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整餅(Bake Cookie)

早幾日就打算今日唔去街係屋企整餅架啦.一早同駿駿去超市買左牛油同麵粉準備做餅,之後就返屋企同爸爸食午飯啦.到爸爸夠鐘返工,我地就開始整餅囉. 唔,今日我地整左3款唔同既餅仔,有牛油餅,朱古力餅同牛油加朱古力既混合餅…其實會整混合餅係因為仔仔做左2盤餅之後就去左瞓午覺,我就懶唔想不停咁印餅模,我就將2種麵糰合埋一齊再切片啦.出黎都幾靚架^o^ 駿駿真係醒得岩時候,我岩岩焗好晒所有餅仔,清理左d雜物後佢就出黎囉,同佢影張相我地就食餅仔做下午茶囉.Hello Kitty既餅印出黎好靚呢,好清楚架…唔知係邊可以搵多d唔同既公仔呢..我想要青蛙仔同My Melody. Planned to bake cookie a few days ago, went to supermarket with Chunchun this morning to buy flour and butter to bake cookie and then back home to have lunch before we starts baking cookie. Hum, we bake 3 flavors today, butter cookies, chocolate cookies, butter and chocolate cookies; because I started to be lazy after Chunchun went to nap, I just mixed two dough together and then cut it… come out not bad..haha. Chunchun woke up around 5pm something, when I just finished baking all cookies^^ Took a photo for him then we starts to have cookie for tea. Hello Kitty cookie come out nice and clear… wonder where can I buy some more that kind of cookie mold?壓麵團牛油餅準備入焗印朱古力餅模整左好多餅丫


漁人碼頭(Fisherman's Wharf)

今日冇乜野做,所以我一早比左一頁功課駿駿做之後,我地就去漁人碼頭行街食午飯啦.唉~我地行晒成個漁人碼頭都搵唔到有乜好食…最後我地只係去左機鋪附近既餐廳食野咋. 我地叫左個湯,一個公司三文治同一個法國鍋牛…諗住岩岩好架.點知我地叫完野食之後黎左好大碟麵包喎….唔知係咪跟湯定係叫乜都有架呢…上次黎都冇麵包依樣野.結果,駿駿同我食左d麵包同湯都飽左大半囉,我食埋個法國鍋牛,駿駿食左4份1件三文治,大家都飽囉.大半份三文治要打包返屋企呢~_~ 食完午飯,我地就係機鋪打左半小時機,再行多陣街就準備返屋企囉…咁岩又撞到有表演睇喎,小丑同魔術師果d,睇到駿駿鬼咁開心…係咁同我講佢地好西利丫… Nothing to do today, hum, let Chunchun write a page of homework that I gave him.. and then we went to Fisherman’s Wharf for lunch and play. Sigh, We been walking all over the Fisherman’s Wharf, but didn’t found anything that we really want to eat… finally we went to a restaurant near the amusement arcade. We ordered a soup, a super sandwich and a dish of field snail for lunch today, so surprise that soup was with a dish of bread that only soup and bread almost fill us up=.= I finally the field snail, and then we have to take away half dish of super sandwich… because Chunchun ate whole dish of bread with soup~_~ After lunch we went to the amusement arcade to play for around half around and then walk around in Fisherman’s Wharf for a while. Lucky us, we met a performance just before we leave, have clown and magician there… Chunchun was so exciting to watch there performance^^爛直升機丫搽牛油打鼓大白兔


行左成日街(Shopping All Day)

