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返澳門囉(Back To Macau)


駿駿同我今日瞓到成11點先起身丫,哈,哈我地依個假期都瞓得好爽,不過真係令我擔心放完假點起身返學呢=.=大約1點鬆d就帶左駿駿去婆婆公司啦,因為我2點半左右要去做身體檢查…由駿駿係婆婆公司有人睇住,我又唔駛走黎走去接駿駿.睇完醫生再係Sogo度行左陣街就返婆婆公司搵駿駿啦.哈,我今日終於都買左對手套啦,重買左大判燒比駿駿食添.本來我打算同駿駿係中環果頭行下街架,但係駿駿死都唔肯去行街..話要留係婆婆公司喎~_~ 係KFC食完晚飯,婆婆同我地就搭8點45分班船返澳門囉.好彩今日爸爸得閒黎接我地,我地唔駛係寒風中排隊搭的士返屋企呢…今晚都幾凍得12度啦.10點半前返到屋企,即時執行李再比駿駿開晒佢係聖誕樹底既禮物.倒數完就瞓囉. Chunchun and I woke up around 11am this morning, haha, we were so lazy… so worry that we will be late for school after this holiday=.= Took Chunchun to Grandma’s store around 1pm something, and then I go to body check around 2.30pm. Walk around at Sogo afterward, so happy that I bought a pair of gloves today^^ I been looking for nice gloves a long time ago. Bought some snack for Chunchun then back to Grandma’s store around 4pm. At first I wanted to take Chunchun walking around however he rather stay in Grandma’s store~_~ Have dinner at KFC near the ferry terminal and then take the 8.45pm ferry back to Macau. So lucky that Papa have time to come to pick us up around 10pm, we didn’t have to take taxi back home^^ Arrived home around before 10.30pm, hurry to unpack my suitcase and let Chunchun to open all of his gifts from birthday and Christmas. 係婆婆公司食蛋撻港澳碼頭聖誕樹開晒禮物啦

同公公去玩同食飯(Lunch & Play with Grandpa)


今朝同姑婆同駿駿一齊上樓探公公,諗住睇下佢出唔出街食飯…因為姑婆話公公早排原來跌斷左隻手,依家右邊肩位有舊骨凸左出黎呢.醫生已經叫過一次要做手術,但係公公唔肯…所以姑婆想我同公公傾下,叫佢做手術喎.再唔做手術再跌一次隻手就冇架啦. 上到去探佢見佢都幾精神喎,起碼冇飲醉先啦.佢又答應下次覆診見醫生時會主動要求做手術.就係咁..我地就問佢同唔同我地去又一城食午飯啦…之後重一齊去左新世紀冒險樂園玩左陣…到3點鬆d姑婆同駿駿同公公返屋企先,我就自己行街啦.買左條牛仔褲同2件衫比駿駿,我自己都買左2條衫丫^^ 晚上同婆婆一齊帶駿駿去荷里活廣場影相同去冒險樂園玩.去到影聖誕佈置時又見到好玩既遊戲..可惜我地冇時間周圍行買200蚊既野..駿駿又冇機會玩遊戲囉. Went to Grandpa’s home to visit him and asked him to go out for lunch and play with Chunchun and my auntie this afternoon. Because my auntie told me that Grandpa broken his arm a few weeks ago and he refused to do surgery… he have to do it if he want to keep his arm… therefore I need to talk to him to make him willing to do surgery. Since Grandpa look fine this afternoon, at least he didn’t drank; we asked him to go to Festival Walk to have lunch with us then go to Grand Century Place to Jumpin Gym USA to play for a while. My auntie took Chunchun and Grandpa back home around 3pm something then I walk around in Mong Kok alone. Bought 2 shirt and 1 jeans for Chunchun and 2 dresses for myself^O^ At night, Grandma and I took Chunchun to Plaza Hollywood to take photo and go to Jumpin Gym USA again. Poor Chunchun won’t play game in the mall again, because we didn’t have time to shopping around to buy $200 stuff. 又一城同公公同照又一城靚靚花亭荷里活廣場扭蛋雪人荷里活廣場可愛巨熊

令人失望的德福及Mega Box(Disappointed : Telford Plaza & Mega Box)


