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今日係最後一日正常返學既日子囉.考試周由明天開始一直到下星期二,之後一直都會係返半日學到6月21日結業禮..主要係彩排畢業禮要表演既項目. 下午3點幾我同婆婆一齊去接駿駿,原本打算放學後直接去玩具反斗城同駿駿買盒真既大富翁架,點知忽然落雨…所以最後都係直接返左屋企啦.唔,今日駿駿冇功課做丫,一返到屋企就同佢溫習,今日佢都做得幾好..所以溫完習之後爸爸就提意去玩具反斗城啦.就係咁,駿駿終於買左盒真既大富翁囉…而爸爸呢,佢又買左變形金剛呢=.= 食完晚飯之後我地就一齊玩大富翁啦.其實有一樣我同爸爸都願意同駿駿玩1,2個鐘既遊戲真係幾好…..好過駿駿要我同佢玩車仔玩火車頭啦..因為果d對我黎講真係好悶架 Last day for normal school day, exam week will starts from tomorrow until next Tuesday and then half day school for rehearsal until Jun21 – Graduation Ceremony. Picked up Chunchun around 3pm something, at first I wanted to go to Toys ‘r’ us after school with Chunchun, but it’s suddenly raining, so we back home directly. Hum, Chunchun didn’t have homework to do today, so we study immediately after we back home. He was doing very well on study today, so Papa suggested to go to Toys ‘r’ us again after Chunchun finished study. Haha, actually it’s because Papa wanted to buy new Transformers=.= and we bought the really Monopoly. We played together after dinner, it’s not bad to have a game that Papa and I willing to spend over 1 or 2 hours to play with him… I really don’t like to play cars or Thomas with Chunchun.


英文班(English Course)

今朝都冇乜野做,一早同駿駿溫習一次之後,就煮佢最鍾意既蛋包芝士煙肉蕃加通粉比佢做午餐啦….係只有佢果個有蛋包,我同爸爸都只係食通粉唔想煩… 食完午飯,本來駿駿應該瞓一陣午覺先去上英文班架,但係佢今日死都唔瞓喎…咁我諗住佢有時放左英文班先瞓都冇問題,咪由得佢囉..點知2點幾就出門口時…佢先話我知好眼瞓,唔想去英文班啦=.= 唉~結果佢真係係車度瞓著左喎…要又推又拉咁叫佢起身行入學習中心…同佢講左成10分鐘道理..先迫到佢入班房=.=好唔願意咁入到去..唔駛一陣我又見佢好開心好精神囉喎..真係唔知佢想點…佢到底重想唔想學英文呢?? 今堂佢地學Phonics A-C丫,我聽駿駿都做得唔錯,好多字都識得發音又岩咁啦…上完英文班,駿駿成個人都開心晒,精神晒囉…返屋企前再同佢去10蚊店買d野,佢重揀左要買大富翁添..睇黎我地都真係可以買盒真既返黎囉.買完野返屋企,駿駿就大覺瞓囉..都話佢係扭眼瞓架啦..真係煩 Didn’t have much to do this morning, study with him in the morning and then made Chunchun favorite Cheese & Bacon & Tomato macaroni in Omelette for lunch. After lunch at first Chunchun should take a nap before English Course, but he refused to nap this afternoon until 2pm something = =… He told me he’s sleepy just before we have to go to English Course. Sigh, Chunchun fall in sleep in car and I have to wake him up and forced him to got in the Learning Centre. Talk with him around 10 minutes he finally gets in his classroom. Hum, I wonder is Chunchun wanted to continue study English in Learning Centre. He was happy during class, but it’s not his first time that refuses to go to English Course… or it’s just because he was sleepy? They were learning Phonics “A-C” today, I heard that Chunchun was doing not bad, he know most of the words and pronounce it right. After English Course we went to 10 dollars store to buy stuff and Chunchun bought a fake Monopoly XD Back home before 5pm and Chunchun went to bed immediately…夾住HelloKitty攬枕


