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wobbly tooth

早上貝貝吃麵包的時候,突然跟媽咪說牙齒痛,而且還是門牙,媽咪想了一下,就 知道問題是什?。 媽咪請貝貝輕輕地搖搖看會痛的牙齒,是不是會動,貝貝一推,果然,原來,牙齒 痛的原因是因為要要掉了!!我們的貝貝有了她生平第一顆的wobbly tooth了!! 不過,貝貝對於這個新來的變化,似乎並不是那?興奮,相反地,直接就哭了起來, 原來,看著姐姐這一年來不停地為了那顆要掉不掉的牙齒?扎,貝貝覺得,換牙一定 是一件很痛的事情,所以很害怕換牙。 這可是貝貝第一顆wobbly tooth,從現在開始害怕,豈不是要怕上幾年,於是媽咪 使出混身解數?述各種換牙的好處,從和班上小朋友一樣到可以用大人的牙膏,從可 以有全新的機會照顧好牙齒到tooth fairy的利誘,貝貝終於破涕為笑,跟媽咪出 門上學了! 在路上,貝貝還在沉思。不久,貝貝開始發表她對wobbly tooth的感想。“媽咪, My feeling is very complicated now. I have three different feelings. First, I am very excited to get my first wobbly tooth. But I am also scared because it hurts. The third feelings I have is worried because I am just worried. The worriness comes after scareness (這兩個字是貝貝子創的,因為最近媽咪在教貝貝名詞字尾, 所以貝貝覺得所有的字加上ness就變成名詞了)is because I don't like pain.”呵呵,貝貝不愧是我們家的小哲學家,不過就是搖個牙齒的事,有這麽多 複雜的情緒嗎? 貝貝啊,媽咪只想知道一件事,就是換牙呢,代表長大了,那麽你會不會乖一點, 少搗蛋一點兒呢?



今天開始,圓咪將跟著學校前往Wales,展開為期五天的residential trip。為了這次的旅行,圓咪已經和同學計劃,討論好久了!! 早上五點半,媽咪就醒過來,怕圓咪自己爬不起來,没想到到了圓咪房間一看,圓咪竟然已經換好衣服了(而且竟然還是一邊讀著Kindle,真的是改不了的啊!!)。雖然媽咪昨天交代好早餐,午餐,怎麽去學校等等,還是忍不住起來陪著圓咪吃早餐,替圓咪禱告,幫圓咪準備午餐和點心,再一次看檢查圓咪的行李.....唉∼放手,真的是不容易啊!! 陪著圓咪到公車站,媽咪的心裡真的是百感交集,說是捨不得,這也不是第一次離家去了,並且,平常咱們母女兩個,也没少過衝突,偶爾給彼此一個小空間,實在也是不錯的。但是,回頭一想,媽咪的小小心肝啊,就這麽一天天的大了,離開媽咪的機會是一天天地多了,一次次地更長了,也愈來愈獨立,不用媽咪操心了,可是,媽咪的心怎麽就愈來愈空,像是要給挖掉一塊似的呢? 回到家的媽咪,第一次守著手機,就怕漏了一個圓咪的簡訊,怕姐姐忘了東西,又怕姐姐暈車,怕姐姐提不動行李,.....,就這樣,姐姐傳來了簡訊,一切很好,很開心。 唉∼∼媽咪告訴自己,要放手,放手,姐姐長大了,是好事!!是好事!! 唉∼∼但是還是想我的圓咪啊!! 不過,媽咪的寶貝就是寶貝,终於在傍晚,圓咪借了同學的電話打給媽咪,說她的手機在那裡没有信號,所以没辦法發簡訊也没辦法打電話,但是這幾天她都會借同學的電話報平安的!!哈哈,原來是這樣啊,還是媽咪的寶貝,心裡還是記掛著的媽咪的,是不是啊? 圓咪啊,其實媽咪知道你是要長大的,所以,你就開開心心地玩,媽咪會在家等你,像你去上學一樣的,就像媽咪一直說的,你高興,媽咪就會高興,知道嗎?



放學後,姐姐拿出一個紙盒給媽咪,說是護士要她們交給家長的。 媽咪打開一看,原來是生理用品,和給父母的提醒。想也知道,今天在學校裡,應該是上過一堂生理衛生課了。小美叨叨絮絮地說著,大家在學校裡多麽尷尬,討論著要要怎麽回家告訴父母這件事,不過她一點也不覺得怎麽樣,就直接給媽咪了。 是啊,我們之間是早就談過長大這件事,不過,一直以來,媽咪都是用教生物的態度在教你,講得好像是一件别人的事,跟講鯨魚大象似的,從來也没有真正地,像今天一樣,這個盒子,對你,可能還是像所有學校發下來的功課,反正給媽咪看過就交差了,可是對媽咪而言,這却是個提醒,媽咪的寶貝,長大了。那個一直告訴媽咪,她要永遠五歲,永遠跟媽咪睡的小女孩,長大了!! 其實,媽咪是一直知道你在長大,也一直看著你長大的,可是,想到你即將從小女孩變成小女人,還是挺震撼的。或者說,挺捨不得的。 成為女人,就意味著你離開媽咪的日子,愈來愈近,而你可能會離開媽咪,愈來愈遠,想到這裡,媽咪怎麽能不難過起來∼∼ 小美啊,很快地,媽咪就再也不能保護你,照顧你了,你正在不停地壯大,現在的你,已經在用太空梭的速度追趕著媽咪,眼看著三五年,甚至不用三五年,你就會比媽咪强大,那一天之後,就換媽咪要努力,努力讓自己慢一點變老,盡量地讓自己不成為你的負擔,不要你保護了! 天啊,好快,也好可怕,是不是? 怎麽我還記得你仰著小臉親我喊媽咪,就已經長大了呢? 圓咪啊,你還會是我的圓咪多久呢? 你答應的不要長大呢? 咪啊,我的小寶貝,你可以不要長大了嗎?


