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每個孩子都是媽媽心中的寶貝 看著媽媽們在這樣的雨天帶著寶貝來小紫老師這邊上課 小紫老師心中真得很感動 今天換作是我自己 也會這樣帶著小一枝東奔西跑 只要是我自己認定是有價值的事情!! 媽咪們 你們辛苦了 今天的每個寶貝都很熱喔 讓小紫老師印象最深刻的就是饅頭了 饅頭在小紫老師作Snowflake的新動作時 整個人貼到小紫老師的面前 還在某一次收教具的時候 抱住小紫老師的腳 今天的饅頭好可愛 饅頭媽前兩天向小紫老師求救 因為cd聽壞了 這是饅頭每天晚上睡覺前要聽的cd 還會邊聽邊跟著旋律以及旋律語句 呵呵! 可愛的饅頭 你真得已經跨出了一大大步囉!!! 今天的玹玹也相當的活潑 但很棒的是 該做的旋律語句以及節奏語句玹玹都可以乖乖的練習 小紫老師給玹玹拍拍手喔!! 今天的小禹呢 小紫老師給了小禹唱名的練習 果真小禹唱得又更棒 小紫老師可還聽過小禹用唱名唱小星星喔!! 小禹很棒! 小臻今天雖然ㄍㄧㄥ了一下下 但是最後還是向糖果給屈服了 哈哈 今天小紫老師特別要小臻給小紫老師旋律語句的第一個音 小臻果真有跟唱第一個音 看起來小臻是已經懂了小紫老師的意思囉 這樣我們接下來可以多多練習了! 今天的謙謙在種蘿蔔糕上讓小紫老師印象深刻唷 因為謙謙種得蘿蔔糕果真是很小很小的 小紫老師有注意到謙看著手上蘿蔔糕的專注眼神! 謙謙很棒 另外旋律語句也唱得很好 節奏語句也不賴! 恩恩 讚讚讚 雖然已經過了兩個星期 但是我們的平平一樣很有水準 該給主音的時候 一個也沒有少 尤其小紫老師要發糖果時 平平還急得在旁邊跟唱小紫老師給別的孩子的題目呢! 呵呵 平平現在看起來已經變得更穩了 每一次小紫老師要回饋都可以很大方的給予 恩恩 很好很好唷!! 今天的小一枝 娘印象深刻的是 娘忘記問小一枝"小一枝你在哪裡"時 小一枝竟然難過委屈的哇哇大哭 哈哈!! sorry拉!!! 下次娘盡量不要忘記你喔! ^^



MUSIC LEARNING THEORY CERTIFICATION LEVEL 1: EARLY CHILDHOOD MUSIC June 16-June 27, 2008 Michigan State University School of Music East Lansing, MI Faculty: Edwin E. Gordon Music Learning Theory Cynthia Taggart Theory and Practical Application Jennifer Bailey Practical Application • Available for no credit through GIML or for 3 semester hours through Michigan State University. All students must pay a $100.00 registration fee to GIML. In addition, those enrolling for no university credit must pay a $490 workshop fee payable to GIML, and those enrolling for credit must pay the Michigan State University tuition. • A limited number of scholarships and work-study grants will be available. • Mastership participants will meet from 8:30 - 4:00 on Monday through Friday of both weeks. • Dormitory housing is available through Michigan State University. • Participants pursuing Level One certification should have some prior knowledge of and background in Music Learning Theory. • Before enrolling in a Level One certification program, participants should be able to sing rote songs in a variety of tonalities and meters and chant in a variety of meters. You should also be able to sing tonal patterns in major and minor tonalities and chant rhythm patterns in usual duple and triple meters with as demonstrated on "Developing Musicianship." "Developing Musicianship" is available through G.I.A. Publications to help you develop the skills necessary for GIML Mastership Level 1 WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early childhood, elementary and middle school music teachers, professional performers, and music education students who are interested in furthering their understanding of audiation and enhancing their teaching through an audiation-based approach. The framework for all classes in the certification course will be provided by music learning theory, developed by Dr. Edwin E. Gordon. Unique practical application of the theory and its use in early childhood will be presented by faculty who are experienced in teaching classes based on music learning theory. CLINICIANS: Edwin E. Gordon, who created and developed Music Learning Theory, is known throughout the world as a preeminent researcher, teacher, author, theorist, and lecturer in music education He taught at Temple University, where he won the Linback and Great Teacher award, at Michigan State University and at the University of South Carolina. His work has been portrayed on the NBC Today Show, in the New York Times, and on the front page of USA Today. Cynthia Taggart, Prof. and Chair of Music Education at Michigan State University, holds a Ph.D. from Temple University and a B.M. and M.M. from the University of Michigan. She directs the Early Childhood Program of the Community Music School of MSU's School of Music. As an MSU faculty member, she received the prestigious Teacher-Scholar award. Prior to teaching at MSU, she taught for four years at Case Western Reserve University, where she won the Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award. She has written extensively for professional journals and is a co-author of Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum and Music Play. Jennifer Bailey, current President of the Gordon Institute for Music Learning, teaches elementary general music in the Farmington Public Schools. She holds a M.M. from Temple University and a B.M. from Michigan State University. She teaches in and directs her own early childhood music program, and is a co-author of Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum. Jennifer is a frequent clinician for conferences and music faculty all over the United States. REGISTRATION AND ENROLLMENT: All participants will pay a $100.00 registration fee. To apply for scholarship or work-study grants, contact Cynthia Taggart at the e-mail below. Those scholarships or grants cannot be used to off set the cost of University tuition. Option 1: The no-university-credit GIML workshop fees for the full two-week workshop are $590.00, including registration. To reserve a place in the workshop send the registration form at the end of this information and a check for $100.00 payable to GIML to Cynthia Taggart, School of Music, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823-1043 by May 15, 2008. The remaining $490.00 payable to GIML will be due on the first morning of the workshop. Payment must be made using a US check or in cash. Unfortunately, no credit card or money order is possible. Option 2- Graduate Credit: To reserve a place in the workshop send the registration form and a check for $100.00 payable to GIML to Cynthia Taggart, School of Music, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823-1043 by May 15, 2008. To enroll for graduate credit through Michigan State University for the first time, you need to apply for Lifelong Education. You can do this on line at http://www.reg.msu.edu/ROInfo/EnrReg/LifelongEducation.asp. Once you have been notified of your acceptance by Lifelong Education (which is virtually guaranteed), you can enroll on the MSU website or you can call Bonnie Stewart, (517) 355-4585. You will need to have your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and your Personal Access Number (PAN) that you were given by Lifelong Education. Tell them that you wish to register for MUS 891, Section 301. The section ID number is 648368. The cost is $376.25 per credit, regardless of whether you are an in- or out-of-state student, unless there is a tuition adjustment prior to summer, which is unlikely. HOUSING: Dormitory Housing: Students can arrange for housing in the University dorms. Arrangements can be made by calling Owen Graduate Hall (517) 355-5068. Rooms cost $36.00 per day for a single room, including an $8.50 a day food allowance. They are holding 8 rooms for our workshop participants. Arrangements for dormitory housing must be made in advance of the workshop. MEALS: Meals are available in the Michigan State Union, which is half-a block from the School of Music, or from the many restaurants within walking distance. All participants should plan to eat lunch on or near campus because of time constraints. BOOKS AND MATERIALS: Following are the books needed for Mastership Level 1: Music Play A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Very Young Children Early Childhood Experimental Song and Chant Book 1 More Songs and Chants without Words Soprano Recorder Recommended (These will be available at the workshop to examine): Developing Musicianship Learning Sequences in Music Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum Early Childhood Songs and Chants Book Simple Gifts You Are My Sunshine Music Play It is recommended that persons purchase and read their material before the course begins. All materials may be purchased from GIA Publications, Inc., GIAmusic.com or 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. You may call them at 1-800-442-1358 to order materials. For More Information: Contact Cynthia Taggart e-mail: [email protected] GIML EARLY CHILDHOOD MUSIC LEVEL 1 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY JUNE 16-27, 2008 REGISTRATION FORM Please return this form with your registration check. NAME: ________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: __________________________________________________ Are you taking this workshop for university credit ____ yes _____ no If so, please enclose a check made out to GIML for $100 and register for the course through the University as described in the information above. You will be billed separately for University tuition. If not, please enclose a check for $100 to GIML and bring a check for $490 payable to GIML on the first morning of the workshop. Do you plan to live in the dormitories on campus during the workshop? _____yes _____no If so, please arrange your housing as described in the information above.