新攬枕(New Long Cushion)

今朝送駿駿返學,其實我近期都開始教佢自己上落車,要自己開車門架啦.之前因為佢重細,我都用個兒童安全鎖,鎖左後座既車門,係車內係開唔到既.不過駿駿就黎小一啦,分校果邊冇咁多路邊位比我泊一泊部車送駿駿返學,所以依家要教佢自己落車跑入學校呢.頭幾日,因為我都搵到路邊位停一停,比佢慢慢開門落車都冇乜問題.但係今日呢,真係冇位啦,只可以係校門口停一停..唔知駿駿係咪心急,又緊張..落左車唔記得關門…走左入學校門口..先記得出番出關門…真係比佢嚇死. 下午同澳門媽咪會既朋友去八佰伴飲茶,飲完茶我就同sandy一齊行左陣街..哈,我地去左玩Hello Kitty抽獎…當然我又係抽唔到我想要架啦=.=但係我買左個Hello Kitty 2用攬枕..可以變做坐墊架…我想買個攬枕比駿駿好耐架啦…依個就岩晒啦..我又可以用黎做坐墊^^ 買完野就去接駿駿放學啦,駿駿都真係幾眼利,一上車就望到車頭多左個袋…見到Hello Kitty攬枕就話要啦..不過佢成身汗,我要佢返到屋企換左衫先準攬呢.之後就同佢做功課同溫習啦.琴日默過中文,今日就比數學佢做,不過駿駿計算真係..唔知佢係大意定係乜啦..成日都錯既=.= Took Chunchun to school this morning, I been teaching him open and close the door by himself since Monday. Because I used to use the safely lock that back seat door couldn’t open from inside; but now Chunchun will going to primary school soon and the location of primary school not allow me to park my car by the sidewalk… Chunchun have to get off my car by himself and run into school quick. These few days Chunchun didn’t have any problem to get off my car in the morning since I parked my car by the sidewalk… but today, nowhere I can park and I only stop in front of the school gate and told him to run into school once he close the car door. He was a little bit nervous then didn’t close the door and run to school=.=; Luckily he return to close the door a few seconds later… Went to New Yaohan to have lunch with Macau Mama Club friends, hum, after lunch I walk around with Sandy for a while… haha we played the Hello Kitty lucky draw and I bought Hello Kitty 2 ways cushion (long cushion to be a square cushion) today; I like it a lot, but I bought it for Chunchun, because I been looking for long cushion for him to sleep=.= Went to pick up Chunchun after shopping, happy Chunchun notice the Hello Kitty cushion once he get in my car and wanted to hug it immediately^^ Back home to do homework and study with him. Gave him some Math to do… sigh, he really didn’t good at counting~_~



由琴日開始同駿駿加緊溫習考試…其實佢測完驗之後我就一直同佢講,比佢休息一個星期,之後就要每日溫習多少少,準備考試架啦.咁岩佢上個星期病,咁就推遲左一個星期先正式開始溫習啦.琴日其實佢都真係唔多合作,不過最後佢都有做晒我要佢做既習作啦…而今日呢,佢都重係唔多合作架,成日話要休息休息,根本做習作時已經唔係專心,重要休息咪又搞到瞓前先溫習完囉.不過我都有d問題既,之前答應過佢做得好有得睇蜜蜂電影,所以前半段佢做得好好架,呃左我睇電影之後先開始唔專心.到爸爸放工返黎..因為琴晚睇左半隻碟,今日又想睇埋喎…咁駿駿又有得休息睇多次電影啦… 婆婆今日晏左少少成7點半打後先黎到丫..佢話班船唔知點解遲開喎=.=就係咁,佢一到我地就好趕咁準備食晚飯啦.食完駿駿重要完成埋佢未做完既習作添 Started to study for exam since yesterday, I been telling Chunchun that after test he can rest for a week and then have to starts study harder for exam… however, he was sick last week, therefore I delay his schedule to this week. He wasn’t too cooperated yesterday but at least he finished what I told him to do. And today… he still not too cooperated, kept asking for rest and finish his work late=.= It’s my problem too, I should let him watch the Bee’s movie after he finished his homework… and then when Papa back form work, we watch it with him again… Grandma arrived a little bit tonight around 7.30pm… she said it’s because the ferry had been delay=.= Have dinner immediately after she arrived and then let Chunchun study again after dinner.


