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新玩具(New Toys)

今朝一早同婆婆送左駿駿返學之後,我就返屋企準備下午同爸爸一齊過香港囉.因為爸爸今晚要去睇牙,所以我地先有機會再去香港行街買野呢^o^ 下午去到香港,突然想飲茶喎,我地就2個人係中港城入面搵左間酒樓飲茶啦.果度d野都幾好食架,環境重好靚添…希望下次有時間有機會帶駿駿去果度飲次茶,去影下相都好架嘛.飲完茶,我地又去旺角行街囉,行到7點先返屋企果頭食晚飯同去睇牙醫.唉~今日我又乜都買唔到呢…想買衫又睇唔岩..想買漫畫又冇新出既..不過爸爸又買左好多變形金剛丫,佢近期真係迷上左買玩具呢…當然買得玩具又會買d比駿駿啦.. 大約10點返到屋企,一開門駿駿就等緊我地囉^o^其實我都幾鍾意出完街返黎..一入門口駿駿就跑黎迎接我地同飛撲黎攬住我地果個感覺 Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa around noontime. Papa need to go to Dentist tonight, so we have chance to go to Hong Kong shopping again ^O^ We have lunch in a Chinese Restaurant this afternoon, hum, it’s a very nice restaurant there, hope that I could take Chunchun there next time, if I have time. After lunch, we went to Mong Kok to walk again until 7pm. Hum, I didn’t buy anything today>_< didn’t found any nice clothes or new comic today…. But Papa did bought a lot of Transformers… and surely he bought some for Chunchun too. Back home around 10pm, Chunchun been waiting for us ^O^ I love the feeling that when we opened the door, Chunchun run to us and give us a hug.Q版變型金剛


澳門媽咪映相會聚會(Macau Mama Photography Gathering)

今日下午3點係石排灣公園有個攝影會既聚會呢,雖然我對影相冇乜特別興趣…不過駿駿有機會同多d小朋友玩,我地當然會去啦^^ 不過我唔係好似點去石排灣架,所以一早2點半左右就出發囉…3點前去到石排灣公園,只係我搵唔到停車場…最後只係學其他人咁將部車泊埋一邊就算囉=.= 駿駿今日就開心囉,又有好多小朋友同佢玩..而且佢今日重突然識得踏滑板車添.之前我教左佢幾次,佢都唔識架,重成日同我講撞親隻腳.但係今日同其他小朋友一齊玩,佢又突然好醒咁喎..原來學新野係要同其他人一齊學先會快上手呢^^而我呢,其實都冇乜野做,因為太多數既媽咪都好專業咁拎住佢地既單鏡相機係度勁影相…而我只係久唔久黎部傻瓜機出黎影相. 聚會5點左右就完左啦.本來我係約左Gina同Jennifer佢地食晚飯架.不過行到一半我又跟唔到佢地車,駿駿由上車開始就勁咳.最後我都係決定返屋企自己食飯算啦.駿駿咳到返屋企都重咳緊,最後飲左勁多水同化啖素先停咋真係煩死人=.= Went to the Photography Gathering with Chunchun around 3pm this afternoon, sigh, I didn’t really sure where the park is; so we leave home half hour earlier. We arrived to the park around 2.45pm but I couldn’t find the car park… finally I just parked my car by side. Chunchun was so happy today, he finally knew how to play his scooter… haha, I been teaching him a long time, but he still couldn’t get it. But he do well today when he playing with other kids. Hum, I didn’t have much to do this time, most of the Mama buys taking photo with their single-lens reflex camera@_@ And I was just using my digital camera to take photo… Gathering finished around 5pm, at first I want to have dinner with Gina and Jennifer…. But I lost while we on the way to restaurant and Chunchun kept coughing in car. Finally I decided back home to have dinner ourselves, Chunchun need to drink a lot of water to stop his cough~_~小詣好得意丫同恩恩一齊踏滑板車排排坐食餅餅玩到面紅紅


參觀小學部(Primary School)