The Gordon Institute for Music Learning www.giml.org Summer 2008 Workshop Series in Pennsylvania Sponsored by The Gordon Institute for Music Learning, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, and Temple University GIML Mastership Certification July 28-August 8, 2008 Level 1 Early Childhood Music Level 2 Early Childhood Music Level 1 Elementary General Music One-week Instrumental Introductory Course, July 28-August 1, 2008 Faculty: Beth M. Bolton, Ph.D., Temple University, early childhood music, level 2. Suzanne Burton, Ph.D., University of Delaware, theory. Alison M. Reynolds, Ph.D., Temple University, theory. Wendy H. Valerio, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, early childhood music, level 1 Jill Reese, doctoral candidate, Temple University, elementary general music, level 1. Michael E. Martin, School District of Haverford Township, instrumental music. Workshop Director: Michael E. Martin (610-527-6138, e mail [email protected]) Host: Sandy Martin Location: Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, 625 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania What is Mastership? A mastership program differs from a workshop. Students who enroll in a mastership program have an active role. They are responsible for learning the material offered, for teaching with a high degree of competence, and for demonstrating their understanding of the method by writing lesson plans. Who Should Attend a Mastership Course? Early childhood, elementary, middle school and high school music teachers, musicians, professional performers, and music education students who are interested in furthering their understanding of audiation and enhancing their teaching through an audiation approach are eligible to participate in Mastership. The framework for all classes in the certification course will be provided by music learning theory, developed by Edwin E. Gordon. Unique practical applications of the theory and its use in early childhood, elementary general, and instrumental music will be presented by faculty who are experienced in teaching classes based on music learning theory. Students who enroll in Level 1 Mastership should have completed at least one music learning theory workshop or seminar prior to enrollment. Students who enroll in Level 2 must hold Early Childhood Level 1 Certification. Contact Michael E. Martin, 610-527-6138 (e mail [email protected]) for further information. All participants must be able to read and write music. Advanced preparation is absolutely necessary. Purchase required materials early and prepare for the workshop by reading, taking notes, and practicing singing, chanting, and moving in a variety of tonalities, meters, and styles. See the BOOKS and MATERIALS list below. Books and Materials Required materials for each course are listed below. Purchase and read materials before the course begins so that you are fully prepared for the course. Unless otherwise noted, the materials are available from GIA Publications, Inc. 1-800-442-1358. www.giamusic.com All certification participants • Soprano Recorder • Staff Paper • Pencils • Bolton, B. M. (2000). Musicianship: Learning the language of music; developing tonal and rhythm skill. Bestbael