開始準備溫習考試(Prepare Study for Exam)

今朝一早同駿駿去圖書館睇圖書,唔,圖書館開埋依幾日咋,到6月就會停止啦.駿駿一定會好掛住圖書館姐,因為佢近期都成日問我點解唔借得書丫,係咪就黎冇得再去圖書館啦… 下午同爸爸一齊去八佰伴行街街食午飯,哈,其實我地今日係去買父親節禮物比老爺…重要買bb禮物等小叔仔擺百日宴時送比佢呢.唔,我地都有行下睇下其他野既..爸爸就買左變形金剛囉(唉~又買,中毒越黎越深呢) 而我就買左d新毛巾..同抽左幾次Hello Kitty用品咁囉^^ 接完駿駿放學就同佢一齊做功課同溫習啦.唉~下個星期就考試啦…依個星期要加緊溫習啦.今日駿駿做功課都叫做幾乖架,不過溫習就辛苦囉…普通讀書都ok,但係練習寫字就極度唔合作啦.我都唔想佢寫咁多字,但係佢d字又真係好醜樣,會比老師扣分,唯有捉d佢平日寫得特別醜既字,叫佢寫多幾次,等佢寫靚d,記得清楚d點寫囉… Took Chunchun to library this morning, hum, library will close on the beginning of June. Chunchun will going to miss this library a lot, because he been asking me why he can’t borrow story book and kept asking me will we stop going to library… Went to New Yaohan to have lunch and shopping with Papa this afternoon, haha. We went there to buy Father’s Day gift for my father in law and buy gift to baby uncle for his feast celebrating 100 days. Hum, and we do walking around to look for our stuff, Papa bought a Transformers – animated (sigh~ toys again) and I bought a few new towel for whole family… and some Hello Kitty product^^ Doing homework and study with Chunchun after school, sigh~ it’s time to prepare for exam again. Chunchun was doing not bad when he doing his homework, but he wasn’t cooperate when study… sigh~彩排完準備返班房



今朝一早同駿駿去圖書館,唉~佢一起身就開始發脾氣呢..去到圖書館重自己拎埋公仔坐左係我枱底…黑晒面,又唔肯出番黎睇圖書,最後到夠鐘上堂啦,佢都唔肯出黎喎,要我同老師嚇佢,熄晒燈佢先走番出黎.搞到老師問我駿駿做乜呢~_~咪就係為左琴日冇睇卡通同食蛋糕囉~唉~ 下午接駿駿放學時,佢一見到我就第一時間同我講對唔住啦.不過我問佢點解對唔住呢,佢就淨係識得望住老師..因為老師話要喎…不過都算啦,起碼佢唔再鬧情緒先.到後來我同佢去接爸爸時,佢先話我知係因為老師話…如果唔同我講對唔住,我明天就唔會同佢去畢業旅行喎~_~駿駿駛唔駛咁現實… 接左爸爸之後,我地就送佢去剪髮,之後我同駿駿就去超市買零食,準備明天畢業旅行啦.唉~明天都辛苦囉..要8點前返到學校,重早過返學呢=.= Went to library with Chunchun this morning, but sigh~ Chunchun still in temper this morning… He was hiding under my table during library time, and didn’t willing to leave library when time for school. His teacher notice that Chunchun was in temper and asked me why~_~ Sigh~ Picked Chunchun up around 3.30pm, and he said sorry to me immediately. But when I asked him why have to be sorry, he’s silent… he just do what teacher told him=.= And finally he told me why he have to sorry while we on the way to pick up Papa. He said if he don’t say sorry to me, then I will not go to Graduate Tour with him tomorrow, sigh~ Took Papa to hair salon and then went to supermarket with Chunchun because we have to buy snakes for tomorrow Graduate Tour.躲在桌下發脾氣係車度等爸爸