今朝一早起身同駿駿返學去圖書館之後,我就要去參觀小學部啦.今年既幼高班學生家長可以係今日參觀小學部,重可以睇小一既學生上英文堂同中文或數學堂. 參觀完,小學部都唔算差既,佢小一至小三都會係雙班主任,上乜堂都有2個老師係度,而且一班都係20人左右…感覺幾好.到上英文堂時,我見係由外籍老師教架,另外重有一個本地老師一齊,我見佢地用英文上堂好多小朋友都聽得明,好少要本地老師再慢慢解釋咁…而老師都同我地講,小朋友上到小二果時英文堂已經可以用全英文架啦.而數學堂呢,都幾有趣既,我見佢都係玩下小遊戲咁教小朋友數學,不過冇得睇小朋友功課,唔知佢地真係明幾多呢…點都好啦,參觀完既感覺算係幾好囉. 參觀完返到屋企都成11點幾囉,真係勁累丫…不過去參觀小學都係一個好既決定黎既.原本我都重係度煩緊好唔好同駿駿報第二間小學,但係參觀完之後,我覺得幾好啦,由佢直升都冇問題,唔駛太擔心 Woke up early for library this morning, and then I have to go to visit the Primary School. K3 student’s parent can go to visit Primary this morning and attend in P1 English lesson, Chinese or Math lesson. The Primary School wasn’t bad I think, 2 teachers in one class, and it’s around 20 students per class. I saw foreigner teaching English lesson, and P1 student seem to understand well, rare need the other local teacher to explained it once in Cantonese. And the Math lesson seem to be interesting too, they have games to teach student math. Not bad, I guess I will let Chunchun go in this Primary School. Back home around 11am something, I was super tired after visiting the Primary School, but it’s a good decision to visit the Primary School; because I been thinking should I seeking for another Primary school for Chunchun, and now… I don’t have to worry much.


線上遊戲(Online Game)

爸爸留係屋企唔出得街差唔多成個星期啦,佢依個星期真係勁悶呢,到琴晚佢終於忍唔住叫我同佢一齊打網上遊戲啦.今朝開始我地正式2個一齊打機啦.一打就成日囉,我地只係因為我要煮飯同接駿駿放學而休息過一陣咋. 駿駿今日又好似幾乖喎,唔知係咪因為今日有工作紙做呢?每次駿駿做工作紙都好似會快d,有興趣d咁架.當駿駿做完功課時,婆婆就打比我囉,佢話今日放早左半小時,所以可以早d過黎喎,佢自己行返屋企就得.哈,真係好,我又可以打耐d機啦. 駿駿今日大多數時間都睇住我同爸爸打機啦,佢好似都好有興趣咁.而且佢都好明白網上遊戲係玩乜咁喎,我地做乜佢都講得出既.睇黎佢好快都會識得打機囉.唔知佢幾時可以同我地一齊打網上遊戲呢?不過依d遊戲好似唔係太健康喎.冇理由咁細個比佢玩..大人都會迷左落去囉..何況小朋友呢. Papa been staying home almost a week, he was super boring this week; so he asked me to play online game with him yesterday night. We started to play online game this morning… haha, we played all days today, only rests while I making lunch and went to pick up Chunchun. Chunchun seem to be a good boy today, may be because he was doing worksheet today, worksheet seems to be a lot more interesting and easy to do. After Chunchun finished his homework, Grandma called me that she off work a half hour early, so she can walk home herself this evening. That’s great I can play online game with Papa longer^^ Chunchun been watching Papa and I playing online game, I guess he will know how to play online game soon, he seem to understand everything in the gameXD. Wonder when Chunchun can play online game with us, but… it’s not too healthy.. sigh.


Melina & Boo歡送會(Farewell Melina & Boo)

