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下午去完街市買餸,再去接駿駿放學.原本行過雞蛋仔檔,我想買雞蛋仔比駿駿食架,不過忽然諗起佢都唔係好乖,明天又要默書喎,都可能冇時間食下午荼,所以最後都係乜都唔買好d. 放學時,駿駿同我講今日美勞堂整左聖誕襪,佢話佢整得好靚好開心喎.今日本來都冇乜點,駿駿做功課都算乖同快…不過當我叫佢溫習,準備係屋企試默書時,佢就開始曳啦,又唔專心睇書,叫佢默書時又唔肯默…又要人大聲鬧佢先安樂,好啦…肯默書啦,但係又唔專心..寫錯勁多既字,最後又要改正,叫佢再溫熟d晚飯後再默.點知佢都重係要扭計,唔肯默…唉~中文唔係英文,冇得話串字就算…由佢發脾氣,唔默唔比瞓..最後過晒9點半瞓覺時間,佢扭到自己都好累先肯默書…真係唔明,一早做咪好囉.又要扭又要浪費時間.一開始乖乖地合作,咪一早瞓得囉..做乜成日都要搞到我同佢自己咁辛苦…. Went to food market before I go to pick up Chunchun. At first I wanted to buy him some snack, but then I remember that he wasn’t behave himself well and he have dictation tomorrow, he have to study may not have time to eat… better not to buy him snack… sigh~ Chunchun told me that he made Christmas socks today during Art and Craft lesson, he’s happy about it. Hum, Chunchun was doing not bad during homework time, but then when I asked him to study dictation, he kept refuse to do pre-dictation with me… I have no way to check he knows it or not, because Chinese not English, we can’t spell it. Finally forced him to pre-dictation once, and found that he has quite a lot of mistakes… Asked him to study again and pre-dictation it before bed. Sigh~ Chunchun just didn’t want to be cooperate, he refuse to pre-dictation again… and he miss his bed time on 9.30pm. He finally pre-dictation again on 10pm something when he’s very sleepy… sigh~ He’s wasting his time and my time, why don’t he pre-dictation it quick, so he could go to bed on time?

總測成績單(Season Test Result)


今朝爸爸忽然問我同唔同佢一齊過香港喎,因為佢有d野要過香港銀行度搞,佢諗諗下又想係香港行下喎^^就係咁一早送完駿駿返學我就同爸爸去碼頭返香港啦.最後我地都趕到9點船,返到香港大約10點鬆d. 即時去銀行,好快手11點前就搞掂爸爸要做既野囉.之後我地就直接去旺角行街啦. 哈,真係開心啦,我今日都買左唔少野,買左條裙,又買左件羽絨褸準備新年去旅行用,又買左漫畫,又買左曲奇…爸爸都買左條牛仔褲,同變形金剛^^雖然我地要趕2點半船,3點半要返到澳門接駿駿放學,但係結果大家都有收鑊真係開心. 4點去到學校接放學,係車度等左好耐都未見爸爸同駿駿出黎,最後佢地成4點15分先上車呢.原來駿駿今日係學校曳,老師要見家長丫~_~雖然佢曳果d都唔係乜大件事,只係d小壞習慣…不過佢果d壞習慣我地日日都係屋企鬧佢架啦…估唔到返到學校都重係咁…唉~真係好乞人憎呢! 返到屋企就做功課啦,發現駿駿今日冇乜功課做喎,但係就有好幾張總測改正要做.再睇下手冊,原來派左總測成績單啦.雖然駿駿既成績唔講得係差,但係我就一d都唔滿意佢咁既成績,佢應該可以做得更好的…聖經: 80; 普通話: 92; 數學: 87; 常識: 92; 中文讀本: 87; 中文默書: 100; 中文作文: 77; 英文讀本: 97; 英文默書: 98; 英文會話: 85; 中文書法: C+; 電腦: B-; 公民: B; 視覺藝術: B-; 音樂: A-; 體育: A-. 平均分低於 90, 大約得88 – 89,如果高於90…都好丫…但係又差少少. Papa asked me to go to Hong Kong with him this morning suddenly, because he need to go to some bank in Hong Kong for work… and he decided to go shopping around for a while too^^ Took Chunchun to school as usual and then we go to the ferry terminal immediately, get on the 9am ferry and arrived to Hong Kong around 10pm something. Papa finished his work before 11am, and then we went to Mong Kok to shopping around. Hum so happy I bought a dress, a down coat today, and Papa bought a pair of jeans too. We hurry back to Macau before 3.30pm because we need to pick up Chunchun on 4pm. Sigh, I been waiting in car and Papa walk to pick up Chunchun… wonder why they take so long today, didn’t get on car until 4.15pm. Papa said Chunchun’s teacher talked with him, Chunchun was being quite naughty at school… sigh~ Found a few Season test papers in Chunchun’s bag… and found the Season Test Report. Hum, should I say Chunchun was doing not bad? But I didn’t satisfy with it. Bible: 80; Mandarin: 92; Math: 87; Common Sense: 92; Chinese reading: 87; Chinese Dictation: 100; Chinese composition: 77; English reading: 97; English Dictation: 98; English Oral: 85; Chinese writing: C+; Computer: B-; Citizenship education: B; Art: B-; Music: A-; P.E.: A-. Average is under 90, around 88 – 89… sigh, he can do better than that.