媽媽生日(Mama's Birthday)

今朝送完駿駿返學,係屋企執左少少野之後.大約11點鬆d我就出發去新馬路囉.因為今日要去銀行,又約左澳門媽咪會班朋友一齊飲茶呢.其實我地個個星期四都飲茶架啦,撞岩今個星期四又係生日喎.原本我都係諗住好似平日咁飲個茶囉,有人同我講生日快樂都好開心^^點知就埋單時,忽然有個待應拎左個蛋糕出黎,真係好驚喜,佢地買左個蛋糕比我同Fifi(佢係遲幾日27號生日)^o^真係好多謝佢地,今日飲茶特別開心呢.飲完茶之後我就自己係新馬路行陣街,再去買埋生日蛋糕先去接駿駿放學啦. 接駿駿放學後,我不停同駿駿講…今日做功課同溫習要乖d快d丫,因為晚上我地會外出食晚飯架,今晚重要切蛋糕添.本來佢都話好架.不過返到屋企做功課又係2回事囉.越寫越慢,越寫越唔靚,最後做功課做得太慢重錯過左睇卡通既時間添.就係咁,冇得睇卡通佢已經開始鬧情緒啦~_~ 駿駿扭計已經煩架啦,重要係6點左右開始落大雨…連外出食晚飯既節目都要取消>___< Papa decided to order pizza and may celebrate my birthday later someday… Chunchun was fine during dinner time, but then went we have my birthday cake… he refused to say happy birthday and sing birthday sing for me. Finally Papa punished him couldn’t have birthday cake tonight (mostly because he’s coughing actually). Sigh, Chunchun being in temper all night afterward>_


同爸爸2個人返香港行街(Shopping At Hong Kong With Papa)

今朝同婆婆一齊送完駿駿返學之後,婆婆就一個人去街市啦,而我就返屋企準備同爸爸中午前過到香港呢.因為大約2點左右我要去家計會驗查丫. 唔,我地好似係12點半左右先返到香港既,先搵地方食午飯,再直接去家計會驗查左先.今日都算好彩,我地早左1點半鬆d去到,諗住要等好耐架.點知今日又冇乜人喎,唔駛10分鐘我就見完醫生可以離開囉^^原本2點睇醫生既,變左2點前睇完,多左d時間行街呢^^ 睇完醫生當然第一時間去旺角行街啦.唔,我地今日訂左我地08年結婚週年紀念既婚介^o^今年終於可以係週年日前取貨囉.重有爸爸買左衫同佢至愛既變形金剛,我就買左幾本漫畫同買左部攝錄機^^買攝錄機係因為駿駿今年畢業禮會表演功夫丫,幼稚園畢業加表演…當然要錄底佢啦.重有,我地買左駿駿想要左一段日子既龍劍王既劍呢.每次我地留底駿駿係澳門,差唔多每次都會買禮物返黎比駿駿呢.可能因為我地都覺得留底駿駿一個同婆婆係澳門好似唔係咁好啦… 開心豬仔,一早就等緊我地返去囉,因為佢知實有新玩具嘛.我地一入到門口咋,佢就追住爸爸問禮物啦.見到爸爸拎住盒變形金剛,佢重以為係買比佢既想破壞添.嚇到爸爸即時拎住變形金剛返入房,同佢講禮物係我手呢…XD Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then Grandma went to foods market alone and I back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa before noontime, because I need to arrive to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong before 2pm this afternoon. Hum, we arrived to Hong Kong around noontime, we first went to have lunch and then go to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong immediately. Lucky me, didn’t have much people there today, we only wait for around 10 minutes, it’s my turn to see doctor^^ and we leave the clinic before 2pm. Went to shopping at Mong Kok immediately, hum, we ordered our 08 anniversary wedding rings and Papa bought a shirt and a Transformers, I bought a new DV today. Haha, my DV is for Chunchun’s graduate ceremony… because he will perform KungFu this year. And Papa bought Chunchun’s favorite toy to him too. Sigh, every time we went to Hong Kong with out Chunchun, we usually buy something for him without collecting stickers… maybe because we both feel sorry that leave him alone in Macau with Grandma Happy Chunchun knew that we will buy something for him. He been waiting for us for a long time. Once we back home, Chunchun ran to Papa and asked “Where is my toy?” Haha, Chunchun notice the Transformer first and thought that maybe for him; Papa protect this toy immediately and told Chunchun to ask me for his gift XD終於買左把劍啦