今日係澳門媽咪會既聚會丫,而今次既聚會算係Melina同阿Boo既歡送會呢…因為佢地下個月就要移民去加拿大啦.之前駿駿都同我,佢會好掛住阿Boo架,點知近日重成日同我講,要跟埋阿Boo去加拿大讀書,又話大個要係果邊開公司,要係果邊返工…要同阿Boo一齊喎.雖然駿駿一向同阿Boo係幾老友,不過我估唔到佢話掛到要跟埋去加拿大囉.講真,平時佢地都係一個月見一次左右之嘛…而且係香港同澳門駿駿都重有好多其他朋友…就係唔明點解佢咁著緊阿Boo呢? 今日下午3點左右就去到音樂豆咖啡店啦,唉~果度d服務態度真係好到冇人有…相信大家經過今次咁差既經歷之後,都唔會再去幫襯囉.間咖啡店有d咁幫老細倒米既員工,重可以做咁耐真係奇跡…食完下午茶我地就一齊行街去映貼紙相啦.班小朋友真係好可愛,初初唔係好識映個個都坐定定..映左2次之後大家都識得攞姿勢,搶鏡啦^^ Macau Mama Gathering this afternoon, this is Melina and Boo Farewell tea party too. Sigh, Melina and Boo will move to Canada next month, and Chunchun kept telling me he will miss Boo a lot… and recently, he kept telling me that he want to go to school in Canada, he want to work in Canada when he grown up…he want to be with Boo @_@ I was quite surprise about it, I knew that Chunchun like Boo a lot, but we only meet once a month… Chunchun still have a lot of friends in Macau and Hong Kong, why he want to go to Canada with Boo? We arrived to the Café around 3pm, sigh, we found that Café service was terrible; I guess we won’t go again. Have tea in Café around 3pm to 4pm, and then we went to walk around and take sticker photo for kids^^就黎要分開啦唔開心丫排排坐映貼紙相同瑤瑤一齊手多好鍾意阿Boo


成績表(Exam Report)

今日早上10點半左右我就帶駿駿返幼稚園拎成績表囉.唉,我一直都好擔心佢今個學期既成績呢,因為係第二個測驗周時,佢唔舒服,果個星期勁嘔...成績當然唔多好啦..常識得C咋=.=好彩,最後佢既成績都唔係太差喎..上學期既成績係中文-A;英文-A;識數-A; 常識-B;唱遊-B;美術-B;體育-B;故事-B同操行-B.全部都係A,B,唔係真係太差既,都可以接受啦. 拎完成績表,我同駿駿就去麥記買午餐返屋企同爸爸一齊食啦.可憐爸爸出水痘丫,幾日都唔出得街,要等佢身上d水痘好番先出得街呢.食完午餐,大約12點半左右,爸爸就同駿駿一齊大覺瞓囉.到2點我再叫醒駿駿去上英文班. 今日英文班重係學緊城市入面既地方丫...佢地先重溫一次上個星期學過既野,之後就開始教左2個新既地方啦..一個係超市,另一個係公園. Went to kindergarten with Chunchun this morning around 10.30am to receive Chunchun’s Exam Report. Sigh, I was so worry about Chunchun's result, because he was sick during the second test week=.= His Social Studies was terrible in second test week. Luckily, his result wasn't that bad... Chinese – A; English – A; Mathematical Concept – A; Social Studies – B; Singing – B; Art & Craft – B; Physical Education – B; Stories – B and Conduct – B. His report was acceptable, all A or B; but still hoping that Chunchun can do better in the second school term. Went to McDonald's to buy take away, and then back home to have lunch with Papa. Poor Papa still having Chicken Pox all over his body, he couldn't go out until his Chicken Pox all gone. Papa and Chunchun nap together around 12.30pm and then I woke up Chunchun around 2pm to go to English Class. Learning places in the city again, they first review what they learn last week and then started to learn new places - Supermarket and Park.


媽媽同爸爸去香港購物丫(Mama & Papa go Shopping)

爸爸今日好似好番好多啦,佢話冇咁唔舒服喎,所以我地都係照原定計劃下午過香港行街買野,晚上去睇牙醫.爸爸一早先要返工,交代今日既事,而我就一早要送駿駿返學同做下家務咁啦.係屋企食埋午飯大約點半先出門口,搭2點船去香港. 今日我地因為爸爸係網上搵到調景嶺有佢至愛既變形金剛賣,所以我地一到香港就即時去調景嶺行下啦,順便食個下午茶,到5點左右我地先去旺角行街街.7點15分左右返到太婆屋企,放低d野…我地就去牙醫診所附近度食麵囉…之後到8點,爸爸自己一個去睇牙醫,我就返太婆屋企等佢. 大約10點幾返到屋企,駿駿話佢等左我地好耐呢…婆婆話佢今晚連奶都唔肯食,佢話要食東甩做宵夜喎^^駿駿食完東甩,休息一陣,到差唔多11點先瞓呢.婆婆話今日駿駿好開心丫,因為佢地搭巴士返屋企既…佢地又係街市附近買左好多小食喎,駿駿食左雞蛋仔,又食左d黑色既糕喎… Papa seems to be feeling a lot better today, so we follow our plan – go to Hong Kong this afternoon. Papa have to work in the morning, and I have to took Chunchun to school and do housework with Grandma in the morning. We went to pier after lunch around 1.30pm something and got on the 2pm ferry to Hong Kong. We went to Tiu Keng Leng to buy Papa favorite Transformers, and have tea there. And then we went to Mong Kok to shop around on 5pm something. Back to Great Grandma’s home around 7pm something, and then we have dinner in a Noodles store near the Dentist. Papa went to the Dentist alone on 8pm and I back to great Grandma’s home to wait for him. We back to Macau around 10pm something, Chunchun been waiting for us since he off school. Happy Chunchun ate a doughnut instead of his night milk and then went to bed around 11pm=.= Grandma said Chunchun was very happy today, because they took bus back home and they bought a lot of snack after school~_~我的小鐵熊