行街買野(Shopping Day)


今日11點半左右就帶駿駿去學習中心上普通話班試堂啦..哈..哈…老細話因為佢地未決定係咪真係搞普通話班,所以會有好幾堂試堂,叫我地鍾意就可以黎上下堂喎.真係好啦,唔駛錢又多樣野學^^不過我都想佢快d落實係咪搞普通話班,希望排到好時間比我,我想駿駿可以一日上晒英文同普通話堂..唔想走2轉呢. 上完普通話堂,爸爸又打比我話佢得閒食午飯喎,我又諗住今日去八佰伴洗車既..就係咁,我地先去八佰伴洗車,再行去附近既酒樓飲茶,飲完茶再返入八佰伴行街.爸爸行到2點半左右就要返工啦…我同駿駿就繼續行,係八佰伴買左條牛仔褲同上衣比駿駿,之後我地就行去新馬路果頭行街啦.雖然都冇乜買野,但係就去訂左生日會用既生日蛋糕^^ 行到成5點先返屋企,真係好累丫,但係又好開心..因為駿駿今日都算乖冇乜點鬧過佢,如果佢日日都唔駛我鬧就好囉.因為由朝去到晚..所以今日決定唔煮晚飯^o^叫左Pizza外賣呢. Took Chunchun to Mandarin Course this morning around 11.30am, it’s the trial lesson… didn’t have to pay for it yet, haha… Mr. Chan said there will have a few trial Mandarin Courses until they sure they hold it for regular lesson. Chunchun seems to be enjoying this Mandarin lesson^^ hope that it will be regular lesson soon. After Mandarin Course, Papa called and said he’s free for lunch, so we went to New Yaohan to wash my car, and then we walk to a Chinese Restaurant near New Yaohan for lunch and shopping in New Yaohan after lunch. Papa leave around 2.30pm, and then Chunchun and I walk to the shopping area around 3pm to order birthday cake for birthday party and shop around. Hum, I didn’t buy anything for myself today, but bought a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for Chunchun^^ So tired that we back home around 5pm something, and I decided not to cook tonight, haha… ordered Pizza Hut delivery. Hum, Chunchun and I were having a nice day today, wish that Chunchun would behave himself everyday to be a good boy. 同爸爸飲茶時搞搞震

Englsih Test Result(派英文測驗卷)