今朝駿駿就開心囉..一早10點半就睇佢等左好耐終於有得係電視度睇既新變形金剛卡通.本來我以為套卡通只係做半小時,所以約左姑婆同表姨11點半食午餐呢.咁我地約左11點半,11點就要出門口架啦..點知套卡通都係未做完喎,唯有打電話比姑婆話佢地知要遲半小時,約12點啦.但係到11點半,都係未做完丫~_~都唔知重要做幾耐,好彩駿駿一早係網上睇過少少,佢知道約左姑婆都肯乖乖地熄電視出門口呢… 12點去到德福,以為姑婆佢地一定等左好耐啦…點知未到XD好彩姐,唔知佢地搞乜呢…重遲過我地先到.見姑婆佢地未到,我同駿駿就周圍行下影下Hello Kitty先啦.我地係為左佢個Hello Kitty場景先會黎德福行街架呢.姑婆佢地黎到之後,我地影多一陣相…就去KFC食野啦^^駿駿想去KFC好耐架啦,不過澳門得一間KFC我又懶得帶佢去,所以只有係香港時先有機會食呢.食完飯,又係冒險樂園啦,唔止婆婆同駿駿,連姑婆都岩玩呢^O^去得冒險樂園我當然又去睇下有冇Thomas波鞋啦,可惜係冇架,得對巴斯光年波鞋,不過我同駿駿都唔係咁鍾意.唯有繼續搵Thomas波鞋. 行完德福我地就去西九龍中心行街啦,因為爸爸之前比左個List我地要我地去果度幫佢買變形金剛架.表姨因為晚上有約會就返左屋企休息,而姑婆呢…本來佢都想返屋企架,不過駿駿嗲佢要姑婆一齊去街呢^^去到西九龍中心,最開心都係駿駿囉,因為發現充氣遊樂場…又玩到成身濕晒呢~_~等駿駿玩完我地就行街啦,幫爸爸買野,見到有冒險樂園又走左入去呢..不過今次只係比駿駿玩左一個遊戲,因為今晚同婆婆出街食晚飯佢又會去玩架啦…今次只係入去睇下有冇Thomas波鞋…不過都係冇架…係西九龍中心行到5點幾,我地就同姑婆拜拜囉.今晚因為太公太婆去左旅行,屋企冇飯食,我地同婆婆約左係旺角食晚飯呢. 唔,晚上我地係旺角去左2間唔同既冒險樂園..不過都係搵唔到Thomas波鞋丫..唉~睇黎今次都係同波鞋冇緣囉.晚上去左一間由駿駿揀既餐廳.因為佢鍾意果間餐廳有一格格箱形既卡位喎.可惜我地去到都坐唔到卡位,重要果度d野食係十分難食,下次死都唔會再去呢=.= Happy Chunchun watched new Transformers cartoon in the morning around 10.30am. Sigh at first I thought that it’s only a half hour cartoon, so I planned to leave around 11am, and meet my auntie and cousin to have lunch around 11.30am. However, Transformers cartoon was on over an hour=.= I didn’t know when it finish because Chunchun and I have to go out on 11.30am… sigh, I been called my auntie that we will be late for half hour already, I don’t want to keep them wait too long. Arrived to Tel Ford Plaza around noontime, ha, my aunt and cousin were late… wondering what they doing? We first walking around in Tel Ford Plaza taking photo with Hello Kitty and Friends and then we went to have lunch at KFC… Chunchun like KFC a lot, but I rare go there with him, because only have one KFC in Macau~_~ After lunch, we went to Jumpin Gym U.S.A with Chunchun for a while. Sigh, couldn’t find the Thomas sports shoes in Tel Ford Jumpin Gym this afternoon>_< They only have Buzz Lightyear sports shoes, but Chunchun and I didn’t like it… Went to Dragon Centre around 3pm something with my auntie, my Cousin back home to rest since she have a date later today. Happy Chunchun found a inflated playground there, and surely we will let him go inside to play it. After that we went to the shop that Papa asked us to go to buy Transformers for him… And we went to Jumpin Gym again, but this time I only let Chunchun play one game there, because we will go to Jumpin Gym again tonight, this time I only want to look for Thomas sports shoes. Too bad they didn’t have any sports shoes there>_< Stayed in Dragon Centre until 5pm something, and then we say good bye to my auntie… we have to go to Mong Kok to have dinner with Grandma tonight^O^ Because great Grandparents went travel in China this early morning. Hum, we went to 2 different Jumpin Gym in Mong Kok, but still couldn’t found the Thomas sports shoes>_< We have dinner in a restaurant that chose by Chunchun, because he like the design of the restaurant, however, foods there were… sigh, I won’t go there again=.=德福:騎馬Kitty德福:MyMelody同大口仔飲果汁食家鄉雞


同香港網友食飯(Lunch with HK net fds)