今日約左姑婆去左德福同Mega Box丫.我地先去左Mega Box食午飯同影相先…因為係網上見d人話Mega Box既聖誕佈置好靚丫,係維尼做主題的..不過去到後就有d失望囉.可憐駿駿好想玩迷宮同夾公仔,不過係Mega Box入面,我同姑婆都完全冇購買慾,冇野睇岩,根本就買唔到300蚊或600蚊既貨品…冇得玩呢.我諗如果係去購物既,我一定唔會選擇行Mega Box囉.之後我地就行番去德福去冒險樂園同買野啦.今年德福既聖誕佈置都差左,唔多吸引呢=.= 5點鬆d帶左駿駿返屋企,我都休息左一陣..到6點半左右我就再出街啦.約左朋友食晚飯呢.哈,今日我買左個500G既USB hard-disc用黎儲存駿駿既相同短片…重買左聖誕禮物比爸爸添^o^ Went to Telford Plaza and Mega Box with my auntie today. We first go to Mega Box to have lunch and take photo of the Christmas decoration. Heard that Mega Box have nice Winnie the Pooh decoration from net, however, when we arrived to Mega Box… felt a little bit disappointed about it. Poor Chunchun couldn’t play games there because we didn’t have desire to purchase 300 or 600 stuff… nothing nice we can find in Mega Box, I guess I won’t go there for shopping again. We walk around and have lunch in Mega Box around 3 hours, then back to Telford Plaza to play and shopping around. Took Chunchun back home around 5pm something and then I went out again around 6.30pm to have dinner with my friend. Bought a USB hard-disc to save Chunchun’s photos. And I bought X’mas gift for Papa too^O^ MegaBox地下維尼MegaBox六樓維尼好耐冇玩波波池囉德福旋轉木馬

BK學校會聖誕聚會(X'Mas Party with BKS Group)


中午時係屋企食左午餐先,之後大約2點就去聖誕聚會啦.今次依個聚會係我係BK既香港網友搞既…因為唔係好識路都早左少少出門口,好彩行行下見到Vivian佢地企左係街度等人….咁好快又見到其他媽咪黎到,我地就一行10幾人一齊上去樓上Café啦.聚會由2點左右開始到6點左右玩. 唔,今個聚會冇乜野食呢..得三大盆食物…分別係沙律,薯條同雞翼…因為d食物好遲都未有得食,好多媽咪都要自己叫公仔麵食住等呢.今個聚會小朋友玩左幾個小遊戲,駿駿抽到一個Hello Kitty保溫袋,同抽到一架搖控車..哈,哈,真係好啦,個Hello Kitty袋對駿駿冇用,佢二話不說就送左比我..所以我同佢係一人一份禮物呢.6點左右我地就離開樓上Café啦,去信和行左一陣就返屋企食晚飯啦. 晚上,婆婆同我2個自己去左吉之島行街,因為駿駿唔肯出街呢.不過咁重好…我同婆婆行得不知幾舒服,唔駛顧住駿駿,今日我重買左2件Hello Kitty睡衣同幾套內衣添. Have lunch at great Grandma’s home around noontime, and then went to X’mas Party with Chunchun. It’s a Party hold by BKS group that I gossiping with all the time in BK. We met Vivian and CICISASA in the street and then Sandy, Wendy… so we walk to the café all together. Party started around 2pm something and ended around 6pm. Hum, didn’t have many foods in the party, only 3 dishes of foods – salad, French fried, and chicken’s wing… that’s it. Most of us need to order noodles ourselves. Let kids played a few games today and Chunchun won 2 gifts… haha, he won a Hello Kitty bag and a remote control car ^O^ Chunchun gave the Hello Kitty bag to me immediately… haha. Leave party around 6pm and then we walk to Sino Centre to walk around then back home to have dinner with great Grandparent. At night, Grandma and I went to Jusco to shopping around without Chunchun. Haha, I bought 2 Hello Kitty pajamas and some underwear tonight. It’s nice to shopping around without Chunchun. 地鐵都有靚靚佈置同豬仔合照第一份禮物同媽咪影相

去香港啦(Go To Hong Kong)