爸爸:發燒丫~(Papa: Fever)

爸爸由琴晚開始就同我講佢好似有d唔舒服,點知佢今朝起身真係發燒呢~_~重成39度幾…都幾高燒.不過佢有野做,點都要去返工,等我送完駿駿返學之後,佢就起身食左粒退燒藥返工囉.最後佢下午都係頂唔住自己去左睇醫生同返屋企休息呢. 因為爸爸係屋企休息,駿駿放學做完功課之後我就帶左佢去超市買野啦…唔駛佢嘈住爸爸嘛,而且婆婆之前就叫我幫佢買野明天帶去比太婆既.爸爸約左明天睇牙醫架,依家佢病左唔知重返唔返到去香港睇牙醫呢?當我同駿駿行過公園時,見到大伯一家喎…開心駿駿即時飛跑去大伯身邊要同大伯同朗朗玩呢^^見駿駿咁開心,比佢玩左一陣我地就去買野囉.婆婆大約7點鬆d就黎到屋企啦,佢一到,我地就食得晚飯囉. Papa been telling me he didn’t felt well yesterday night, and today, he woke up with fever around 39℃. Papa went to work after I took Chunchun to school and back home in the afternoon. He felt so bad that he couldn’t work and have to go to the doctor. Since Papa wanted to nap, so after Chunchun finished his homework, I took him to supermarket to buy stuff for great Grandma (Grandma requested), because Papa and I planned to go to Hong Kong tomorrow; Papa need to go to Dentist tomorrow night. While we walking through the park, we met Uncle and his baby… happy Chunchun played with his little brother for a while and then we go to supermarket^^ Grandma arrived around 7pm something, and then we have dinner immediately.冇晒水痘囉


情人節(Valentine's Day)

今日係情人節丫,又係駿駿放完年假後第一日返學,今日學校早上有新春團拜,之後下午唔知佢地會做乜,不過就正常時間3點半先放學.9點前去到學校,本來以為要放低駿駿先再搵位泊車架,但係又好彩喎,係學校附近就有位泊車啦,唔駛我兜黎兜去.當駿駿佢地上晒班房之後,我就去禮堂等新春團拜囉. 新春團拜大約9點半就開始啦,我見今年成個活動都同上2年好唔同架.今年既安排真係好好多,因為上2年佢地搞活動都係玩親子遊戲,有父母到場既小朋友當然開心啦,但係冇父母到場既小朋友就悶到死囉,只有得坐係度等人地玩完先一齊排隊食野.而且一向學校既活動真係唔係太多家長參加啦.今年佢整4個攤位,4個遊戲比小朋友自己拎住飛仔玩…真係個個小朋友都開心…唔想排隊玩,又可以食左野先…安排好得多^^新春團拜大約去到10點半左右就完囉.我要自己返屋企先,等3點半再接駿駿放學呢. 接完駿駿放學,因為今晚爸爸決定去威尼斯人度慶祝丫,所以唔駛煮飯好得閒.返到屋企食少少野,我就同駿駿去超市行下同去公園玩一陣囉.之後再等爸爸我地就可以出發去威尼斯人囉. 哈,哈,今日爸爸終於都買左隻心形鑽介比我啦,不過因為我手指手要定造隻新既…唔知幾時先有貨呢?就係我地等緊定單時,大伯拎到金行搵我地喎…佢重帶左駿駿去買玩具添丫,開心駿駿一買就買左2隻公仔…一隻係熊仔另一隻係有翼獅子.駿駿買完玩具我地就去食晚飯囉.去左一陣幾靚既餐廳食左個情人節餐…d野幾好食架,不過份量好少…食完都唔係好飽..最後駿駿要係麥記買個芝士漢堡同蘋果批先飽呢 Valentine’s Day today, and it’s first day of school after Chinese New Year Holiday; they were having a Chinese New Year Celebration this morning, and then kids will stay in school until 3.30pm. Went to school with Chunchun before 9am, so lucky we found a packing space that near school this morning. Went to assembly hall to wait for celebration while all students were back to their class. Celebration starts at 9.30am, they changed the style of Chinese New Year Celebration. I think it’s better then last 2 years, because last 2 years their games only for parents and kids… however, most of the parents didn’t have time to attend the celebration; that made most of the kids just sit and wait to have snack. This year, they made 4 booths, 4 different games for student to play. I saw all the student were happy this year^^ Celebration ended around 10.30am, and then I back home to wait for pick up Chunchun on 3.30pm. Hum, picked up Chunchun around 3.30pm and then we back home to have tea together and went to supermarket and playground for a while. Because I didn’t need to cook tonight^O^ Papa said we will go to Venetian Macao to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Haha, Papa brought me a diamond ring today, but I didn’t when I can pick it up since my finger is too small, most of my rings need to be tailor-made. We met Uncle in Jewelry store, and while we waiting for the order form, uncle took Chunchun to buy toys^^ Happy Chunchun brought a bear and a lion dolls today. We have dinner at Coca Restaurant, hum, foods were nice there but their dishes were too little=_= We didn’t full tonight, poor Chunchun have to ate McDonald’s afterward….玩遊戲大啖食威尼斯人:金鼠女好大隻猩猩


