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1. "SWEEP" by Beth Sycamore~(哥哥的程度) Maple Street Fair is over. It's time to clean up. A tall man fills his street sweeper with water. He hops in the cab and turns the key. Ba-ba-room. The sweeper begins to rumble and roll. Oh, what a mess! Wrappers, cans, and Popsicle sticks are everywhere. Out slide the sweeper's side brushes. Round and round they spin. Spray it, scrub it, nice and neat. It's cleanup time on Maple Street. The street sweeper rumbles down the street. "Watch out!" There's an ice cream cart in the way. Brushes spin as the street sweeper swerves around the cart. Spray it , scrub it, nice adn neat. It's cleanup time on Maple Street. The street sweeper rolls on down the street. "Look out!" There's a dead end. The motor roars as the street sweeper s-l-o-w-l-y turns around. Spray it, scrub it, nice and neat. It's cleanup time on Maple Street. The street sweeper pulls up to a big dump truck. Up goes the hopper--high in the sky. "Creek!" A flap opens wide. Down spills the trash. Spray it, scrubbed it, nice and neat. There's no more trash on Maple Street. The dirty street sweeper returns to the garage. Oh, what a mess! It's time to clean up the sweeper. 這是一本小的英文繪本書,描述著園遊會結束後的清潔工作。小朋友們還沒參加過園遊會,所以先借由這本書來介紹園遊會裡有那些東西,然後再來認識書裡的主角sweeper(街道清潔機)。兄弟倆最喜歡的是學書上寫的音效,如"Ba-ba-room","Watch out!","Look out!","s-l-o-w-l-y",Creek!"。再來就是學sweeper的刷子轉啊轉的把地上的垃圾掃進hopper裡面。除了學音效和演刷子,兄弟倆也很興奮的指出他們認識的圖案和字母。最後我要求哥哥和我一起唸。 2. "My Best Friends" by Playmore/Waldman~(弟弟的程度) 這是一本介紹名詞的英文認知書 BROTHER~就是哥哥和弟弟,爸爸和阿伯。一定要男生才可以喔! SISTER~就是XX姐姐,她是XX哥哥的妹妹。一定要女生喔! MAIL CARRIER~幫爸爸媽媽送信送雜誌的叔叔阿姨 FIREFIGHTER~全身穿著厚厚的紅衣服和長褲,然後手裡拿著水管噴水滅火的叔叔 DOCTOR~穿著白色外套,脖子掛著聽筒的叔叔阿姨 POLICE OFFICER~全身穿著藍色衣服和褲子,在路上指揮交通的叔叔 PUPPY~baby狗狗就叫puppy,puppy喜歡咬骨頭,住狗窩 KITTEN~baby貓咪就叫kitten,kitten喜歡玩毛線,睡有鋪墊的籃子 剛好所有的字母都是大寫的,所以除了唸出名詞和認識每個名詞的意思,兄弟倆順便指著書上的單字一個一個認。 3. 弟子規~看字唸書,看圖解說: 冬則溫 夏則清 晨則醒昏則定 出必告 返必面 居有常 業毋變 事雖小 勿擅為 茍擅為 子道虧 4. 回鄉偶書唐詩吟唱~看字唸書,看圖解說:"靜夜思" 李白,"登鸛鵲樓" 王之渙,"春曉" 孟浩然