今朝同駿駿搭11點半船返香港,約左婆婆1點左右係地鐵站度等.太公幫我地拎行李返屋企先,等我地可以即時同婆婆去行街街食午飯. 第一站去左始創中心度食午飯.果時都差唔多2點…食食下飯忽然聽到話有聖誕節目,有遊戲玩有禮物送…駿駿一聽到就話要玩,快手食埋d野就跑去舞台前玩遊戲…哈,哈…人地司儀見到駿駿起勢咁跑去台前就知佢係想玩遊戲…駿駿未跑到去人地就指住駿駿話”依位小朋友係咪要玩丫,上黎啦!”開心駿駿最後玩左遊戲又有禮物^^玩完遊戲之後,我地就去行花園街同新世紀廣場啦.真開心,今日買左2件衫1條褲比駿駿,我又買左對靴同冷帽喎;連婆婆都有收鑊買左對靴. 行到5點左右,婆婆同駿駿話累就返屋企先,我一個人去信和行多陣到6點幾先返屋企食飯.哈,我又買左幾本漫畫同幫爸爸買左野添. Took 11.30am ferry to Hong Kong this morning with Chunchun and met Grandma in MTR station around 1pm. Great Grandpa helps us to carry our suitcase back home first so that we can go shopping with Grandma immediately. Have lunch in Pioneer Center around 2pm, happy Chunchun play game in the X’mas show… haha, we were having lunch when the show started but then Chunchun heard that there will have game and gift, he hurry finished his lunch immediately and run to the stage to join the game. After playing in the X’mas show, we walk to Fa Yuen Street and Grand Century Place to shopping around. So happy that I bought 2 shirts and a pair of pants for Chunchun and I bought a pair of boots and a hat for myself; Grandma bought a pair of boots too. Grandma and Chunchun back home around 5pm something first because they were tired. I went to Sino Center alone to buy comic and stuff for Papa, and then back home around 6pm something to have dinner. 信德中心大大聖誕樹始創中心聖誕樹人始創中心自我介紹新世紀廣場靚靚聖誕樹

同爺爺食飯(Dinner with Grandpa)


唔,今日我同駿駿都瞓到差唔多11點先起身呢…哈哈,重要起左身都重好想瞓=.=我地都唔係夜瞓,點解近日咁瞓得架呢.一起身就快手開奶同比多土駿駿做早餐,我就快手沖個涼先.到點幾再準備午飯…食完同駿駿溫習一陣就一齊午睡囉. 晚上要同爺爺食飯,做冬丫今晚.6點40分左右出門口,先去接左大伯同朗朗先,再去酒樓.哈,真係好搞笑,我地竟然係升降機度撞到爸爸喎.我地泊左車係停車場果層入升降機,而爸爸就係大堂果層入升降機,大家見到都笑左出黎呢. 食晚飯時,唔知點解,搞搞下變左駿駿一個坐係爺爺身邊,我同爸爸就坐對面喎=.=勁唔方便丫,我久唔久就要夾好餸同拎飯去比駿駿,雖然爺爺偶然都有夾餸比駿駿,但係唔夠嘛…而駿駿呢,佢就好開心啦,佢重問我..點解爺爺咁鍚佢喎=.= Hum, woke up around 11am this morning, haha, Chunchun and I still sleepy when we wake up=.= Hurry to made breakfast for Chunchun and then take a shower while Chunchun having breakfast. Prepare lunch around 1pm something, then asked Chunchun to study for a while before we nap together. Went to have dinner with Grandpa tonight, leave home around 6.40pm and then went to pick up my brother-in-law first. Arrived to Chinese restaurant around 7pm, haha, so funny, we met Papa in the elevator; we get in on the P2 floor, and Papa get in on the G floor, haha. Sigh, Chunchun sit with Grandpa during dinner time, no one take care him=_= I have to walk to him every once a while to gave him foods or tissue… Anyway, Chunchun was very happy sitting with Grandpa and he said Grandpa like him the most. 同阿寶打機

重係38度燒(Still Having Fever around 38C)


