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Your 19-month-old: Week 2


Toddlers love to feel like they're making an important contribution to any activity, and chores around the house are no exception. You may find your child's help makes chores more fun for both of you — or you may find yourself dismayed by how long it takes to get anything done. To avoid frustration, save important tasks for times when your toddler is asleep or away. When he's around, let him help with small chores like putting his plastic cup and bowl into the dishwasher, or tossing wet clothes into the dryer. 小馨很早以前就是小幫手了喔!起初她會將喝完的奶瓶用瓶蓋蓋好,最近馬麻在收衣服的時候,將衣服拿給她,她會轉手放在床上,還有拿小垃圾去丟,她也會照辦,是個很好用的小幫手呢! Your toddler now Soothing insecurities Even the most cooperative, cheerful, and outgoing young toddler will whine, cling, and cry sometimes. These behaviors are your child's way of saying "Help! All systems overloaded!" Your 19-month-old is learning new things and refining skills at a dizzying rate. Frustration is inevitable and manifests itself in different ways, depending on the child. Accept these signals for what they are: a cry for attention and TLC. If it's feasible, respond and let your child know you can tell she's upset. Acknowledge her feelings but don't make too big a deal out of these short-lived emotional storms. If she's crying and clinging, a few hugs and then simple distraction might work. If she's whining, you might explain, "I can't understand you when you whine. Can you show me what you want?" A transitional object or "lovey," such as a blanket or teddy bear, can buck up an anxious toddler. Not every child develops an attachment to a lovey, but if yours has one, encourage its use. Build quiet time and one-on-one play with you into your child's day, especially if she has a busy day at childcare. These behaviors will fade over the next few years as your child gains emotional control and a better sense of her place in this big, bewildering world.

Your 19-month-old: Week 1


When you're out and about, your toddler's favorite pastime may be running away from you as fast as she can, squealing in delight as you rush to catch up. She's oblivious to danger, so you'll need to be extra watchful of cars, bicycles, and dogs if you take her for a walk outdoors. Keeping her strapped into a stroller is safest, of course, but that's not always where she wants to be. You'll probably have to compromise about how much time she spends on her own power, and build in extra time when running errands. 現在外出小馨都很願意坐在推車上,甚至她還很樂意坐在上面不會反抗,所以到了外面,她還算可以控制。可是一旦放她下來趴趴走,她就可能不太願意再坐回車上,也會哇哇叫抗議。 Your toddler now Potty preparation This could be a good time to gear up for toilet training. Watch for signs of readiness, which include showing interest in other people's bathroom habits and being able to follow simple instructions. (See a complete list of readiness signs.) Also consider whether your child is experiencing any big changes in his life at the moment, like a new sibling or a new caregiver. If he is, you may want to wait for things to settle down before introducing the potty. Finally, make sure you have time and patience to deal with toilet training right now. At this early age, a freestanding potty chair that lets your child's feet touch the ground is probably your easiest option. Eventually, a toilet seat insert might do the trick, but to use the toilet insert independently your child has to be big and coordinated enough to climb onto the toilet himself from a step stool. If you think the time is right, get practical tips and techniques in the ABCs of potty training. And if you're eager to jump-start the process, consider this interesting method that some parents swear by: potty training in three days or less, designed for kids 15 to 28 months old.