水痘拜拜(Bye Bye Chicken Pox)

今日係駿駿最後一日假期囉,婆婆重話佢出水痘可能要同佢請多幾日假先返得學…不過我睇完又睇,都覺得駿駿既水痘已經謝晒啦…明天應該可以返學架啦,所以就同佢預約下午見醫生啦. 因為之前初一係醫院睇過醫生,佢地出左預防性隔離既通知信比學校,如果駿駿要返學就要去醫院寫番張終止預防性隔離既表格先.我冇錯啦,駿駿真係好番啦,醫生好快手同駿駿檢查完全身之後就寫番張證明書比駿駿明天返學囉^o^ 其實今次駿駿出水痘我都幾開心,因為佢冇乜特別唔舒服…我見d人成日話小朋友出水痘好煩架,又發燒,又會冇胃口食野,又會周身痕忍唔住就會抓到成身損晒.但係駿駿乜都冇喎..而且佢都唔係出左好多水痘..只係個身軀有,面仔,手腳果d都重係好白滑. Last day of Chinese New Year holiday, Grandma said that Chunchun may have to take a few days sick leave for his Chicken Pox… but when I check on his Chicken Pox, I think he should be fine now, he can go to school tomorrow. Went to hospital to check on Chunchun’s Chicken Pox and to get the letter to terminate the preventive quarantine. I am right, Chunchun was recover it already, Doctor wrote me the terminate form so that Chunchun can go to school tomorrow^O^ So happy that Chunchun didn’t feel any sickness from Chicken Pox, because I heard that most of the kids will have fever, lack of appetite, very itch., Chicken Pox will spread to everywhere… face, hands, legs etc. But Chunchun only have Chicken Pox on his body, his face, arms and legs have no Chicken Pox on it新玩具


返澳門囉(Back to Macau)