今朝7點起身,又係第一時閒同駿駿探熱…唉~都重有38度燒呢.等到8點又打番學校請假,就再上床同駿駿一齊瞓啦.今日駿駿真係好累好瞓得喎..成朝成個下午都係度瞓,只係中午起過身食午餐,之後瞓到成6點,佢先肯起身去睇醫生啦. 今次去到診所,第一時間話要搵唔同既醫生睇,再同個醫生講,駿駿星期日就有燒架啦,星期一睇診所既男醫生話係感冒果d,到琴日都未好就去學校醫生度睇,學校醫生就話係扁桃腺有d發炎,因為唔係好嚴重所以只係低燒.見2個醫生講法唔同,當然係睇第三個醫生睇下點啦.不過依個醫生都係話似感冒多,扁桃腺炎唔會燒咁多日低燒喎.今次重開左4日藥比駿駿添,又叫駿駿明天都唔好返學,再休息下會好d. Woke up around 7am this morning, check on Chunchun’s temperature… sigh~ he still having fever around 38℃. Called to school around 8am to take sick leave, then back to bed to sleep with Chunchun again. Chunchun still look very tired today, he been sleeping all day, except lunch time. And he finally woke up around 6pm and then I hurry take him to clinic again. Request to see another doctor, and told her that Chunchun been having fever since Sunday, went to clinic to see a male doctor on Monday, and went to school doctor yesterday. Doctor said tonsillitis will not cause light fever for few days, it’s a flu… and gave Chunchun 4 days medicines this time and suggested Chunchun take one more sick leave tomorrow.

請左半日病假(Half Day Sick Leave)


今朝同婆婆一齊送駿駿返學,由婆婆帶駿駿入學校同去買餸,我就自己一個返屋企先啦.婆婆落車前提佢帶駿駿去睇一下學校醫生,拎d藥比佢食左先上堂,有必要可以即回家. 婆婆大約9點鬆d打比我,原來巴士改左路線,依家冇巴士可以返到屋企,唯有我渣車去接婆婆啦=.=婆婆話學校醫生話駿駿係扁桃腺炎喎,但係冇開退燒藥比駿駿,只係比左消炎藥咋,話小朋友食太多退燒藥唔好喎.而且醫生重提意駿駿今日測完數學就早退.所以一朝返到屋企就一直係度等學校電話啦.結果等到成12點鬆d,先由駿駿自己打比我…話佢可以放學囉喎…即同婆婆一齊去接放學再返屋企煮通粉比佢食. 可憐駿駿真係好累咁,今日瞓左成日,瞓瞓下又發惡夢喊醒喎…但係佢瞓左成日都重係咁瞓,好似好累好累咁..睇黎明天都係請假算囉. Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, let Grandma to go in school with Chunchun and go to food market, I back home alone. Reminded Grandma to take Chunchun to school doctor, and let him take medicine before he goes to classroom. Grandma called around 9am something and asked me to pick her up because the bus schedule was changed=.= No bus can back home now, sigh~ Grandma told me that Chunchun should be having tonsillitis, school doctor didn’t gave him any antipyretic… and school doctor suggested Chunchun to take half day leave after Math test. Been waiting for school calling to pick up Chunchun all morning. Finally Chunchun called me himself around noontime, hurry to go to pick up Chunchun with Grandma and then back home to prepare lunch for Chunchun. Poor Chunchun slept all day today, something he awaked from night mare… he seem to be very tired even he been sleeping all day today.