Music. Contact Beth Bolton: [email protected] Early Childhood Levels 1 and 2 • Gordon, E. E., Bolton, B. M., Hicks, W. K., & Taggart, C. C., (1993). Experimental songs and chants, Book One. Chicago: GIA. • Gordon, E. E. (2003). A music learning theory for newborn and young children. Chicago: GIA. • Gordon, E. E. (2007). Awakening newborns, children, and adults to the world of audiation. Chicago: GIA. • Runfola, M., & Taggart, C. (2005). The development and practical application of music learning theory. Chicago: GIA. • Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Bolton, B. M., Taggart, C. C., and Gordon, E. E. (1998). Music play: Guide for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Chicago: GIA. Elementary General Music Level I • Gordon, E.E. (2007). Learning Sequences in Music: A Contemporary Music Learning Theory, Chicago: GIA • Bolton, B. M., Taggart, C. C., Reynolds, A. M., Valerio, W. H., & Gordon, E. E. (2000). Jump Right In: The General Music Series (Second Edition), Teacher’s Edition Book 1, Chicago: GIA. • Gordon, E. E. (1990). Tonal Register Book One – Revised Edition, Chicago: GIA. • Gordon, E. E. (1990). Rhythm Register Book One – Revised Edition, Chicago: GIA. • Gordon, E. E. (2001). Reference Handbook for Using Learning Sequence Activities, Chicago: GIA. Instrumental Music, One –week introductory course • Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series - Student Book One and CD (any instrument) • Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series - Teachers Guide for one of the following: Recorder, Strings, or Winds and Percussion • A soprano recorder • a string, wind, or percussion instrument • a CD player for listening assignments GIML Mastership Certification workshops may be taken for no credit through GIML. The GIML registration fee paid by all participants is $590.00. Cost for the One-week Instrumental Course is $390.00 Pre-register and reserve your space in the workshop by sending a check in the amount of $100, payable to The Gordon Institute for Music Learning, to Michael E. Martin, 355 Arden Rd., Conshohocken, PA 19428. Pre-registration must be received no later than June 23. The balance will be due by July 12. (All payments must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank.) The workshops will also be available for 2, 3, or 5 hours of undergraduate or graduate credit through Temple University. Separate tuition payment (in addition to the GIML registration fee) will be made to Temple University by those enrolling for university credit. Temple University registration may be completed on the first day of the workshop, July 28, 2008. Housing and Meals Housing will be available at Harcum College, located just across the street from the workshop site. Housing cost is $95 per person per week for a double room, including linen service. Single occupancy rooms are available for $190 per week. Housing cost is payable to Michael E. Martin, Workshop Director, by July 1. Hotels are expensive and not within walking distance. A meal plan will be available upon arrival, costing approximately $40 for ten meals. Individual meals may also be purchased at the college. A wide variety of restaurants and food stores are located within