Daycare centers: Advantages and disadvantages


What are the advantages of daycare? Many parents like daycare centers because they offer a formal, structured environment. All daycare centers are inspected for licensing purposes, caregivers are supervised (many classrooms have more than one teacher), and a director oversees the entire operation. "I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of hiring a nanny. I feel like I'd always want to check up," says Noelle Haland, a copy editor in Minneapolis, Minnesota, whose 13-month-old son Max is in daycare. "I know taking care of a child can be frustrating and a nanny can also find it stressful." Rather than worry about how a nanny might handle her son during particularly trying moments, Haland decided on daycare. Another plus: Centers have clearcut rules for parents to follow (such as pickup and drop-off times) so you know exactly what is expected of you. A daycare center is more affordable than a nanny. Plus, parents have the opportunity to meet other parents who may be able to lend support and babysitting time. Also, the arrangement is more stable (compared to, say, nanny or relative care) because the center agrees to watch over your child regardless whether a teacher is sick or tardy or even tired of working for you. Yvonne Matlosz, BabyCenter mom, agrees. "We chose a daycare center so we didn't have to work around someone else's sick days and vacation," she says. Staff members at good centers are usually trained in early childhood education so they know what to expect from your child developmentally and are able to nurture his growing skills accordingly. If the center you're considering doesn't hire knowledgeable staff, keep looking. Good daycare centers include a nice mix of activities during the day to teach different skills, such as singing, dancing, and storytelling. Scott Huber, whose three-year-old daughter Lindsay has attended daycare in Portland, Oregon, since she was two months old, says he likes the fact that his daughter spends her day doing projects and honing skills in a structured setting. "They're not just playing all day," he says, "they're learning new things." Huber says he feels especially good about his decision to put Lindsay in a center when he sees the projects she does. "Many of the instructional projects are a good mix of left- and right-brain activities, usually made of simple objects like blocks or beans or vinyl letters for creativity, but presented in an organized, structured, and methodical way," he says. Ongoing research by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development suggests that children in quality daycare centers may even have an intellectual edge over those in other kinds of care. When researchers compared kids in quality daycare to those in other, equally high-quality childcare situations, children in centers performed a little better on tests. Finally, toddlers can benefit from the chance to socialize with other children, which they may not get to do as often or at all when a nanny or a relative cares for them at home. What are its disadvantages? One problem with daycare is that you're at the center's mercy. You may have to pay a costly fee for late pickups, scramble for backup care when the center is closed on holidays, and stay at home when your child is sick. And your child is more likely to catch diseases such as colds and pinkeye, since he's exposed to more germs. "My son Max never really had a serious illness before starting daycare," says Noelle Haland. Children are also less likely to get the one-on-one care that you take for granted with a stay-at-home mom or nanny. Babies, in particular, need a lot of love and attention to thrive and do well. Finally, moms and dads know that handling one baby, let alone three or more, is tough work, which is why some parents balk at the idea of a single teacher caring for more than one baby at a daycare center all day long. The bottom line It's true that quality of care dips when a person has to watch over too many children, but good centers make an effort to keep the teacher-child ratio as low as possible. Also, having a number of teachers at these centers means they can support each other when needed. Quality daycare centers keep the number of children in each group low, too. "It's easier to give one-on-one attention and be responsive when there are fewer kids in a room," says Stephanie Glowacki, director of accreditation programs at the National Association for the Education of Young Children, a benchmark of quality. The organization recommends: •One caregiver for every three babies if there are six infants in a group, and one for every four if there are eight babies in a group. NAEYC says eight babies should be the maximum number in any group. •One caregiver for three children in a group of six, a 1:4 ratio for eight children, 1:5 for ten, and 1:4 for 12. Groups should have no more than 12 kids. A daycare center doesn't have to follow these ratios unless it wants to receive NAEYC accreditation. But centers do have to at least meet state guidelines, which vary. Even so, you can use these ratios as a guide when you're evaluating centers; the closer they are to NAEYC standards, the better.

Your 18-month-old: Week 4


You can practically see the lightbulb go on when your toddler first figures out how to fit the pieces of a puzzle together. Simple puzzles, nesting blocks, and stacking toys not only draw on your child's mental resources, they help refine his fine motor skills (which until now have probably taken a backseat to more physical activities like running and climbing). While your toddler will continue to burst with energy, he's also more interested in sitting still longer, especially when there's a problem to be solved. 這週大概因為把拔出國,只有我跟小馨在家,所以小馨更黏人了! 一定要我坐在旁邊、我走到哪兒就跟到那兒,我們吃飯、洗澡、睡覺、上廁所都在一起,這種感覺很黏人、卻也很甜蜜。 Your toddler now Building vocabulary Your toddler's vocabulary will grow by leaps and bounds over the coming months. While the first single words are usually nouns ("cat," "ball," "bottle"), phrases that use nouns and verbs tend to follow within a few months of first words: "Me want." "Go bye-bye." For every chatterbox, there's a child who's relatively quiet. It's still too early to worry about a late talker, although if your child doesn't speak at least 15 words by now, it's a good idea to consult your doctor, who may recommend seeing a speech therapist to rule out any problems. Counting on calcium Don't make a big deal out of it if your child suddenly decides she hates milk. It's one of those small ways toddlers exert their independence. Continue to serve milk, but don't force her to drink it. At the same time, make sure she's getting plenty of calcium by providing plenty of other dairy foods such as cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Disguise milk in shakes or puddings (in moderation). Some milk naysayers can't resist the offer of chocolate milk. Fortified soy milk is another option. See what our expert says about which kind is best for toddlers.