Coco-Flavoured Life

You wouldn’t believe it! My step-sister, Cherry’s, drawing won first prize in the borough competition! I’ve glued a photocopy of it in. It’s the one on the right. Do you like it? It’s a black-capped chickadee. I have one as a pet; she’s called Dee-Dee, Dee for short. Now, it’s my good news now: Mum and Paddy (my step-dad) have finally given in and let me go to the horse-riding course for the summer break! I’m going with my horse Calypso and I have everything all packed up. Tomorrow’s the day! We’re here! The manager gives me a bright, glossy booklet and points out to a small house by the stables. There are three separate stables there and the manager says “Your father paid for you and your horse Calypso to have separate rooms and stables. However, I have fitted in three beds altogether so that you can chose 2 roommates if you want.” I nodded eagerly. “Great,” she said “I’ll have someone call you in early so that you can see the girls.” With that, she walked away, clutching her blue folder. After I had unpacked everything neatly, I popped open a can of Fanta from the nearby vending machine. Calypso had been washed and groomed already and I sipped my Fanta thoughtfully. When is it time?! Suddenly, a friendly-looking teenage girl –clearly a volunteer- came and told me to bring my riding things, they were going to the hall now. I drained my Fanta, pulled on my forget-me-not blue riding jacket, grabbed my purple helmet and pulled on my long suede riding boots. Scraping my coco coloured hair into a ponytail, I followed her. I did arrive early, and I inspected each girl closely. The first one that caught my attention was a friendly looking girl with frizzy orange hair that was loose; I lent her my spare scrunchie and she took it gratefully. Behind her, was a kind looking girl whose long, red hair had been brushed into a beautiful ponytail already. She smiled at me when she caught me looking. After all the girls had gone, the volunteer ushered me into a space that had been left for me. Coincidence! It was between frizzy and long hair girls! After the boring assembly was over, I invited the two to share a room with me. They said yes! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a trail ride in ‘Memory Wood’, the two girls introduced themselves as Lori (the red-haired girl) and Freya (the frizzy-haired girl). They re-unpacked their stuff into my little hut. We hurried out to the mini-party after a delicious dinner in our spare changes of clothes. Freya wore a red, checked shirt matched with blue jeans and black converse trainers. Lori wore a skin-coloured, thin pair of tights under a crimson skirt completed with a snug, little black top, carefully matched with dolly black patent pumps. I felt out of place, wearing a plain white top under a denim jacket with leather boots and plain jeans. Oh well. At the party, I realised you had to vote for someone who looked gorgeous. Lori’s amazing long red ringlets cascaded down loose to match her outfit. Clearly, Lori was the obvious option. My pen poised to write, a girl wearing a too small purple dress with too much purple eye make up on and black killer heels came into view. She was arguing with a stunning girl…it was Lori! Immediately, I dumped down the pen and paper and rushed over to see what was going on. Freya was nowhere to be seen. “What’s going on?” I demanded, shocked to see Lori’s face streaked with tears. Using logic, I worked out that the girl (she was called Margaret) had deliberately begged the manager to kick Lori out. By now, a crowd had surrounded and everyone knew what had happened. Someone ripped open the vote box and tore up all votes for Margaret (I’ll write Maggie now, Margaret is just way too long!). Suddenly, Freya appeared, her horse behind her. Maggie screamed and fainted. I know a secret! (wink) Maggie is scared of horses and she only came so she could be voted Party Princess! (wink again LOL) Yeah, um, not so good news. Because of the, um, ‘incident’, the camp is sending everyone home now. I quickly got Freya and Lori’s number etc. and then packed my things and hurried away, Calypso at my heels. My three sisters are slightly shocked that I was back 1 week early, mum and Paddy already knew from the last-minute email. I missed our huge house (not really ours, it’s actually Grandma Kate’s) so much! Here’s what everyone looked like-including the house… Cherry was in her off-shoulder, white top that was splattered with colourful paint and a blue denim skirt matched with red converse trainers. Skye was wearing a cute, vintage cornflower blue dress with small yellow flowers printed on it. Her feet wore strappy blue wedges and her toes were painted silver. Summer had clearly just come back from a ballet session as she wore fuchsia, velvet leggings with a loose black top on and pink ballet pumps. The kitchen was a mess since Paddy was figuring out a new type of tasty snack. The back-garden was tidy, with an easel planted bang in the middle, and brushes and paints left by Cherry in the trimmed grass. Summer’s room was covered in posters of famous ballerinas and her outgrown pointe shoes pinned delicately on her baby pink walls. Her bed blanketed in leotards and cardigans. Skye’s room was vintage. She had a gold bird-cage standing decoratively in a corner of her forget-me-not blue room. On the notice-board, she had pinned lots of vintage clothing designs and rolls of gorgeous material with beautiful patterns leaned on the walls and her bed. 3 mannequins stood to a side with fabric pinned together on them. Clearly, an idea was coming to Skye’s mind despite her still finishing off two dresses that were laid carefully onto her lilac bed. Her loopy, elegant writing decorated creamy pages from a vintage, red leather-bound book. Bleep! My phone notified me of a text. I flopped onto my own, lavender pink bed and checked my messages on SpiderWeb: Lori01: Anyone there? CocoPops: Hi. Lori01: Coco! How r u? CocoPops: Gr8. U ok? U know, about Moody Margaret? Lori01: Yeah, sorry that because of me you guys had to go home a whole week early! CocoPops: It wasn’t you, it was Margaret. Plus, pretty much the whole club was on your side… Frizz: Yeah Lori, it’s not your fault. Lori01: Freya! Cool name! CocoPops: Your name totally makes sense if you’ve seen you hair. LOL Lori01: Sorry guys, I gotta go. Chat again soon! Or else! CocoPops: Bye…😢😭☹ Frizz: Bye! (Boohoo) Chat again soon! End of chat I connected my phone to the charger and wondered what to do now that no one was free on SpiderWeb, Skype or iMessages. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. Skye’s pretty, heart-shaped head peeped round, her hair swept up into a bun. “I’m making a dress for everyone in our family, I just need to measure you.” She said, clipping back a strand of brown hair. “Everyone?” I teased “A dress for Paddy? I don’t know what he’s going to say about that!” Skye sighed good-humouredly, but then she looked worried. “Oh Coco pops, what SHOULD I do about Paddy? A tuxedo? A shirt? Argh!” Skye burst out, her face anxious and her hand un-clipping her hair, then clipping it again (she does that when she’s stressed). Idea! “I’ll help! I’m dead bored anyway.” I exclaimed, almost knocking over the orange rubbish bin filled with draft leaflets about donating money to horse sanctuaries. Skye nodded enthusiastically and I followed her into her room. We spent the afternoon Googling men’s wear but still we’ve got so far: jeans, shirts, tuxedos, three pieces, jackets, polo shirts etc. etc. All the common stuff, we may as well have not Googled it up. We decided to sleep on it. Skye did let me see her designs for the others but she insisted on keeping mine a secret from myself. This one she says is her dream dress but she would never be able to make it herself. I’m going to get Daphne Delacroix (this fashion designer in our neighbourhood, also a good friend of mum’s) to make it for her. She definitely will because she is so kind! This one is Summer’s dress. I can just imagine. It suits her so much! It has a puffy skirt, a bit like a ballerina’s. (Pic) This is mum’s dress, simple, but pretty. Skye’s planning on using a crimson colour for it. Mum has red heels already. Great! (Pic) This is Cherry’s dress, an artistic style. Cherry has boots and red woollen socks identical to the sketch. Just perfect! (Pic) She’s made the dresses! Paddy said he’d be happy if she just got him a simple three piece. So she did! Guess what! This is my dress! Isn’t it beautiful? I just love it to pieces! Oh yeah, I forgot to say, Daphne Delacroix has finished Skye’s dress! Skye was thrilled! Party at the beach tonight. You can guess what we’ll be wearing! There will be three parties: one for adults, one for under 18s, one outside at the beach with no age limit. It is time! Luckily it is hot outside so we get to wear our sleeve-less dresses. Me and Cherry head out to the beach party and settle down in front of a small fire crackling on a pile of logs and sticks. It is an abandoned fire and no one is sitting there. Summer and Skye walk into the under 18s party, swishing their beautiful dresses proudly. Mum totters off in her killer red heels and elegant red dress with Paddy in his smart three piece towards the adult party. Cherry and I take turns to feed our small fire with useless driftwood that the tide brought in earlier in the evening. It was so calm and peaceful that I actually sighed in pleasure aloud! Cherry giggled and she started me off too. In the end, we lay on the soft sand, occasionally chucking wood into the fire. The stars twinkle in the sea of dark blue and the moon like a boat in the sky. I drain my cocoa and let darkness overcome me… When I wake up, I am curled up in my lavender pink bed. Summer, Skye and Cherry are curled up on the floor with my favourite blanket that has a picture of the giant panda. I hear shouting from downstairs and it turns out my oldest sister that has come to visit from Australia was furious with everyone and decided to come back and wreck the place. Apparently, dad has a girlfriend called Emma and Honey (the oldest sister) is angry that mum has Paddy-a stepdad- and dad has Emma-a future stepmum. I knew dad had a girlfriend from before Honey got expelled from school and went to Australia for a fresh start. I heard her voice if we ever Skype-d dad. Tear start to roll down my cheeks and I start to cry silently. Before I know it, I fall asleep again. This time, when I wake up, Honey is sobbing silently in my room, tracing the lines on my palm. “I've messed up Coco pops. Dad has someone else now.” She whispers, then breaks off into sobs, her tears streaming down and dampening my duvet. I make her a mug of hot chocolate and tell her to go and take a hot bath. That helps me, but I have never been in such serious troubles before. It turns out Summer, Skye and Cherry have gone out to have a sleepover with Tia, Millie and Sakura to get out of the tense atmosphere. I was asleep so they left me and let Honey accompany me. I was always her favourite sister anyway. Honey goes and takes a hot bath, then showers, borrowing my honey-scented shampoo and conditioner as well as my strawberry-scented shower cream. She comes out wearing a cute, lilac top with some designer jeans that she’s never worn before. She has put on some gentle purple eye make-up and pink lipstick but her eyes still look tired and puffy from the crying while her lips are still cracked from her not drinking. She finishes the mug, then asks me to help her choose some clothes that are the opposite of her mood so she looks happy at least. Together, we look through her wardrobe and make her toss on a pair of electric purple jeans, a snug, royal blue top with a pair of peacock feather earrings, a gold metal-like necklace and shiny, metal-like gold high heels. Suddenly, I got a SpiderWeb from Freya: Frizz: Hey Coco! Wanna come to the new baby animals farm expedition? CocoPops: Sure! Can my big sister come? Frizz: Yeah, Lori can’t come so it’ll be just you, me and your big sis and some others (plus my cousin Lindsay). CocoPops: That’s fine, as long as Lori’s not going because she has to go somewhere else, NOT coz she’s ill. Frizz: Gr8! All sorted! See ya @ the farm! CocoPops: See ya there! End of chat Honey says it’s ok with her. I pull on a pink top matched with a soft-yellow-coloured skirt. “Alright, let’s go!” I say, and we walk out of the house and into the sunshine. About 30mins later, we arrive at the farm. I push open the gate tentatively. A girl with chocolate brown hair, clearly silky, tied up in a neat ponytail catches my eye. She’s wearing a soft, lilac cardigan over a pale blue blouse. To match it, she’s wearing a baby blue skirt and lilac flats. She is wearing a touch of baby blue eye shadow and cherry pink lip gloss. It looks completely natural. In her cupped hands is a baby chick and a lamb is leaping around the farm. Freya has her frizzy orange hair plaited as best they could. We welcome each other with a warm hug. She has 2 adorable little piglets trotting by her side. Then, she