walking distance. Travel Information Fly into Philadelphia International Airport. Ground transportation by taxi or regional rail is available from the airport into Philadelphia. Visit www.septa.com for information and schedules for the R1 Airport and R5 regional rail lines. Registration for GIML Workshop and Mastership Send in this section of the page with your $100 pre-registration check payable to GIML no later than June 23 to reserve your space in a workshop. No more than 30 participants will be accepted in any one section. The postmark date of your pre-registration will determine priority registration. Send pre-registration checks to Michael E. Martin, 355 Arden Rd., Conshohocken, PA 19428. Name_____________________________________________Address_______________________________________ City____________________________________State_______ZipCode_____________Email____________________ Phone Number (daytime)______________________________________(evening)____________________________ Complete all blanks that apply to your registration (X) Early Childhood Level 1_____ Early Childhood Level 2_____ Elementary Level 1____ Instrumental One-week____ $100 pre-registration fee payable to GIML enclosed (due by June 23)______ $490 balance for Certification payable to GIML enclosed (due by July 12)______ $290 balance for Instrumental payable to GIML enclosed (due by July 12)_____ If you plan to register for Temple University credit, please indicate your intentions below: Number of hours (2, 3, or 5)______ Graduate_____ Undergraduate_____ I desire housing at Harcum College: Double occupancy @ $95/wk _____Single occupancy @ $190/wk_____ Housing fee payable to Michael E. Martin enclosed (due by July 1)_____ Roommate request___________________



今天我們的下午班來了個新同學小紅豆 小紅豆現在雖然9m大 但小紅豆整個上課的狀況實在讓小紫老師很佩服 因為年紀小小的小紅豆是這麼樣的進入狀況 且不時用燦爛的微笑給予小紫老師回饋 齁 讚讚讚 誠如子暄娘說的 這小孩可能很快就可以給予回饋了 小紫老師也這麼相信 子暄原本在上課前還很想要睡覺 但到了上課時 子暄完全就是清醒著和大家一起上課 果真音樂已經在子暄身上開始產生化學變化囉 因為上完課後 子暄立即又想要睡覺 呵呵 底迪的表情依舊專注 小紫老師不免想到這些孩子從這麼小就可以接受音樂的涵養 接受這麼多音樂語彙的刺激 稍大後 必定會自然而然的也擁有很多的音樂語言可以表達 不僅是底迪如此 所有音潛班孩子也都如此 阿牧今天雖然沒有給小紫老師回饋 但是小紫老師知道阿牧是可以唱出來的 阿牧啊 下次要給阿姨回饋喔 另外啊 如果小一枝再搶你的玩具 你就別客氣的揍他一頓吧(是說優雅的阿牧可能做不出來這些舉動) Q比呢 原本進來時還在睡覺 沒想到大家哈囉完後就醒了 而且整堂上課都很專心唷 不錯不錯 阿姨也覺得Q比和媽媽一樣都抓到上課的節奏 阿姨給你一個kiss 庭暄今天媽咪說直到做動態活動的時候才活起來 哈哈 庭暄想睡覺ㄇㄟ 庭暄加油 小紫老師在等暨Q比之後你的Bum喔 久違了三個星期的亮亮 今天剛到的時候還熟悉環境了好一下下 直到上課時幾乎恢復電力 呵呵 媽咪請一定要照顧好亮 讓亮每一次都要來上課唷!!!



食物啊食物 你果真有十足的魅力 就算上課時寶寶在怎麼不開口 只要看到小紫老師把你們拿出來 寶寶們一定急忙連口的Bum Bum Bum 呵呵 晚上還開玩笑的說 以後上課的30分鐘乾脆都來發食物好了 哈哈 是說這只是說說 因為除了旋律以及節奏外 要給孩子的其他音樂涵養還是不能少的 今天要謝謝玹玹把拔幫我們錄課後的"食物刺激"語句練習 小禹果真遺傳她阿娘的天生好音樂性 不但旋律可以唱得準 就連簡單的節奏語句也幾乎沒有問題 所以呢 下次開始小紫老師會給小禹加入唱名的練習(小禹已經會唱Yamaha廣告的歌囉) 玹玹今天也不遑多讓,另外謝謝媽咪提醒要錄玹的語句喔!! 節奏部分: 小紫老師給1.2.4為四分,3為附點;玹回饋1,2拍為雙八分,3拍為四分;小紫老師給1,2拍雙八分3,4為四分,玹完全正確;小紫老師給1,3,4為四分,2為雙八分,玹完全正確 旋律部分:玹玹就跟小紫老師玩得只給Bah Bah...玹不是不會唷!!!! 小臻部分 小紫老師今天給了更難的二分拍語句 小臻在節奏部分幾乎都可以跟得上 在旋律部分也唱得很好 小臻媽咪說 小臻音準以前是不準的 小紫老師實在開心得很 因為小臻現在音準很好唷 緯緯是今天的新同學 聽說可是和饅頭很熟的唷 偉偉雖然今天沒有給予旋律以及節奏的回饋 但是沒關係唷 緯緯是觀察型的孩子 我們的練習緯緯都會觀察進去的 相信很快也可以聽見緯緯的回饋 另外媽咪也做得很棒 完全沒有強迫緯緯做任何動作 小紫老師給媽咪用力拍手 ^^ 小紫老師今天偷偷注意謙謙 發現謙謙現在在動作上都很專注的在觀察小紫老師的動作而且有模仿 很棒喔 當然 小紫老師也一樣很期待謙謙小助教所提供的新動作喔 比方今天做jumping時 謙謙就學小兔子跳 很好很好 另外謙謙的旋律語句又進步了 現在連音準都有了 不管老師的音高是不是高了點 謙謙也都可以唱 實在很優秀 節奏的部分也是 謙謙真得進步好多好多唷! ^^ 小一枝呢 果真晚上在糖的誘惑下 竟然讓娘我感覺到小一枝有意識的在注意自己的音高 呼呼 很棒很棒 娘我實在很樂 因為小一枝又進步了!!!