今晚要返澳門啦,係返澳門之前我就自己再去多次旺角行街呢,最後都想買多d野嘛.不過今日都唔係買左好多野咋,買左對髮夾同一打東甩囉.近期我地一家三口都愛上左Krispy Kreme既東甩丫,每次返黎香港都會返d返澳門食呢^o^ 大約3點鬆d我就返屋企同駿駿準備去接婆婆放工再一齊去碼頭返澳門啦.因為怕遲到結果我地早左成半個鐘去到婆婆公司呢.最後我地要係婆婆公司果頭行街食下午茶等婆婆放工.哈,駿駿又好彩喎,我地行永安時比駿駿發現左一隻迷你獅子柯柏文丫,依個獅子柯柏文我都只係係網上見過咋,見佢又唔係貴就買比駿駿啦.因為我知爸爸見到一定又要好開心姐.佢都係變形金剛迷黎架嘛. 我地搭到6點班船,大約7點半之前就返到屋企囉可憐爸爸重好忙丫…唔可以同我地食晚飯.所以我地都只係係樓下求其搵d野食就算囉 Back to Macau tonight, before we back to Macau… I went to Mong Kok to shop again. Didn’t buy much today, just buy a hair clip and a dozen of doughnuts from Krispy Kreme… Papa, Chunchunc and I love it recently ^O^ Back home around 3pm something to prepare to go to pick up Grandma from work and then we go to ferry terminal together. Arrived to Grandma’s store a half hour earlier, so I took Chunchun to walk around and have tea for a while. Happy Chunchun found a mini Lion Prime in a Department Store… it’s my first time to find the Lion Prime and it’s mini one, so bought it for Chunchun. I knew that Papa will be exciting about it too, because he’s Prime’s fans. We got on the 6pm ferry and back home around 7.30pm. Poor Papa still at work so we went to the café near our home to have dinner tonight.獅子柯柏文丫


同婆婆行街(Shopping with Grandma)

今日係婆婆最後一日既新年假期啦,今日我同婆婆決定留底駿駿係太婆屋企,我地2個自己行街呢XD又難得佢冇扭計要去街喎,太公太婆重話佢今日好乖添,只係佢冇瞓午覺囉. 我一直都想買多條牛仔褲,因為我成日著黎著去都係果2,3條…有D以前勉強買左,著過覺得鬆又冇著.都係因為我太瘦啦,22腰都有D鬆… 上次返香港搵左好耐都唔記得Uniqlo依間商店,今次返香港時我記得佢啦,下午食完飯就同婆婆去又一城行街去Uniqlo度睇牛仔褲.正~果度個個褲款都有22腰^o^我買左2條牛仔褲丫,下次知度係邊買牛仔褲囉,唔駛再周街搵真係好啦.唔單止我開心丫,今日婆婆係又一城搵到佢最愛既台灣歌手既CD,佢既CD..連我地去台灣玩都唔係好搵到呢. 行完又一城,我地就去旺角再行街啦.唔,我係旺角再買左件線衫,又買左絨褲同外套比駿駿,重提早買左份生日禮物比Stephenie添…今日收鑊真係唔錯呢^o^ Last day of holiday for Grandma today, we decided to go shopping without Chunchun this afternoon XD Chunchun stay home all day with great Grandparents and they said Chunchun was being a very good boy. I been looking for a jeans for a long time, but didn’t found any jeans that fit me, because my waist is too slim =.= Suddenly remember that I found a jeans from Uniqlo last year, and they have waist that around 22inch. Went to Festival Walk to Uniqlo after lunch. Happy me, I finally bought 2 jeans there, next time I knew where I should go to look for new jeans ^O^ Grandma found her favorite singer’s CD in Festival Walk too. After shopping in Festival Walk we went to Mong Kok to shop around again. Hum, I bought a sweater for myself; trousers and jacket for Chunchun; gift for Stephenie’s birthday and that’s it. Not bad today^O^


同朋友行街(Shopping with Friend)

今日大約點幾我就自己出左街啦,因為我約左Ida行街食飯呢^o^留低駿駿係屋企由婆婆同太公太婆睇實佢,因為駿駿出水痘唔吹得風唔去得街呢.不過婆婆話我走左之後佢都帶駿駿上左公公屋企,陪公公玩到差唔多食晚飯,我返屋企前佢先返到屋企喎. 唔,今日我都買左幾多野,買左用開既護膚品啦,又買左靚靚唇彩喎,買左玩具比駿駿因為佢唔出得街,又買左d平日係澳門好難買到既日用品咁啦.好耐都冇同Ida行過街傾過計啦,之後返黎香港幾次佢都好忙,好彩新年總算有機會見一見姐. 晚飯後,婆婆話駿駿d水痘唔係好嚴重,提意同佢去商場行下街喎.只要包實佢唔好吹風同唔好比佢接觸小朋友就唔怕…我見駿駿又好想去..就同佢去一日咁啦…黎到香港邊度都冇得去又真係好慘既.而且之後婆婆要返工,晚上都唔會同佢去玩架啦 Went out around 1pm something to have lunch and shopping around with Ida^O^ Leave Chunchun at home with Grandma and Great Grandparents today, poor Chunchun having Chicken Pox that he couldn’t go anywhere these few days. Grandma said she took Chunchun to Grandpa’s home after lunch and then back to Great Grandma’s home just before I back home. Hum, bought a lot of stuff today, skin care, lip gloss, toys for Chunchun staying home and some commodity that hard to find in Macau. Have a long time that didn’t gossip with Ida, she been very busy all the time, so happy I finally can meet her today. After dinner, Grandma said Chunchun’s Chicken Pox wasn’t too bad, suggested to go to some mall to walk around… just need to be careful not to let Chunchun get close to any kids will be fine. So we went to a mall to walk around for a while tonight.荷里活廣場:桃花樹荷里活廣場:如意老鼠荷里活廣場:桃花搖椅