takes in Honey, my beautiful sister who looked as strong as a warrior, but her rebellious look masked the weak Honey. “Wow, she looks fierce, scary, even.” Whispers Freya as she takes us to the sitting room. Honey fingers her dangly peacock earrings and, smoothing her silk, blue top, she glances around for something to do while Freya and I overwhelm ourselves with snapping pics of the cute new-born animals. I learn that the girl by the fence was Freya’s cousin: Lindsay. Honestly, they couldn’t look more different. I can’t help thinking that perhaps Freya could look nicer if Lindsay gave her a makeover. I know, it isn’t very nice to ‘judge a book by its cover’ but, I’m just saying! The next day, I get a SpiderWeb from Lori, inviting Lindsay to a sleepover. Lori said she wanted to know Lindsay better since she missed out on the farm meeting. However, I think there’s something wrong. When I SpiderWeb Freya to tell her about the sleepover and to ask her to pass the message on to Lindsay, Freya’s response clearly shows she isn’t happy: CocoPops: Freya? Frizz: Hi! CocoPops: Well, Lori wants to invite Lindsay to a sleepover. She wants you to pass on the message since she doesn’t have Lindsay’s SpiderWeb. Frizz: Sure I can come! I’ll ask Lindsay too. Can you come? CocoPops: Actually, she meant just her and Lindsay. So, SpiderWeb Lori when you can to let her know. Frizz: Is Lori still my friend? She didn’t show up for the farm thing and she usually does! Do you think she even likes me? CocoPops: Of course she does! She probably WAS just busy so she couldn’t go to the farm celebration. Anyway, she said to me she was inviting Lindsay cos she wanted to know her properly, since I’ve already met Lindsay and all. Frizz: And you believe her? I’ve got a plan and you have to go along, OK? It’s what friends do, help each other past obstacles. Agree now and I’ll email you the details. CocoPops: I don’t know, is it bad? Frizz: Agree, or I will definitely NOT be your friend! CocoPops: Sheesh! Ok! Frizz: Good, bye, I’ll email you it all. End of chat To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: The Plan Hey Coco. BTW you are not allowed to back out of the plan. Here’s what I want us both to do…SPY/FOLLOW THEM. I know what you are thinking: that I am crazy. Oh well, all’s well that ends well. Don’t be a worry bug, I know that’s what you are doing right now. Don’t worry! I have it all planned out. That way, I can find out if Lori’s planning to go off with Lindsay and leave me in the pits. She still likes you though, she SpiderWeb-ed you to pass on the message when she could have SpiderWeb-ed me herself. Clearly, she doesn’t like me anymore. Anyway, meet me at the park next to rich Lori’s house at 6pm precisely. I have told her Lindsay will come (Lindsay OBVIOUSLY will!) and Lori has told me that my parents should drive Lindsay to their house and pick her up tomorrow 10am. Got it? Oh yeah, the date is tonight and I’ve told my mum that I’m going camping with you, that’s good with your parents, right? Email me back about this ASAP! See you tomorrow, Freya I read the email in shock. Of course I wasn’t going to spy on Lori and Lindsay! But, ok, I’ll go on this camping trip but I was so not in on the spying. I called out to my mum that I was going camping with Freya tonight and we meet at Canberry Park, 6pm. She said yes and said I need to call if I need assistance. I started packing: a pair of pyjamas, a toothbrush and toothpaste, a towel, shampoo and shower cream, a tent, a comfy sleeping bag, 2 bottles of Evian water, one cup and some fresh fruits with a tin of tuna fish and lamb stew with dried plums, a torch and my phone. I was all set and set off at 5:45 on the dot, calling out goodbye to my mum. I am wearing a pair of warm, white socks, my black combat trousers, violet polo tee and a crimson red hoodie with black trainers and my hair was tied back into a ponytail with my matching violet scrunchie that came with the top. I remember lending Freya the scrunchie at the horse-riding sessions and sigh, how did things become like this? Silently, I trudge forward, wrapping my deep red scarf around me tighter, not believing how the days can be so hot, the nights so cold. I arrive at the park bang on 6 but I can’t see Freya. Then, I notice a person wearing a grey hoodie with a black tracksuit and black trainers. The person seems to be wrapping the jacket around herself/himself and jogging lightly on the spot. He/she appears to be waiting for someone, and beckons to me, almost in a relieved manner when he/she sees me. Oh! It’s Freya! She’s made herself so unrecognisable! We set up camp in Canberry Park. Freya had been too busy feeling annoyed about Lori that she had forgotten to pack food and drink. I had everything planned. I set up my tent next to hers and laid out my sleeping bag. “You can go spy, I’m staying right here.” I told her, crunching into my royal gala apple. Freya paced about saying “Sure, whatever. You guard the camp. I’m going. Save some food for me.” And with that, she picked up her phone and walked off silently. I finished my apple and threw the core in the bin. Then, I opened up my first bottle of Evian water and glugged down some of it. Next on my schedule was shower time. I trekked all the way to the swimming pool and had a shower there. The jet of hot water calmed me down, making me wonder how the spying was going. I dried myself with the small towel and I ran home. Phew! The camp was still there, untouched. My watch says it is now 7:34pm. I am starving as I didn’t have any dinner. Popping open my can of lamb stew and dried plums, I use the lid as a spoon and wolf it down hungrily. Content, I sit back and wait for Freya to come back. I drain my first bottle of water and snuggle in my sleeping bag, waiting. Roused from my napping at 8:00pm, I see Freya staring at some photos on her mobile. There’s one with Lindsay wearing an emerald green dress, silver heels and her hair in a simple bun. Standing next to her was Lori, in a little red number with her long red hair in a complicated upsweep. She was talking excitedly to Lindsay while her family ate at a long, wooden dining table with a huge amount of food. Compared to that, my small can seemed like I should still be hungry! Another pic was of Lindsay whispering happily to Lori while they were getting out of the Rolls-Royce. Finally, there was a clip/video. We listened to it together. Lori was chatting to Lindsay, saying “Yeah, she’s so not my BFF anymore.” “I know! I can’t believe how terrible my cousin