the business of nature and humanity will reveal delightful insights and maybe even some lessons for us who are looking to create more sustainable societies. For example, kelp beds and coral reefs are like cities under the sea with large structures (kelp plants or coral colonies), which provide a place for thousands to millions of residents to live. These buildings are quite special. They run totally on solar energy, waste is recycled and used to produce food, there is no pollution or toxic waste and they repair and replace themselves when required. These are good models indeed for human communities of the future. Below we examine in more detail key businesses and their counterparts in the sea. Activities in which groups can participate will be both field excursions and AV presentations. Staff on site will customize and suggest specific adventures/excursions that will be meaningful to your group and that will provide you a rewarding adventure as many vary from season to season. Financial Capitalism and nature have a lot in common. Innovate, in nature species adapt and evolve into new species and in human economies we create new goods and services. In both systems there is competition where the most fit survive. In nature, individual organisms and species compete for food, space or mates and thrive or die. In our world businesses compete and succeed or fail according to market selection. Energy is the currency of nature. It is saved, invested, used and either managed wisely or poorly. Insurance Biodiversity is insurance in nature. A variety of species each doing its own job insures that the work necessary to keep the community running is taking place. We diversify our investments because we cannot predict the future. Nature does the same thing by having different species that have overlapping functions. Protecting nature and our investments by diversification is insurance against an unpredictable future. Advertising, Marketing, Publicity and Communication In society communication with the goal of selling a commodity or service is often reduced to condensed, highly visible messages. This is especially true in advertising, where simple visual symbols are designed to catch the eye and convey a clear and unmistakable message. Advertising, marketing, publicity and related communication were first invented by nature. Color, songs, decoration, perfumes and more are used by ocean creatures to convey important messages and sell their goods or services. There is even false advertising in the sea. Information Storage and Retrieval Information is necessary in any system, human or nature, to keep it running in good order. This information, about how to maintain a healthy business or ecosystem, needs to be kept secure, accessible and easily understood. We invented story telling, then writing/printing, and now computers to manage our data. Nature has also found wonderful solutions to data management, storage, retrieval and security. Stored in the genes of snails, crabs and whales is all of the information needed to make a new one and repair an existing one, along with detailed instructions on how to behave, find food and stay alive. Medicine When ill we go to a doctor to be cured. We visit an office where the doctor works and generally wait to be seen. After being treated we pay and then go about our lives, feeling better. In the ocean there are cleaner fish that remove parasites from their hosts. These fishy doctors have an “office” or place where patients know to come and be treated. They usually wait to be treated. Payment to these doctors is in the form of food since they eat what they remove from their patients. Pharmaceutical Industry Humans use chemicals to help restore and maintain health. In many cases our pharmaceuticals are “stolen” from plants and animals that originally created these sophisticated chemicals for their own use. Many marine creatures also steal chemicals from other organisms for protection. Some snails, called nudibranchs, don’t make a protective shell and instead use the chemicals from sponges they eat to protect them from predators. We are now prospecting the sea for new drugs and making many exciting discoveries. To customize your group excursion today, please call Lyn Evins, Director of Ambassadors of the Environment at (949) 240-2000 extension 5839 or via email at [email protected].


DI session2: 建立團隊與了解挑戰

啊!沒想到媽咪也可以領三年級小朋友DI課啊 第二堂課讓小朋友學習腦力激盪中決定隊名 1. Ice breaker: High speed high fives 七位小朋友三次的high speed high fives 每次速度都有進步 每練習一次時間就是上次的一半 小朋友都有熱身到 也學習團隊間肢體接觸溝通 2. 選隊名: 創造思考力與判斷思考 小朋友回家都想了三個以上的隊名 七個人就生產的超過21個隊名 這是創造思考力的訓練 時間雖然經過較長 但讓小朋友練習到單獨安靜的個人思考腦力激盪 接下來是縮減的過程 每個小朋友必須提出自己想出的隊名,和為什麼取這個隊名 可以發現目前隊員解釋/推銷自己意見的能力還在培養中 然後是交互小組討論 媽咪特別讓男生女生互配學習不同性別的溝通方式及思考邏輯 然後告知大家每人只有三票 小朋友這時開始拉票 大家都想維護自己想到的隊名 公開投票要寫在白板上 最後可以超過三票的隊名可以入下一決選 其中一位數學超好的小朋友三票都投給自己一個想法的隊名 另外三位女生聯合投給其中一位女生的一個隊名 所以也是三票 所以兩個隊名要等到下次 和七人一起想出一個隊名 三個隊名用每人只有一票來決議 後段訓練'判斷思考", 在資源縮減時間壓力下決定取捨 3. 收集individual specialties tally sheet 由於時間不夠 媽咪收集大家的專長Survey然後進行統計 4. IC: 由另一位team manager帶領 大家先分工合作,討論劇情,然後限時表演 小朋友還在花比較多時間腦力激盪 但是可以發現每個小朋友的個性與擅長的地方 最後時間不夠進行下一個IC Shuana讓隊員互拍肩稱讚對方結束今天的DI session 2活動