下午食完午飯就同婆婆一齊去行街買野,之後再去接駿駿放學.唔,我地大約2點先出門口,諗住行一陣乜都行晒啦,有時我地行街都係行1個鐘左右就悶囉.點知今日唔知做乜鬼咁多野想睇喎,搞到最後唔夠時間,乜都只係睇得少少…就趕住4點去接駿駿放學啦.唔知係咪因為聖誕所以特別想購物呢. 駿駿一上車就同我講今日派左英文測驗卷,得95定97分,啍,佢終於知驚,佢終於乩記得我話唔同我合作溫習,唔係100分就要比人罰..不過最後我發現駿駿係97+5分,即係102分..罰唔到佢,重要比印仔佢=.=其實我真係好唔鍾意學校測驗默書有加分題,明明唔係100分都變做100分…好似駿駿咁..明明好多時都係得90幾分..就因為有加分題變左10x分..單睇分數係好既..但係我情願冇加分題,駿駿老老實實咁得到100分好過.睇完測驗卷,睇下手冊,明天又有中文試默..今次重係背默添=.=好煩丫,做完功課又要溫默書. Went shopping with Grandma his afternoon after lunch and then go to pick up Chunchun together. Hum, we went out around 2pm this afternoon, at first we thought we should have enough time to walk around… but then we found that it’s not enough=.= We were in hurry to go to pick up Chunchun on 4pm. Chunchun told me that he received English test paper today, he only have 90 something… I asked him why, he said he made a careless mistake=.= Check on his test paper when we back home, he’s mark is 97+5(bonus part)… Total 102, over 100 he still can get a stamp for 100 point. Actually I didn’t like bonus part, it’s nice that Chunchun still got full mark when he have little mistake… but I found that Chunchun was quite rely on bonus part… if there have no bonus part, he won’t have 100 points. After checking on his test paper, I found that Chunchun has another Chinese Pre-Dictation again=.= Have to study dictation after homework again… sigh~

豬扒包(Pork Chop Bun)


本來打算今日下午去街市買餸再去接駿駿放學既.不過食完午飯後,爸爸話佢想我車佢去幾個唔同既地方做d野喎..就係咁我同爸爸2點半就一齊出門口啦.車完爸爸之後,大約3點半我就係駿駿學校果頭搵左位泊車,其實都要行成10分鐘先去到學校,15分鐘先到街市,不過我已兜左幾個圈,唔想再兜呢=.= 唔,真係怪,我以為我係街市買左好耐野..點知到我行返去車放低d餸時先係4點半左右.重有成半小時駿駿先放學..都唔知做乜好.就打比爸爸睇下佢點啦..最後爸爸叫我自己返屋企先,今日司機得閒佢可以直接送埋駿駿返屋企..哈,哈,真係好啦. 駿駿大約5點20分先返到屋企,重要一手拎住半個豬扒包,原來今日課外活動係整豬扒包丫,駿駿係咁話好味..見佢食緊野就等佢食完先做功課啦.其實今日功課唔係多,但係駿駿就冇心機.結果做到食晚飯都未做完呢… 因為駿駿做功課既態度太過份,搞到爸爸好嬲好嬲呢..最後駿駿比人罰佢未做完功課同溫習冇得食晚飯.,不過駿駿都唔知驚丫,搞到10點先有得食飯…最後佢既態度重要激嬲埋我..其實佢做功課我已經好火架啦…不過爸爸都罰左囉…我冇理由再罰…好啦..最後佢都係激到我要罰佢…我比佢揀,佢想企到爸爸放工為止,定係出廳瞓…最後佢乜都唔揀企係度喊左成個鐘..到我瞓啦,同佢訓話一輪,佢先真係知錯,死死地氣出廳瞓呢=.=(不過都只係瞓左一陣就抱埋入方房…) 唉~我依家真係好憎好憎駿駿,點解佢越大越曳,越大越唔聽話,越大越乞人憎呢?我明明好鍚佢,乜都為佢諗左先…最後做乜都好似多瘀咁…以前罰佢會心痛架..依家一見到佢曳就乜都唔駛講…罰得,打得…佢唔值得人鍚佢,佢抵比人罰架. Planned to go to food market this afternoon and then go to pick up Chunchun alone or with Papa (depends on Papa busy or not). However, Papa asked me to drive him to a few places after lunch… so we leave home around 2.30pm and then I parked my car somewhere near Chunchun’s school and food market around 3.30pm. Actually I still need to walk 10 minutes to Chunchun’s school, but it’s the most nearest parking space already=.= Hum, so wired, I thought I spent a lot of time in food market, but by the time I walked back to my car, it’s only 4.30pm. I still have to wait for half hour to pick up Chunchun. Called Papa to ask him pick up Chunchun alone, and I wanted to back home first, haha. Chunchun back home around 5.20pm, and he was eating Pork Chop Bun. Happy Chunchun told me that it’s what he made in the extracurricular activities, it’s very yummy… haha. Let him finish his Pork Chop Bun and then we start doing homework and study together. Sigh, Chunchun was being super naughty again… Papa was so mad tonight and not let Chunchun to have dinner until he finish his homework and finish study. Finally Chunchun having his dinner around 10pm… and then Chunchun was still very naughty after Papa’s punishment, he made me mad too and I punish him either stand in the concern until Papa back home or go sleep in living room alone. Then he cried for around an hour before he go sleep in living room=.= I really hate Chunchun now, he’s troublemaker and very naughty… always not listen to us, not concentrate on his school work… sigh~ I used to love him a lot, and not willing to punish him…but now I would think he should got punish, and I didn’t have to think he’s poor, it’s what he deserved.