返澳門囉(Back to Macau)

早2日就買定左2點半既船飛啦,而今日呢…我地大約11點左右就出左門口囉.因為今日我地要先去一陣玩具反斗城先返澳門嘛.唔,係中午前去到尖沙咀,慢慢行去海運果邊,先去運動鋪買左對運動鞋比駿駿,再慢慢係玩具反斗城玩到1點先離開.可惜丫,今日去到我地搵唔到駿駿鍾意既玩具試玩啦,換左另一款玩具.駿駿好失望丫,冇得試玩.我都好失望呢…因為我係見到有試玩又知佢鍾意先特登早d出黎架嘛.可憐駿駿望住一盒盒龍劍王既劍,好想買呢…不過我係唔會買比佢架,佢實在太多玩具啦~_~ 大約1點左右,我地就去左間日本料理店度食午飯啦,食完再去茶樓搵網友傾左幾分鐘計,我地就要去搭船囉>_< 2點半船應該3點半到澳門架嘛…點知今日船又慢左啦,成3點50分先到碼頭.好彩今日過關唔多人,又有爸爸黎接我地…我地先可以4點鬆d就返到屋企.有時黑仔,海關多人又要自己行返屋企..咁又會冇左成個鐘呢. Bought 2.30pm ferry ticket 2 days ago, and today… we leave home around 11am because we need to go to Toys ‘r’ Us before we back to Macau. Hum, arrived to TST before noontime, we first walking around in Ocean Terminal… bought a pair of shoes for Chunchun and then hang around in Toys ‘r’ Us until 1pm. Poor Chunchun was so disappointed today, because his favorite toy promotion was disappear =.= I was quite disappointed too, so bad that Chunchun didn’t went out with me on Saturday, if he went out with me, he could have a chance to play with his favorite toy. Went to a Japanese restaurant to have lunch with Chunchun around 1pm and then went to Chinese restaurant to gossip with my net friends for a few minutes before we entry the ferry terminal. Sigh, we arrived to Macau around 3.50pm>_< wonder why Macau ferry always delays… Luckily, Papa came to pick us up today, we could arrived home around 4pm.我個樣黎架玩具反斗城咬唔到舊肉


同駿駿一齊行街(Shopping with Chunchun)