報名記錄: 早上班11:00 1.妞妞2.妞弟(如果可以的話,我想把那四部車子拿掉,單純地欣賞花海就好) 3.樺樺 4.阿奴(我是用音樂角度想 ,各色的車子代表音符~ 美麗的花海代表樂譜~ 二者相輔相成~) 5.宏益(第一次看到老師家這張照片時只覺得花海很美 ,現再看來真覺得跟照片下的那一行字"小紫老師的音樂王國"很搭呢 ,小朋友在這學習.成長.茁壯.就好比這片花海一般啊) 下午班13:30 1.底迪(大概是難得聚一起的四對家長或一個大家庭相約來欣賞這美麗的風景,所以特別留下紀念吧! ) 2.亮亮(一片花海中ㄉ積木!粉想將小亮丟進ㄑ爬一爬.....) 3.子暄(我覺得是音樂的世界就和那片美麗的花海一樣 ,只要陪著孩子用心感受讓多姿多采的世界留在心中 ,就是世界上最美好的事情啦~) 4.新同學:咪嚕(7ms) 5.庭瑄(將學音樂的小孩湊在一起,動時就像車陣,”衝”滿馬力,靜時就像花海,個個芬芳美麗,我們小庭瑄身在力與美中,是個超幸福的人兒啊!) 晚上班19:00 1.饅頭(你是不是希望 你就是帶頭的車 然後帶領大家前進 並且欣賞到沿途美麗的景色呀??) 2.小臻(加入小紫的音樂王國,令人心曠神怡啦!) 3.玹玹(人們簇擁著去賞花接近自然,其實成為花海中最鮮艷的主角。我們往往急切著去追尋什麼,到頭來卻會發現最棒的就在自己身邊) 4.小寶鯨媽咪(車子代表每個獨特的寶貝 ,顏色表示孩子的特質(悶燒/活潑/安靜..等,後面的花海代表上課場地,地點一樣,成員不同組合多樣,每次上課畫面會讓人永遠新鮮感動) 5.小禹(我覺得像是排隊準備唱歌領糖的小傢伙們, 美麗花海當然是守護小傢伙且在旁邊偷笑的娘親啊 ,不然還有誰比我們美呢~呵 ) 報名年齡:接受0~6y 可接受新生報名,額滿班級則排候補通知 上課時間:每星期二 報名班級: 小熊早班11:00(1.5y~3y); 小熊下午班13:30(0~1.5y); 小熊晚上班19:00(1.5~3y) 另不在以上年齡限制中的寶寶則需湊足人數後方會開班 請先熟讀筆記本中 (1)."音樂潛能課程問題總總與注意事項",(2)."小紫老師音樂潛能班的教學理念"再確認是否報名!! 第二期開始上課時間:97年4月22日星期二 每期10堂課 費用3000元 (請將束脩放於信封袋中並寫上姓名) 費用於第二期第一堂課開始前繳費完成報名 (舊生媽咪可講出小紫老師放在首頁中照片的意涵的學費享85折 ^^ ) (無標準答案 請多多自由聯想發揮) (新生完成報名並繳費者請領取上課內容音樂光碟一片) 所有上課日期:4/22,4/29,5/6,5/13,5/20,5/27,6/3,6/10,6/17,6/24 (遇研習日順延或彈性調整) 彈性補課:請假可至其他班級補課(以3次為限並事先告知補課日期) 上課地點:永和頂溪捷運站2號出口後步行2分鐘! 報名請至留言版以悄悄話留下寶寶姓名(或小名),媽咪暱稱以及電話, 記得註明班別! (每班最少6名至多8名小朋友)