Nightmares: Why they happen and what to do about them


How to know if it's a nightmare Unless your toddler can tell you in words something that suggests she had a nightmare, it's hard to know just what caused her nighttime distress. There are many possible reasons a toddler might awake at night and be upset. Some may wake and crave comforting because they've never learned to soothe themselves back to sleep on their own. Some children awake because they're ill or uncomfortable. But if your usual "good sleeper" suddenly wakes up crying, seems scared, and is clingy and has trouble getting back to sleep, she may in fact have had a nightmare. Usually it happens during the second half of the night, when dreaming is most likely to occur. Nightmares shouldn't be confused with night terrors, a less common sleep disturbance that normally strikes during the first third of the night. Children having a night-terror episode remain fast asleep throughout, in a deep, nondreaming state, yet they're extremely agitated and hard to console. Afterward, they go back to snoozing soundly and don't remember the incident in the morning. Why nightmares happen Your toddler's nightmares are most likely linked to something that happened just before bed, like listening to a story that scared her or watching an upsetting show on TV. Stress can also lead to nightmares. Bedtime itself can be a cause of stress, especially for a toddler who has separation anxiety. Being sick or being separated from a parent for a stretch of time can also be stressful for toddlers. How to help your toddler after a nightmare Go to your toddler when she cries out. Physical reassurance is important, so hold her or rub her back until she calms down. You may also want to make sure her favorite stuffed animal or toy is tucked in with her and double-check that the night-light is on. If you bring your toddler into your bed to comfort her, be aware you could be creating a habit that's hard to reverse. Talk to her about the nightmare if she's old enough to understand what you're saying. But keep in mind that "it's only a dream" won't be much consolation, since at this age she doesn't grasp the difference between reality and dreams.

Your 18-month-old: Week 3


Now that your child has mastered some key words, she'll soon figure out (if she hasn't already) that saying those words in a REALLY LOUD VOICE is a surefire way to get what she wants. Some toddlers can even make simple two-word sentences such as "No more" or "All done." And, as a sign of your child's growing self-awareness, she may start referring to herself by name: "Claire go," for example. 唔,這麼說來,小馨說話真的比較慢呢!不過最近發現她進客房時,會說"電視"兩個字,理解力也愈來愈強。 Your toddler now Keeping the crib – or not? There's no optimal time to move your child to a big-kid bed. Some families make the switch to free up the crib for a younger sibling. (If that's you, start the process several months before your due date so your toddler doesn't link being kicked out of his bed with his baby brother or sister's arrival.) Others stick with the crib until their child is 3 or so. 對!家中的嬰兒床怎麼處理?這個問題幾個月前曾討論過,是否應該要移除,然後給下一個親戚的小嬰兒使用,不過,這個嬰兒床目前還頗大(可以睡到三歲),看來小宣的小孩目前還用不到,所以我們一直把它擺在客廳,上面放了polar bear和一隻"波蘭牛",小馨偶爾會過去摸摸它們。 Don't be too quick to make the move if you can avoid it. Keep in mind that once your child is in a bed, he can get up whenever he likes during the night. For that reason, many experienced parents advise keeping your child in the crib as long as you possibly can. Your child who slept so well in his crib is likely to start waking you up again. Some kids never climb out of their crib, even when they're big enough to do so. Others climb out as soon as they're able. If you have a tiny escapee on your hands, you have a safety problem to deal with. Among your choices: If you'd like to keep your child in the crib for now, try a crib tent, available online and at many baby stores. The mesh covering keeps your child in and pets out. If you're not going to use a crib tent (or don't have one yet), have your child sleep on the crib mattress on the floor. This way your child won't fall and get hurt – but he can roam at night. Consider a safety gate at the bedroom door. Move your child to a toddler bed. It's smaller than a twin and low to the floor. Move your child to a regular bed. You can replace the crib with the bed, along with a bed rail if you're worried that your child will fall out. Or ease the transition by placing a twin mattress on the floor and adding the frame later.