今朝一早11點左右先同駿駿去公園玩一陣,再行上又一城食午飯同去玩具反斗城.雖然駿駿有時都好曳好麻煩,不過我都真係幾鍾意同佢去街,帶佢去食好味既野,睇得意既野..見到佢好奇開心個樣我就好開心^^ 係公園玩完,我地大約中午左右都行到去又一城啦,先去玩具反斗城行下.因為琴日我係尖吵咀果間玩具反斗城見到有駿駿想要既玩具試玩,諗住應該間間玩具反斗城都有…點知去到冇呢=.=駿駿都幾失望,唯有答應佢明天早d去尖沙咀先同佢去反斗城試玩左先返澳門啦. 食完午飯,我地就搭火車去旺角行街啦.係花園街買左2套衫比駿駿,再買左d雜物同NDSL既筆…一直行到去旺角,睇下玩具睇下衫,4點左右去食個東甩下午茶就返屋企等駿駿午覺囉.哈,駿駿成日都唔提,午覺前先突然話想今晚搵表姨同姑婆去玩喎.即時打比表姨,好彩佢地今日得閒咋…駿駿主動搵佢地,姑婆重鬼咁開心添^^ 食完晚飯,我地就去冒險樂園玩啦..不過初初駿駿瞓得唔係好夠,有少少鬧情緒呢..係玩耐左佢先冇野,重不時比個代幣姑婆表姨,教佢地點玩今期至愛既遊戲”大富翁”添…最後,姑婆重忍唔住自己做會員換代幣玩呢..XD Went to the park with Chunchun around 11am something to let him play for a while and then walk to Festival Walk to have lunch and go to Toys ‘r’ Us there. Hum, I love to go out with Chunchun, he’s very trouble something, but I enjoy going out with him, I like to show him every interesting stuff^^ We arrived to Festival Walk around noontime; we first go to Toys ‘r’ Us to walk around. Sigh, I saw Chunchun’s favorites toys having promotion in TST Toys ‘r’ Us yesterday, I thought that may have that promotion in Festival Walk too; however, it doesn’t=.= Chunchun was quite disappointed that he couldn’t play the toy, promised him to go to TST Toys ‘r’ Us tomorrow before we back to Macau. After lunch, we went to Mong Kok and Princess Edward to shop around bought 2 set of shirt and pants for Chunchun this afternoon, and bought 2 NDSL pen and some stuff. Went to Krispy Kreme to have tea and then back home to let Chunchun take nap. Before Chunchun go to bed, he told me that he want to go out with my auntie tonight… haha, called my auntie immediately^^ After dinner, we went to Jumpin Gym with Grandma, my auntie and cousin. Since Chunchun didn’t have enough nap, he was quite emotional in the beginning, but then he was super happy playing in Jumpin Gym and he kept telling my auntie and cousin how to play his favorites game…係公園玩坐好左啦吹唔出泡泡既


返香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)

駿駿琴日差唔多休息左成日,佢今朝就好似好番好多咁啦.見佢精神都唔錯,本來我唔想比佢早退架,因為今日下午又要過香港…我唔想比個錯覺佢以為有得返香港就可以早退.不過當然送到佢去班房時,老師主動提意佢食午飯前早退喎.因為今日測驗下午都冇乜野做…駿駿始終都係有d唔舒服就由佢係屋企休息多d.就係咁,我係中午前接左駿駿放學.係屋企食粥…再等佢午睡完,確定佢冇再發燒或好累…我先同佢出發去香港呢.我諗住如果佢有乜唔舒服,都唔返香港住架啦. 下午5點幾先返到香港,6點左右返到太婆屋企..休息一陣..就去酒樓同太麻食母親節晚飯囉.見駿駿成晚都幾活躍,只係重有d咳姐…應該都冇乜事囉 Chunchun been resting all day yesterday, he seem to be a lot better this morning. At first I decided not to let Chunchun leave earlier today, because we have to go to Hong Kong after school… didn’t want to give Chunchun misunderstand that he can leave early to go to Hong Kong. However, his teacher suggest me to take him home before lunch… so I picked up Chunchun before lunch. After lunch, I let Chunchun take a nap first, make sure he was fine before we go to Hong Kong, if he have fever or look tired, I won’t go to Hong Kong today. Arrived to Hong Kong around 5pm something, and arrived to great Grandma’s home before 6pm. Rest for a while and then went to Chinese restaurant to have Mother’s Day dinner with great Grandma (my father side).扮飲野好大個蛋糕鍚啖太麻