親愛的媽咪們: 能參予各位孩子生命中重要的音樂學習, 這小紫老師來說是一份無上的榮幸.我們音樂潛能班的目地有二: 一、提供孩子們在音樂藝術的體驗及智能發展. 二、藉由跨出這小小的藝術一步, 除了能讓孩子們的成長更快樂與豐富外,更得以增進親子間的互動。 當然,這當中學習的成果是由老師及學生二方面的完美配合才得以有最好的成就. 在這音樂的學習過程中, 若您小紫老師的課程教授方法及安排有任何的問題, 請您不吝給予指正. 您的熱誠參與, 才是我在教學過程中最大的助力. 這份簡單的音樂潛能班介紹希望能提供您對音樂潛能班的上課方式及內容有更深的了解, 若您對上課內容或作業有任何的問題,請隨時提出和小紫老師討論 課程哲學: 音樂的學習過程和語言的學習過程是極為類似. 在孩子會說出第一句話之前, 他們需先在聽覺上收受各種不同的字彙在語言上. 先以聽為先,後為說,然後才識字,最後為寫.孩子是聽了數以萬次的“媽媽”二個字,才能夠說的出這二個字,進而認的這二個字的寫法,最後,可能在國小二年級,九歲的時候才能正確地寫出這二個字. 小紫老師的音樂潛能課程提供孩子們一個舒適且豐富的音樂環境. 在這個環境中, 有的孩子會很活躍地參與每個活動, 有的孩子會安靜地坐在一旁觀看著其它人的動作. 對孩子而言, 這只是學習方式的不同, 並不代表那一種參與方式才是正確. 媽咪請不要急著在孩子還沒作好心理上準備時去勉強他作他不想作的參與行為. 在音樂的學習過程中, 聽覺上的知識建立也是應前置於任何的教學步驟. 在聽的夠熟之後, 進而才能以演唱或樂器演奏的方式來表達, 最後, 進階到讀譜、寫譜的學習. 在聽覺上的認識還不夠足夠時,練琴及讀譜對大多數孩子而言, 只是片刻記憶要求及運動覺練習.對實際的音樂學習, 並無多大的助益.因此,除了旋律與節奏的訓練涵養外,在孩子發展較充份的音樂語彙後,小紫老師將會配合芬貝爾鋼琴教本讓孩子在鍵盤上從語句的學習到樂曲的練習有一系列且完整的課程。由於它有別於舊式僵化的單音技巧練習,是從主屬音開始架構,因此一開始的進度會隨著協調性的進步慢慢加快,請家長拭目以待!讓孩子從喜歡哼唱到喜歡練習是一條漫長的路,期待您的鼓勵讓我們在音樂世界中有亮麗的演出。 問題集: 1. 為什麼老師所唱的曲子及節奏朗誦很多沒有歌詞? 當所教的歌曲中包涵有有歌詞時, 尤其是兒歌, 大半部份的孩子會傾向於專注於歌詞的學習, 而忘了音樂的存在. 歌詞是屬於語文方面的學習, 在這個僅有的三十分鐘中, 小紫老師所希望的是把孩子的注意力都集中到音樂上, 而非語文上. 待孩子能很完整地把一首曲子的音樂層面吸收內化並表達出來時, 再加入語文的學習, 才能達到二全其美的學習效果. 2. 老師所唱的曲子好像很困難, 大人們都很難學的起來. 這些曲子對孩子們會丕會也太難了? 這些曲子對大人們會覺得困難的原因是因為這些曲子不是大小調或普通拍子的音樂.大人們所熟悉的音樂大多是大調及二分拍的曲子, 而為了增加孩子們的音樂性, 孩子應儘早多接觸不同的調性及拍號.這些調式及節奏, 對尚未定型於任何音樂型式的孩子而言, 一點都不難. 3. 為什麼我們課堂上沒有使用很多不同的樂器? 課程的生動性及充實性並不取決於所使用的樂器多少. 以音樂為課程主題來呈現內容, 是讓孩子學習音樂的最佳方法. 適當的樂器的使用可以提昇孩子的學習動機, 但過多的樂器使用反而易造成孩子對音樂專注力的分心. 4. 我的孩子都不參與課堂上的活動, 怎麼辦? 大多數不參予課程的孩子, 並不是他們不喜歡上課, 相反地, 他們都是靜靜地把課堂上所發生的一切完全觀察並吸收成自己的. 他們只是還對整個環境沒熟悉到可以放開懷來. 並不是不想參加, 希望家長不要用強迫性的方式來要求孩子參加, 這樣的作法, 通常只會適得其反.