學校旅行(School Picnic)


今朝一早7點起身,準備午餐盒比駿駿今日野餐用,之後大約8點半就送駿駿返學校啦.送完駿駿返學我再直接去二龍喉公園附近搵位泊車,哈,我都幾好彩,一去到就搵到個好近二龍喉公園既車位啦.大約由9點就係公園門口等到9點40分,終於見到駿駿學校既校車黎到啦.影完大合影就一齊行去二龍喉既環境資訊中心度睇環保卡通,每個小朋友重有機會自己整一張再造紙添.之後就係睇動物時間啦,走之前重係遊樂場玩左大半個鐘先返番學校. 駿駿佢地中午就搭校車返學校啦,因為佢地係係學校禮堂野餐喎=.=; 咁我就返屋企同爸爸一齊食午餐,再等到1點半一齊去接駿駿放學啦.駿駿話佢今日係學校玩左小遊戲,佢嬴左把間尺呢.. Woke up around 7am to prepare lunch box for Chunchun’s picnic and then take Chunchun to school around 8.30pm. Arrived to Flora Garden around 9am, lucky me found a parking space very near the Flora Garden this morning. Waited in front of the Flora Garden until 9.40am, I finally see Chunchun’s school bus coming. Joined Chunchun’s class and then we walk to Ecoteca da Flora together. We watched a cartoon about eco-awareness, and all kids have a chance to made one recycled paper. After sightseeing in the Ecoteca da Flora, we started watching animals and then go to the playground before we leave. Chunchun they leave around noontime, because they have to back to school and picnic inside the hall=.=; I back home to have lunch with Papa then go to pick up Chunchun together around 1.30pm. Happy Chunchun told us that they play games at school today, and he won a ruler today^^ 影大合照時扮超人印乾張環保紙有乜睇呢玩到甩鞋

美食節(Food Festival)