駿駿今朝一起身就有少少燒啦,大約38.2度.第一時間比退燒藥佢食再打去學習中心請病假.因為今日下午澳門媽咪會有聖誕Party,我係主辦人冇得唔去,駿駿唔病得架.好彩佢一食藥好快就退番去37度左右,又見佢都好精神活躍. 下午食完午飯,就迫駿駿上床瞓個午覺先出街,因為真係唔想佢病.咁岩爸爸話佢冇乜野做,有必要佢可以留係屋企睇住駿駿…叫我自己去聚會喎.我都覺得咁安排幾好,但係當我想出門口時駿駿就瞓醒囉,佢又好想去…咁唔比佢去玩又好似好慘咁,咁咪一齊去囉. 3點前去到漁人碼頭非洲村果度,我地去到時都有幾個家庭到架啦,哈,今次雖然比上年少左d人,但係都有25個家庭參加架,有40幾個大人同27個小朋友.大家先食左下午茶自助餐,之後再比小朋友跑跑跳跳一下,大約4點半左右就派禮物啦.今年同上年一樣,每個家長事先抽到一個小朋友,負責買禮物比果個小朋友,黎到我再收集同派發.唔知今年大家收到既禮物岩唔岩心水呢? 玩到5點左右我地就準備離開啦,見駿駿重係好精神就打電話叫爸爸黎漁人碼頭搵我地啦.因為本來我地就打算晚上係漁人碼頭食晚飯架啦.係等爸爸既期間,駿駿就同好朋友Jeannie周圍行周圍影下相咁.爸爸黎到後我地再行左陣街,打左機就去魚一丁度食晚飯啦. 唉~一坐底駿駿就話好累唔舒服,同佢探熱發現佢又開始燒啦,見係咁唯有快手食晚飯再早d返屋企等駿駿早d休息啦.因為星期日得醫院急診,駿駿又唔係好高燒,唔想佢病住都要係醫院呆坐幾個鐘,就由佢明天起身先去樓下診所睇醫生啦. Chunchun woke up with a little bit fever around 38.2℃ this morning, hurry to give him some pill and called to learning centre to take sick leave. Chunchun’s temperature was around 37℃ something after he took his pill around half hour, and he still active. Since I have a Macau Mama Club X’Mas party this afternoon, I forced Chunchun to take more rest before we go out. I couldn’t absent since I am the leading of Macau Mama Club. Have lunch around noontime and let Chunchun take a nap before go out for party. Papa said if Chunchun didn’t feel well, he can stay home to look after him… it’s a good idea, however, Chunchun wanted to go and he’s seem to be fine in the afternoon. Chunchun and I arrived to Fisherman’s Wharf before 3pm, a few families were arrived already. We have 25 families to join today, around 40 adult and 27 kids^O^ Having tea buffet, and then let kids run around for a while before lucky draw. Party ended around 5pm something, since Chunchun still look fine and active, Papa and I decided to have dinner in Fisherman’s Wharf too. Called Papa after we leave the restaurant, and walk around with Amy’s family before Papa arrive. Take photos around and then we went to a Japanese restaurant to have dinner. Sigh, once we set down, Chunchun seem to be sick again, and soon I found that he’s having fever again (brought the temperature measurer with me) >_< Hurry to finish our dinner and back home to let Chunchun go to bed soon. Planned to go to doctor with him tomorrow morning. 近期最fds既Nori同Jeannie小朋友中合照同Jeannie行街街有人打WarGame

校慶(Anniversary Celebrations Of School)


今日係學校校慶丫,一早8點半送完駿駿返學,我就去接爸爸去食早餐再行去學校參加駿駿學校既校慶活動啦. 我地都成10點先去架啦,點知要等到10點半先入得喎=.=好心啦,手冊張通告都冇寫幾點可以入場,如果係咁晏先開放比家長點解唔寫明?好啦,入到去,根本家長係完全冇野做,連搵d野睇下都冇…我唔明咁重係通告度邀請家長同小朋友同樂乜丫?連最基本既親子遊戲都冇…係咪請得家長,最少整dd表演,或者親子小遊戲比家長小朋友一齊玩呢?最後我同老公只係行住駿駿行,睇佢玩遊戲,好辛苦先得到中午可以走人呢. 晚上婆婆7點左右就黎左囉,哈哈,今個星期婆婆特登改明天放假架,因為明天係駿駿生日丫 Anniversary Celebrations of School today, I took Chunchun to school around 8.30am and then go to pick up Papa to have breakfast and then join the Anniversary Celebration of School with Chunchun. We arrived to school around 10am something and wait still 10.30am to get in school=.= Sigh~ their notice didn’t said when parents can get in school. Hum, there were nothing for parents’ only games for kids; I wonder why ask parents to attend their celebration in their notice? They should at least make some show or games that kids can play with their parents. Sigh, super boring Papa and I just following Chunchun walking around in the hall to watch him play games. The celebration activities end around noontime, we finally can leave… Back home to have lunch with great Grandparents. At night, Grandma arrived around 7pm, haha, she specially day off on tomorrow, because tomorrow is Chunchun's birthday. 校慶活動釣魚校慶活動渣電單車校慶活動轆波仔校慶活動流水音樂

生日會(Birthday Party)