Your 18-month-old: Week 2


Is your child a little ray of sunshine at daycare but a thundercloud when you show up on the scene? Try not to get upset by these end-of-day meltdowns. They're signs of true love: Your toddler knows that it's safe to let out all of his pent-up feelings around you. While you may be tempted to run a few errands on your way back to the house, you should probably opt to put those tasks on hold until your child is more at ease. It's a decision that could make your evening a lot more enjoyable. 哈!真是說得太好了!!我們經常覺得小馨在家吃飯怎麼不乖,也會對把拔馬麻耍賴....但是問到學校老師,她們總是說小馨很聽話、也會當老師的小幫手...原來小馨只會對她親近的人撒嬌。 Your toddler now Wanting to be carried The thrill of learning to walk and run may have launched your toddler into perpetual motion. She just doesn't want to stop – especially to do something as unexciting as sleep! Then again, sometimes a child perfectly capable of walking on her own two feet wants to be carried. A lot. Consider the circumstances. In public, your child may feel small and vulnerable or fear being lost. She may truly be tired. She may crave attention or affection. Carry her if you want to, but if you're going more than a block or two from home or the car, bring a stroller to save your back. Your child might be coaxed into walking just by holding your hand, which could make her feel more secure. Negotiate a little: "Let's walk holding hands until the next stoplight." 沒錯沒錯!小馨在家走路時總是又急又快,我們都要在後面提醒她小心跌倒,原來那是因為她很想去做某件事情;如果要出門,她會主動去找鞋子,但是通常媽咪都抱不動,所以也可以牽著她的手一起走,如果真的趕時間,她也願意坐推車。

Your 17-month-old: Week 3


You're probably spending a lot of time trying to figure out what your toddler says, but does she understand everything you say? Speak in clear, simple sentences to make sure you're getting your point across. Hearing and language development are inextricably linked, which is why you may want to have your child's hearing tested if you find that she's not talking as much or as well as her peers or can't follow simple instructions from you. 小馨到了17個月的說話速度還是很慢,外公說是不是「大雞晚啼」,也有人說很早會走路的小孩說話比較晚。不過最近發現小馨會學我們說話,特別是「巧虎」等她喜歡的物品,學著我們的語調與口音發出「巧虎」的音,這已經讓我們很高興了。 Your toddler now Security blankets and other loveys If your child is attached to a particular blanket or stuffed animal, just wait. Security-object obsession typically escalates during the second year – and for good reason: "Loveys" are parent substitutes. Your child is physically and mentally capable of more and more, and every day is jammed with new experiences, sights, sounds, and words. Cuddling up to a love object, especially when your child is stressed, sick, or tired, provides just the security boost he needs to stay on an even keel. Respect the lovey! It can help bedtime go more smoothly and is actually a sign of maturity, not of being babyish. Ideally you'll have two identical ones – one to keep at home and one to take with you to daycare (if it's allowed), to the doctor's office, on excursions and car trips, and so on. 小馨是沒有特別的玩偶或毯子類的隨身品,即使前一陣子買了巧虎玩偶,以為她會特別喜歡而隨身攜帶,不過後來並沒有如我想像的這樣發展,她可以很愛巧虎,抱起來親親,但並不會帶著睡覺。 如果小馨能有一樣鍾愛的物品也好,至少以後帶外面過夜或「歡」的時候可以安撫她。 The chosen object may start to look a little ratty, but don't go overboard trying to keep it pristine and germ-free. Often the distinctive odor and look of a lovey is what makes it special to your child. If you do manage to have two loveys, you can rotate them regularly so that both are equally familiar. This will be a lifesaver if one ever gets lost.