is!” Lindsay replied. Then, the clip ended. Freya’s cheeks were wet with tears and her stomach was growling as she shivered, lying on the tent, bare, with no blanket or sleeping bag around her. I felt sorry for her, and gave her my jacket for her to wear. Sharing her some oranges, I tuck myself into the sleeping bag and stare up. Somehow, I don’t believe that Lori and Lindsay really said that about Freya. I mean, Lori’s always been loyal to Freya. Also, Lindsay, just the sight of her, says she is calm and kind, not at all a person who betrays her ‘best’ cousin! Finally, I decide to sleep on it and I don’t notice when Freya slips back to her own tent. A jet of sunlight streams through my green tent, where Freya forgot to zip up the entrance. I push the sleeping bag away and have a pear, washing my mouth quickly with a cup of water. After I finish breakfast, I crawl into Freya’s sunset orange tent. She’s already up and awake, huddled in the corner, her face blank. I shake her gently and offer her my last bit of food, a banana. She eats it silently, staring warily at her phone, as if she expected the photos and clip to attack her from the phone. I tuck her HTC into her small bag for her, stopping her from worrying any longer and we silently pack up our tent. I retrieve my jacket, but I don’t wear it as the warm air hugs me. Freya looks dishevelled, her hair messy and clothes scruffy. She keeps the hoodie up so no one sees her hair and, after I insist, she uses up the rest of my water to drink/wash her mouth and splash her face clean. Then, we trudge home our separate ways. The whole time I am home, I worry about Freya, her expressionless face and slightly scared blue eyes popping into my mind every so often. Then, I get a full on SpiderWeb argument: Frizz: I can’t stand it any longer! Lori, am I still your friend?! Lori01: Yes, why? Frizz: I heard what you and Lindsay said last night about me, I’m not you BFF anymore, am I? Lindsay, join the chat! Lindsay.01: What’s the matter? Frizz: According to u and Lori’s conversation, you can’t believe how bad I am? Lindsay: What?! Anyway, how would u know what Lori and I talked about last night? Frizz: That’s not important. Just tell me, how bad am I for u both to despise me? CocoPops: Guys, calm down. Maybe we ought to discuss this with cold Frappes. Frizz: Don’t tell me to calm down! You were involved with the spying too! Lori01: Spying? What?! Lindsay.01: Freya! What were u thinking? CocoPops: I was not spying. I was camping in the park cos I didn’t believe Lori and Lindsay were going to go off without u. U were the 1 who insisted on spying while I stayed back in the tent. Lori01: Hold it, spying? Going off? Camping? Info overload! Lindsay.01: I vote Coco’s idea. We all go round to, say, Coco’s place and talk this over with cold Frappes. Frizz: I vote no. Lori01: I vote yes. Lindsay.01: Sorry Frizz Frazz, it’s 3 against 1. CocoPops: Ok, gr8. Who’s house r we meeting? Lindsay.01: Let’s do me and Freya’s. Lori01: Fine with me, send the address. CocoPops: Ditto. Lindsay.01: 16 Belberne Road, 9 Clander House, near the big M&S. CocoPops: Got it. Lori01: Ditto. CocoPops: Alright guys, see u 16 Belberne Road ASAP. Lori01: Ditto, make sure Frizzy is ok, ok? Lindsay.01: Yeah, bye. End of chat Honey lends me a pair of red jeans and a loose, silk yellow top matched with my own luminous yellow trainers. I feel like I need to look fierce, to feel fierce. That’s why I chose to wear those clothes, because they represent what I feel. Not fierce, but not completely peaceful either. They look what I feel, which is a bit of a mix but it actually looks alright! Anyway, mum drives me there without a moment’s hesitation and I tell her what is going on while we’re on the car. Summer and Skye are a bit confused but they let mum go without a hassle. Cherry knows something important is about to happen and so she gives me a quick hug and whispers “Good luck.” Honey, of course, knows what is going on and, completely at ease, wanders into the kitchen, helping herself to a biscuit while dad is distracted, talking to someone on the mobile. We’re there. 16 Belberne Road is a road full of flats. The flats, however, look happy and fun. They are normal, brick buildings but the windows vary in shape. I wander down the road until I come to Clander House. My mum heads back in her car when she sees me talk to Lindsay, who’s waiting outside Clander House for everyone to arrive. Not long after I finish briefly explaining what I know of what was going on that night to Lindsay, Lori arrives. We walk up together to find a small, indoor garden in the centre. Surrounding that, are the separate houses. We walk on until we find number 9, and Lindsay knocks in a complicated series so Freya’s mum knows it’s her. Freya’s mum is in her early forties, a jolly woman who’s wearing a mauve, scoop-neck short sleeve top and blue jeans. Clearly, Freya has inherited her mum’s hair, orange and frizzy/fuzzy, but her dad’s sparkling blue eyes (her dad was in the kitchen reading ‘The Sun’ and his eyes were the same sparkly blue as Freya’s). Quickly, Lindsay told us that she was staying at Freya’s for the holiday. We took the Frappuccinos into Freya’s room and we sat on the floor while Freya sat on her bed. At first, there was an awkward silence as everyone sipped their icy drinks and stared about. Freya had a triangle-shaped window, just saying. Calmly, we talked about what happened that night, with only a few explosions from Freya that were quickly put out with a few sips of her icy cold beverage. Finally! It was all sorted! Everyone went home happily. Apparently, in the clip, Lori and Lindsay were talking about a girl in Year 5 called Araminta, who was Freya and Lindsay’s cousin. She used to be Lori’s BFF but then, Lindsay didn’t catch on to the news about them later so Lori told Lindsay about it that night. Mystery solved! I knew Lori and Lindsay wouldn’t go off without Freya, or me, or anyone without telling us/a good reason! The reason for Araminta was that Araminta wrote ‘GEEK’ on Lindsay’s bag and ‘U R SO POPULAR AND PRETTY, NOT!’ on Lori’s. That is unforgivable! Anyway, before, I would’ve been complaining that my life was so boring, but now, it is quite good, actually! Now that the problem is solved, everyone is peaceful and I can go back to my ordinary life. I said my normal life is the best to my mum but guess what she said. She said “(Humph) Let’s see how long that feeling lasts!” As if I was so complain-y! That’s it of my adventure! Bye! Coco Tanberry