11點同婆婆一齊送駿駿去普通話班,之後我就去碼頭接姑婆同表姨啦…點知佢地班船要遲成半小時先到=.=最後唯有返屋企接左太公太婆先再去碼頭接姑婆表姨,送晒佢地去新馬路行住街先..我再返學習中心接駿駿同婆婆.搞得黎我都成12點40分先離開新馬路,遲左少少先去到接駿駿放學呢…好彩我一早預左可能會遲,叫埋婆婆去學習中心等駿駿放學,唔好比佢係學習中心玩到唔願走. 1點鬆d我地就泊好車,行去水坑尾既麥當勞同太公太婆佢地會合,準備駿駿開生日會啦.我地去到時,太公太婆,姑婆表姨都到左啦,重有幾個澳門媽咪會既朋友都黎到添^^生日會2點開始,雖然請左好多人都好似冇黎,但係今日都唔少人丫.起碼有50幾人…都坐滿,如果我請d人真係黎齊可能要加大範圍添.生日會去到3點,不過我地坐到差唔多3點半先走呢…因為重有人食緊野,我地等大家都走晒先走. 開完生日會,我地先放番駿駿既生日禮物上車先,之後再係新馬路行街街.大約5點鬆d返到屋企,坐一陣,6點幾又出街食晚飯囉.^^開心駿駿今日收到超過20份禮物呢,放到成棵聖誕樹底都係禮物.不過駿駿今日唔開得住丫,我要佢生日正日先可以開幾盒,之後果d要留番聖誕節先開得. Took Chunchun to Mandarin course around 11am with Grandma, and then go to ferry terminal around noontime to pick up my auntie and cousin… however, their ferry was delayed=.= I have to back home to pick up great Grandparents first then back to ferry terminal to pick up my auntie and cousin. Drove them to shopping area around 12.40pm, then hurry back to learning centre to pick up Chunchun and Grandma. Parked my car around 1pm something, and then walk to McDonald’s to prepare Chunchun’s birthday party^^ Great Grandparent, my auntie and cousin and a few Macau Mama Club’s friends were arrived already. Birthday Party started on 2pm; hum, I am not sure how many people attended…Chunchun’s classmates, and my friends… it’s sure over 50 person. Birthday Party ended on 3pm and we stay until 3.30pm to leave. After birthday party, we first took the entire birthday gift to my car and then we walking around in the shopping area to shop around. Hum, back home around 5pm something, and then we went out for dinner again. Happy Chunchun got over 20 gifts today, haha, I told him to placed it all under the Christmas tree^^ He can open a few gift on his birthday on Dec 9, and then rest of them have to wait till Boxing Day. 丟籃球唱生日歌啦足球小子氣球一共22份生日禮物

太公太婆黎澳門丫(Great Grandparents Come to Macau)


太公太婆今日2點幾就由香港過左黎澳門啦,之後太婆就跟埋我一齊去接駿駿放學.哈,駿駿一上車見到太婆就好開心咁笑左出黎,笑住口咁問點解太婆係度喎^^返到屋企駿駿就比左份禮物我話係同學仔今日送比佢架,因為同學仔明天去唔到生日會喎…依個家長真係太客氣囉,黎唔到生日會又駛乜送禮物呢… 執好野就準備同駿駿做功課同溫習一下下個星期既測驗啦,因為黎緊幾日駿駿都會唔得閒,怕佢唔夠時間溫習呢.明天一早要上普通話班,下午又開生日會..之後又唔知會去邊玩.星期日一早要上英文班,下午又會同太公太婆出下街咁,星期一學校校慶,放半日假又未必會留係屋企,星期二正日生日,學校又放假就一定會去街.日日都唔係屋企..都係早d開始少少,少少咁溫習好d. 今晚早左少少食飯,因為爸爸話要8點鐘返工呢,而婆婆又8點幾先返到黎喎,所以今晚婆婆要自己一個食飯丫=.=婆婆食完飯,太公太婆同婆婆就拎禮物出黎比駿駿啦,哈,一收又幾份禮物,真係開心死駿駿,不過佢都要等到生日正日先開到禮物呢. Great Grandparent came to Macau around 2pm something, and then great Grandma goes to pick up Chunchun with me. Chunchun was very surprise that great Grandma was waiting in car, he have a big smile on his face when he saw great Grandma^^ Chunchun show me a gift when we back home, he said one of his classmates couldn’t attend his birthday party on tomorrow, therefore his classmate gave him the birthday gift today. Back home to do homework and study test on next week, because Chunchun will be busy on this weekend… Mandarin course and birthday party on Saturday; English course on Sunday and maybe go out with great Grandparent; School Anniversary activities on Monday; birthday on Tuesday (school holiday, we will go shopping with great Grandparent and Grandma)… better study something for test first. We have dinner a little bit early tonight, because Papa have to back to work on 8pm tonight, and Grandma arrived home around 8pm something, she have to have dinner alone=.= Happy Chunchun got a few gifts from great Grandparents and Grandma tonight, but he have to wait until his birthday to open it^^