下午同婆婆一齊去接駿駿放學,之後就趕返屋企同駿駿做功課啦,因為今日婆婆想去美食節呢.大約5點鐘我地就出門口囉,係美食節度行左1小時左右,買左2個麵同好多台灣小食拎返屋企食呢.唔,係離開前就比駿駿去買棉花糖食啦,佢由上個星期六爸爸同我地一齊去完美食節就一直話想食架啦^^就係駿駿等緊棉花糖時,忽然有2個男人比左d遊戲代用卷駿駿喎,佢話佢地大人唔岩玩,比小朋友玩啦.駿駿好開心咁多謝就收左啦.到駿駿拎到棉花糖,果2個男人又比左張5蚊現金卷駿駿喎,話佢地買完野重有淨,但係佢地走啦,冇用…唔好浪費左5蚊喎…就係咁原本我都冇諗過今日比駿駿玩既,諗住可能有機會再黎先玩…依家因為有5蚊,所以駿駿就有機會玩攤位呢.可惜佢都係中唔到獎. 晚上6點半返到屋企就開始食晚飯囉.之後就要同駿駿溫習明天既數學總測呢…唉~好鬼死累…本來我今日真係唔多想去美食節,想下星期先去架,但係婆婆又話下星期唔黎…今日唔去又就機會去… Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma this afternoon, and then we hurry back home to do homework, because Grandma wanted to go to Food Festival tonight. We leave home around 5pm and spent an hour in the Food Festival to buy foods back home for dinner. Hum, we bought 2 noodles and a few Taiwanese snacks tonight. Before we back home, I let Chunchun bought a cotton candy that he been wanted to eat since last Saturday. While Chunchun waiting for his cotton candy, some 2 guys gave him a few games coupon said that they have no use, it’s better to give it to kids. And then after Chunchun got his cotton candy, these 2 guys give Chunchun a 5 dollars cash coupon too… they said they were leaving now. Haha, at first I didn’t plan to let Chunchun play game today, but now he got a chance to play^^ Have dinner a little bit early around 6.30pm and then Chunchun and I have to study Math for tomorrow Season test. Sigh~ so sleepy>_

媽咪會聚會(Macau Mama Gathering)


今日中午有澳門媽咪會既聚會,我地大約中午就去到漁人碼頭入面既春秋火鍋度搵位飲茶,冇幾耐Sandy一定都黎到啦,之後係Jessica同希希,重有新會員Iris一家,食到一半大約1點鬆d, Gina同Jennifer佢地先黎到.原本應該重有個新會員Grace會黎架,但係唔知點解又冇電話話唔黎,等到最後都唔出現…不過都冇所為啦,今日飲茶都好開心.飲完茶,原本想比班小朋友走動下或者去機鋪玩下既,可惜Iris囡囡彤彤飲茶期間就瞓左囉,軒軒又有d扭眼瞓,Stephenie同Gina又話2點半要走囉.結果都冇乜時間玩,只係駿駿,希希同Stephenie係漁人碼頭走動下,影左陣相就散囉.3點鬆d我同駿駿就行到返屋企囉. 因為下個星期都重有測驗,所以返到屋企休息一陣就同駿駿溫習一下啦.4點鬆d爸爸又打返黎話今晚去美食節喎,叫我同駿駿5點左右就好去搵位泊車,自己行住先,佢送完客就會黎搵我地.就係咁我同駿駿5點就出發去美食節,行左陣玩具反斗城就去搵爸爸啦.大約係美食節玩左2小時,食左好多小食,同駿駿玩左幾個攤位就返屋企囉. Macau Mama Gathering this afternoon, we arrived to Season Chinese Restaurant inside Fisherman’s Wharf around noontime to wait for others Mama. Sandy’s family came around 12.20pm and then Jessica and Iris’s family, Gina and Jennifer came around 1pm. Grace’s family should come too, but didn’t know why they didn’t show up. Anyways we have a nice lunch together. After lunch, I wanted to let kids run around or go to play in amusement arcade, however, Iris’s daughter fall in sleep during lunch, and Marcus need to nap too; Stephenie and Gina have to leave around 2.30pm. Didn’t have much time to play so just let Chunchun, Heihei and Stephenie to run around and take photo for a while then we back home around 3pm. Study with Chunchun afterward and then Papa called to ask us to go to Foods Festival tonight. Chunchun and I go to Foods Festival around 5pm and then meet Papa there. We spent around 2 hours there to have dinner and played some games. 少左彤彤...佢瞓左丫三個一齊扮飛機好樣衰既公仔有公仔啦