Science-9 main human organs

The digestive system: Digestion breaks down food into simpler substances so that it can be absorbed and used by the body. It's mainly in the stomach and small intestine. Food that's digested is absorbed into the blood. The respiratory system: This is for taking in oxygen and removing waste carbon dioxide. Air enters the lungs by movement of the rib muscles and diaphragm. Oxygen is absorbed into the blood. The excretory system: This removes nasty waste materials, some are even poisonous. Waste material is is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys, the waste then is made into urine. The circulatory system: The heart pumps blood around the body. It supplies cells with oxygen and food, then carries away the waste like carbon dioxide. The reproductive system: The egg cell comes from the ovaries and is from a female. A sperm cell is made from testes and is from a male. The sperm cell tries to fertilise with the egg cell. The nervous system: There are five sense organs: -Sight (Eyes) -Sound (Ears) -Smell (Nose) -Taste (Tongue) -Touch/feel (hands/body) They all contain nerves that send messages to the brain about what's happening. The brain produces a response which it sends via nerves to the muscles. The endocrine system: This system produces hormones. Several glands produce these hormones. The hormones control things like growth or sexual(boy/girl) characteristics. They also controls bodily functions like menstruations. The skeletal system: There are 206 bones in our body. Their main job is to support the body. There are muscles on the bones that contract and relax, allowing movement. Bones are also around delicate organs to protect them. The muscle system: Muscles are attached to the bones. The muscles contract and relax in order to allow movement. Muscles are found in pairs around joints.


Diary (M)