今朝11點半我地約左香港既網友聚會呢.我地大約10點45分就出門口啦,因為我想早少少去到餐廳附近睇下有冇乜復活節小禮物送比小朋友呢.唉~不過都幾失望今年好似冇乜特別有興可愛既復活節小禮物咁,最後駿駿揀左幾隻小兔仔公仔既電話繩,同一袋朱古力蛋分比小朋友呢. 今個聚會係大家第一次見面呢,所以我地先約好係餐廳食個午餐先再一齊去遊樂場玩.唔,今個聚會同平日我係澳門既聚會相比,真係好靜呢..可能真係大家都第一次見…冇話好似我同澳門d網友咁一輪嘴停唔到口講野呢…好彩小朋友大家都鍾意同大家玩^o^叫做都好開心…希望下次聚會會熱鬧d啦. 聚會完左之後,我同駿駿係新世紀再行左陣街,之後我地就出發去旺角行街囉.因為我地要幫爸爸買變形金剛呢^^好彩爸爸一早印晒圖樣比我地睇住黎買,好快我地就買齊爸爸托我地買既三盒變形金剛啦,當然啦,爸爸有新玩具又點少得駿駿呢…駿駿揀左個迷你大皇蜂匙扣丫(係可以變形的).而我呢,今日都唔錯喎,買左件衫又買左護膚品等.行到5點鬆d我地就去食下午茶之後就返太婆屋企休息等食晚飯囉. 晚飯後我地又同婆婆一齊去荷里活廣場行街,同去冒險樂園玩啦.哈,好開心丫,我係果度買左2件衫,好抵又好靚…150蚊2件丫.行完街就去冒險樂園啦.唔,我見到有對Thomas波鞋好靚架,駿駿都鍾意…想換啦,點知冇晒駿駿個碼喎>__< Hope that I can find that shoes in other Jumpin Gym tomorrow.氹氹轉士多啤朵蛋糕朗豪坊:人馬座Mario丫


澳門媽咪會聚會(Macau Mama Gaterhing)

今朝我地瞓到成10點15分先起身丫,一起身我地就要趕住出門口囉,因為今日11點鐘有澳門媽咪會既聚會呢>_< 平日駿駿放假9點都一定起身架嘛,點知佢今日都瞓到咁晏…真係好彩我自己彈起身咋=.= 好彩我地都可以係11點左右去到,冇遲到^^我地一班人先去茶樓飲茶,食飽飽就一齊係漁人碼頭周圍行,影下相咁啦.班小朋友由頭到尾都好興奮丫,一離開茶樓,見到燈柱就個個都爬上去…重要唔係只爬一支燈柱喎=.=係一路行見到有燈柱就爬上去,睇住佢地爬燈柱都花左唔少時間呢….玩到熱我地又去食雪糕,今日真係好開心呢…大約三點我同駿駿就離開囉,不過我知其他媽咪都重有留低係度影相咁 Woke up around 10.15am this morning, I was so surprise that Chunchun and I woke up so late this morning>_< Chunchun usually woke up before 9am, we have to hurry up to go to Fishermen’s Wharf before 11am, because we have Macau Mama gathering today. Luckily I arrived on time, haha… we first went to Chinese Restaurant to have lunch together and then walk around in Fishermen’s Wharf. Kids were all happy and exciting today=.= they climb every lamppost in Fishermen’s Wharf and running around and around. We have a good day today, Chunchun and I leave around 3pm and I knew some of the Macau Mama still stay in Fishermen’s Wharf to take photo together.一齊爬柱嵐嵐黎啦軒軒騎膀馬同Jeannie一齊渣車



駿駿今朝一起身就喊啦,話佢好頭痛喎…一聽到佢話頭痛真係比佢嚇死,重以為佢發燒果d添…因為近日香港d流感好勁丫,重話連澳門都有小朋友患流感送左去香港醫添=.=不過檢查完駿駿之後就安心囉,因為佢唔係頭痛,佢只係瞓”黎”頸咋個頭轉唔到去左邊,所以叫痛啦~_~因為佢平日坐得唔直,又成日半夜走上我床瞓喎,所以我就嚇佢,佢會頸痛郁唔到,係因為佢坐得唔好同瞓得唔好呢^^佢驚架,希望今次之後佢唔會再半夜爬上我床同會坐得直d啦 本來我見佢成日話痛,就唔同佢返英文班架…不過最後佢又話想返喎,咁咪由得佢玩囉,小朋友有時玩下郁下會唔記得痛喎.結果,佢係英文班不知玩得幾開心-.-今日佢地終於都開始學新題目啦,就係動物名同點形容d動物啦…不過中途去左超市買野,就唔知駿駿學左幾多野..但係佢地今日就一定個個都唔聽話囉..睇佢地白板都冇乜加過分咁..平日佢地個個都起碼有3,40分架嘛..而且我買完野返到去,成日都聽到老師叫佢地靜d呢. Chunchun woke up with crying this morning; he said he got a headache… I was so worry is he sick, because flu was quite serious in Hong Kong=.= But then I found that Chunchun was not having headache, he got wry-neck ~_~ he couldn’t move his head to the left… haha, I told him that is because of his sitting posture was not good and always climb to my bed in the midnight… Hope that can scare him to sit well and not climb to my bed anymore=.= At first I planned to let him to take sick leave for English course, but he want to attend it. And well, he was well when he play in learning centre -.- They started to learn new topic today, it’s about animals and how to describe animals. Since I went to supermarket during class, I didn’t how’s Chunchun doing today; but sure they all do bad today~_~ No high mark in the whiteboard, and heard their teacher kept telling them to be quiet…自己畫既書丫