Dear Diary, (Melody's) I've finished all my grammar school exams and that is one thing I cannot express. Everyone was tense, nervous and worried. Lots of the children felt a little pressure sometimes. I've done the exams for the following: -Girls-Tiffin Girls' School (Grammar) -Girls only-Henrietta Barnet School (Grammar) -Girls only-Nonsuch Grammar School (Grammar) -Girls-Wallington Girls' Grammar School (Grammar) -Mixed-Graveney School (Selective) -Mixed-Greenshaw School (Selective) That is also the order of my preference choices. Good news! I've passed all the tests that tell us whether we've passed or not. It's too long a story to explain which ones say, which ones don't. So, maybe next time(probably not). Another thing is I'm in Year 6, which is also when we do our SATs. We did a mock SATs last week. The papers included: Maths Paper A (Calculator not allowed), Maths Paper B (Calculator not allowed), Mental Maths Test, Reading Paper, Short Writing Task, Long Writing Task and Spelling Test. I'm on seventh heaven because I've got 40/40 for Maths Paper A, 40/40 for Maths Paper B and 20/20 for Mental Maths Test! Squeee! Exciting news! I'm Grade 4 ballet and soon, we're doing our Grade 4 exam! Then, we'll officially be learning Grade 5 ballet. This time, the leap between the grades is even bigger than usual. Guess why! Because we're doing pointe shoes in Grade 5!!! Lots of people say they looked forward to their first pointe shoes but were disappointed and really didn't like pointe shoes. However, I believe I will like my pointe shoes when I get them and that I will enjoy trying the pointe work. I most probably will get back to you on that one when we've started and I've got my pointe shoes! 8-) Ummm... I think that's it. NOOOOOOOO!!! Wait! One more thing! I am a house captain! So basically, in our school, we have 4 houses(a bit like 4 teams/groups). We earn house points, so, like brownie points. There are 2 house captains for each house-Milton, Dryden, Cowper, Tennyson-but there are sometimes exceptions. Anyway, the house captains are Year 6s and what we do is everyone writes a letter to the headteacher to say why you should be the house captain of your house. Well, I wrote one and got chosen! The house captains are: -Milton-Melody(me), Jahan(boy) -Dryden-Alice(one of my BFFs, girl), Christol(girl) -Cowper(Coo-per)-Milly(Amelia, one of my BFs, girl), Valentin(boy) -Tennyson(Ten-ni-sun)-Tharsha(one of my Bfs, girl), Vadim(boy) I'm so happy I got chosen! Although sometimes it's so hard I wish I wasn't house captain. Anyway, I'm supposed to think on the bright side. OK, that's it. Goodbye! Farewell! See ya! Adios! 再见!Bye! Melody ^_~



"Come on!" Stephanie exclaimed, beckoning for her parents to follow her. She hurried to the stables and admired all the horses. From a strong, big horse to a tiny, weak pony, Stephanie oohed and aahed at them all. Finally, her parents were going to let her buy a horse! Stephanie's parents followed their daughter, amused by her excitement. At last, Stephanie found the horse she wanted:Tanith. "Mum! Dad! I've found her!" Stephanie yelled, stroking the sleek, black stallion. They did what they had to and soon, Tanith was Stephanie's. One afternoon, as Stephanie rode Tanith, she heard Tanith cough. Leaping off the horse, she patted her neck. Sand fluttered down her throat and Stephanie coughed. The dusty substance tickled her and she doubled up coughing. Tanith was coughing badly as well, stamping the ground with her hoof. Just then, Stephanie's mother arrived at the stables, holding out a stubby pencil and plain paper for Stephanie to draw a map with. "Stephanie!" she cried out, ushering her to the car. The stable assistant arrive to find Tanith abandoned. Puzzled, she led the stallion back to her stable. "You're alright now. Your asthma just started again." the doctor said, holding his blue clipboard and black biro in his pale hands. When he left, Stephanie picked up the stubby green pencil and drew her on a black horse. She coloured in their smiles in a bright red and started crying. "Tanith was coughing as well! She has to be alright!" sobbed Stephanie. She took care of herself for the rest of the week and was rewarded with a ride on Tanith. Stephanie started finding it hard to breathe again. She panted, and coughed, in desperate need of help. This time, Tanith was ready. She neighed as if telling Stephanie to hold on tight and then Tanith galloped over to the black car. Stephanie's mum drove her home, then gave Tanith a big hug. What a hero!


Caramel's diary-Caranilla (M)

Dear Diary, Hi, I'm Caramel. I know, it's a weird name but you are a diary, you're not supposed to laugh like the others do. Basically, this bit is about me: -Me and my family and this other family share owning a sweet shop -My family includes me(Caramel, 13), my older sister (Valerie(Val) 16), my dad and my mum -I love baby blue Ummm....I think that's it. Anyway, I need to go to the bakery now. P.S. The sweet shop is shared ownership with a girl called Vanilla's family. Thursday am Ok, I'll carry on explaining quick. Basically, they opened the shop but then we asked to share ownership later. Oh yeah, just saying, Mum says I should make friends with Vanilla but, I'm not so sure. My best big sister, Val, has actually already made friends with Vanilla's older sister, Sugar! BooHoo! Anyway, bye! Thursday, after school Today, my BFFs weren't here. I miss Blaise and Xanthe! :( They are my absolute best friends! At least I can text them! I had to do my homework straight away and got a page full of ✔s! :) Oh, and we moved seats today. Guess what! I'm next to Vanilla! (Groan) Hmmm..... Friday, after school What's going on?! Today I left my lunch at home so I thought I was going to starve. Then, Vanilla saw me and came over. She shared me some of her chocolate sandwiches and homemade marshmallows. I ate some and then thanked her. Vanilla then left. That was so awkward! Things are really weird which makes it really hard when we have to work together at making the sweets for the sweetshop. I've seriously got a cut on my lip because of my terrible lip-biting habit. Saturday, am We're helping out at the sweet shop today but I don't want to go. WHat should I say?...This is what happened: Me: Oh! I just remembered! I've got this homework to do! Vanilla: Have you? Ms Harris said you'd handed everything in. Me: No. I have to edit the things I got wrong in my maths assessment. Vanilla: But you didn't get any wrong. Me (panic): No, I didn't. But there are these strategies I could have improved on. Anyway, whatever! I just can't go. Bye! Actually, I had nothing to improve on so I stayed at home drawing. I took out a doggy-decorated notebook and baby-blue pen and started designing. I drew a polka dot dress, and then decided to add on a character. I was the best at art but for some reason, I drew a sad person. It looked a lot like...oh my gosh! It's Vanilla! I drew the hurt expression on her face when I said 'Anyway, whatever! I just can't go.'. She's haunting me! Monday, after school No, me and (V)Vanilla are definitely friends. Like, I played with my BFFs Xanthe and Blaise but then I saw V getting, what looked like it, bullied. By her so-called BFFs, by the so-called Miss Populars, Capri and Cassia! Willa, of course, was doing her best to stand up for V but wasn't doing very well. Therefore (note my choice of excellent words, heehee)I went in. "Hi Populars!" I teased, because technically I was the most popular one in class. Brainy, pretty, perfect, popular, if I do say so myself (teehee). "Hi Caramel. I mean, Miss A+ and the 3 Ps!" they gushed in unison. I nodded my head curtly and answered, "Yes, now leave the poor girl alone. Yes?" "Yes, Miss!" they exclaimed delightedly, completely not sarcastically. I looked at Vanilla and she looked at me. "Are you ok?" I asked. She nodded, picking herself up with the help of me and Willa. Vanilla had a few cuts and grazes from when the Populars pushed her but apart from that, it was inner pain. I led her home, which was next door to my house. It was when she was in my room she cried it out. "I thought they were my friends!" she said between sobs "But they betrayed me! They pushed me when they knew I had a sprained ankle! They said those hurtful words when they knew I was upset. Why?! Why Cassia and Capri?!" she wailed on. She was stroking Saskia, her puppy, as she cried. Finally, she finished, thanked me and we shook hands. "Best friends." we formed the Caranilla. Caramel and Vanilla.


pass-- HBS

打從媽咪知道這個禮拜HBS會寄出第一階段通過與否的通知之後,說真的,媽咪每天早上就坐立難安地等郵差。 其實,這個階段,媽咪還算是有信心的,畢竟,這只是第一階段,過了學校才會改她們的數學和英文考卷。可是,没拿到之前,說有信心,也只是說說而已啊!!誰知道其他小孩的程度是怎麽樣,而且HBS算是在倫敦市内,地鐵就能到的地方,考生恐怕會比較多,自然强手多,而且這關如果過了,對我們後來的Tiffin第一階段,也是相對的定心丸,所以,天啊,圓咪一定要過這關啊!! 可惜,媽咪從星期一一直緊張到星期五,没有,都没有,媽咪想,恐怕要等到下星期一了! 但是在我們今天上完大提琴課回來,看到地上静静地趟著兩封信,媽咪和圓咪互看了一眼,噢,不會吧!!圓咪緊張地撿起地上的信,第一封,垃圾郵件,第二封,收信人是Melody的家長,喔喔,圓咪已然知道,就是它了,颤抖地拆開,迫不及待地讀起來,哈哈,偏偏前面還有兩段客套話說著感謝參加考試,這封信的用意等等的,圓咪急得叫出來,“只要告訴我過了没,過了没。” “過了,過了!!”终於在第三段,我們看到了最重要的資訊,圓咪過了第一階段,現在,他们會繼續地改這前500名的英文和數學考卷,兩個星期之後,他們會通知前250名的考生,這250個學生才有資格填HBS在中學的申請書上。 啊∼∼總算鬆了一口氣,過了第一關了,雖然,還有第二關,但是,過了一關算一關啊!!現在,我們就可以喘口氣,等兩個禮拜後的第二次成績單了! 圓咪啊,雖然第二關會更難,但是媽咪對你有信心,我們一定還是會順利過關的,你也跟媽咪一樣有信心,因為你的努力,我們都看得見,所以,我們就放心地一起等下次的通知,好不好啊?



晚上,姐姐不知道怎麽和貝貝開始的,反正就問貝貝,“一個人13歲,我10歲,那他大我幾歲?” 貝貝先是亂猜了2歲,姐姐說不對,然後就一直重新地把問題再說一次,看貝貝只是看著姐姐,完全没有頭緒的樣子,媽咪怕貝貝最後又會生氣不玩了,悄悄地把姐姐拉到旁邊,告訴姐姐,妹妹不是聽不清楚題目,她連13加10都不會,她就還不會兩位數字的加減,你一直重覆題目也没用.... 就在媽咪正在試圖說服姐姐換個簡單一點的題目時,貝貝忽然說,是3歲,他比你大3歲!!媽咪還以為貝貝只是又猜了一個答案,一看,貝貝在紙上畫了兩排圈圈,上排有13個,下排有10個,然後把兩排圈圈上下連起來,最後,上排圈圈有三個圈圈剩下了,貝貝說,所以13-10=3,他比姐姐大3歲。 哇,姐姐尖叫著說,我就知道你會,貝貝好棒哦!!媽咪則驚訝地說不出話,如果貝貝只是會減法,那也没什麽,而是貝貝知道減法的原理,然後做出自己不會的二位數減法,那是貝貝了解而且會想辦法解決,這能力才是媽咪驚嘆的,看來,貝貝的推理能力,比媽咪想得還厲害呢!! 哈哈,貝貝啊,姐姐說,貝貝不怕蟲也不怕血,將來可以當醫生!!照你這個默默解決問題的情形看來,說不定真的很適合往科學方向走呢,貝貝,我們就等你發明長生不老藥了啊!!