新八佰伴(New Yaohan)

今朝同駿駿去左八佰伴玩,行街同食午飯呢.其實去八佰伴都幾悶架,不過因為我要去洗車就冇辨法要係果度留2小時啦. 因為今朝成10點先食早餐,所以我地今日既行程同平時唔同,去玩,去睇完現具先上美食廣場度食野.食完又再去超市行下街咁.哈,我發現有我鍾意食,甜到漏既朱古力復活蛋賣喎(見到d蛋先諗起就黎復活節呢).雖然話見到我最鍾意食既朱古力蛋丫,但係真係好貴囉…行左幾個圈都唔見有普通裝既Crème Eggs,只有勁唔抵買既禮盒裝…2隻迷你Crème Eggs加一隻普通朱古力就要50幾蚊喎,真係搶錢…不過因為好難搵我又好鍾意食,貴d我都買左一盒=.=不過我都搵左婆婆叫佢係香港見到就幫我買呢…希望買到平d架啦 Went to New Yaohan with Chunchun this morning to have lunch, shopping and play in the amusement arcade. Hum, actually it’s quite boring shopping in New Yaohan, we go there just because I need to wash my car. Since we have breakfast around 10am this morning, we first went to toys section to walk around and then go to amusement arcade to play for a while before we go to have lunch at food court. Walk around in supermarket afterward, haha, I found my favorite Chocolate eggs – Crème Egg there, but it’s quite expensive>_< Gift package, 2 mini Crème Egg with a big Chocolate eggs cost $50 something, but it’s really hard to find in Macau, so I bought one and asked Grandma to seek it for me in Hong Kong, hope that she can find some for me.打機好專心喎


今日好忙丫(Busy Day)

今日都幾忙,一早去左果個乜野Kidermusik既試班,下午又要去上英文班…今日返英文班前冇得午睡呢.~_~不過辛苦既唔係駿駿而係我…. 一早10點半左右出門口,我地約左Hilary媽係機場等再由佢帶路我地去TIS度上Kidermusik試班.真係要多謝Hilary媽帶路呢..如果唔係我兜幾個圈都唔知TIS係邊呢.唔講番個Kidermusik,唔知係咪因為我地人多,真係好唔掂囉…老師完全控制唔到班學生,又做唔到令小朋友注意佢做乜喎…完全係小朋友自己玩,佢又佢做動作.好彩依堂係試堂咋…上完知道唔值得參加呢. 係Kindermusik玩完大約12點半左右我地就返屋企食午飯囉,食完休息一陣又要去上英文班啦.今日佢地都重係教緊城市裏既地方,復習完之後教過既地方之後又教d新地方,教完就繼續做佢地既私人圖書囉 Busy day today, we have to go to Kindermusik in the morning, and then go to English Course in the afternoon. Couldn’t nap before English Course today. We leave home around 10.30am to go to Kindermusik demo class, thank you so much to Hilarymom to teach me how to go to TIS this morning. Hum, I am sure Chunchun have fun this morning in the demo class, but I really not sure what is that class for? The teacher couldn’t control and get attention of kids… I guess I won’t join the Kindermusik. After playing in Kindermusik demo class, we back home before 1pm to have lunch and then go to English Course again. They were continuing teaching Places in the city, they learn more new places today, and continue to make their own book about “Places in the city”.玩fitball爬爬爬公仔好得意等上堂