去香港(Go To Hong Kong)

,下午係屋企食完午飯後,2點鬆d我地就準備返香港囉.搞搞下都差唔多成3點先出門口,又冇的士喎,最後我地要行去碼頭呢.好彩我地都趕到3點45分果班船.因為係新年前就買左飛,想改都冇得改呢.本來去到碼頭我都重擔心過關好多人,趕唔到船架,哈,今日又唔係好長龍咋喎,唔知係咪新年加多左人手呢? 差唔多5點先返到香港,返到太婆屋企都成6點囉.一返到太婆屋企,放底行李就要去太姑婆屋企拜年囉.好開心丫,我同駿駿都收到唔少利是呢^^我係爸爸果邊一封利是都冇呢,因為爸爸果邊習慣唔派利是比已婚既人架,連自己仔同新抱都唔派=.=好彩重有我依邊既親戚會派姐.我地大約係太姑婆屋企玩左一個鐘左右,就返太婆屋企食晚飯囉.今日駿駿出水痘,但係個個太姑婆都話唔似呢,因為駿駿面仔,手仔同腳仔都冇水痘,重好白白淨咁架…要比佢地睇埋身上既水痘,佢地先話咁就似似地係水痘… Lunch at home and then prepare to go to Hong Kong around 2pm something. Leave home around 3pm and got on the 3.45pm ferry on time, haha, we bought the ferry ticket a long time ago; at first I was quite worry there have too many people queue up for the customs, but it’s not too crowded today. Arrived to Hong Kong around 5pm, and back home before 6pm. Once we back to great Grandma’s home, we have to go greet New Year to Grandma’s relatives. Happy Chunchun and I got a lot of Red Pocket Money, haha, I didn’t got any from Papa’s relatives since they didn’t give to people who married=.= Stayed in our relatives’ home around an hour then we back to great Grandma’s home to have dinner. Our relatives said Chunchun didn’t seem to be having Chicken Pox, because his face, legs and arms didn’t have any Chicken Pox…信德:金鼠獻瑞打拳


婆婆黎啦(Grandma Come To Macau)

今日都冇乜野做,因為爸爸琴晚飲醉左呢=_=所以今日我地成日都係屋企丫,而爸爸差唔多成日都係床度唔郁呢... 大約6點鬆d我就同駿駿渣車去八佰伴啦,我地要排隊入八佰伴既停車場呢..之後我地就係遊樂場度等婆婆黎到啦.婆婆到左之後我地就先行街再去美食廣場度食晚飯啦.哈,哈,我今日買左4套內衣呢,因為我係網上睇到d有關新年著內衣既傳說丫.就係初一要著紅色內衣,咁會旺夫;初二要著金色或黃色,咁係旺自己;初三要著紫色,係旺小朋友架.就係咁...我又有機會買內衣呢^^希望今年咁著,真係會三個都行好運啦^^ Didn't have much to do today, because Papa was drunk yesterday night=_= He stay in bed all day today... Chunchun and I went to New Yaohan around 6pm something, we queued up to park my car in New Yaohan car park and then we went for Grandma arrive in amusement arcade. After Grandma arrived we first went to shopping around, and then have dinner in food court. Haha, I bought 4 sets of underwear today; because I heard something about how to wear underwear in Lunar New Year on net. If I wear Red underwear on the first day of New Year, my husband will have good luck this year; if I wear Yellow or Gold underwear on the second day of New Year, I will have good luck this year; if I wear Purple underwear on the third day of New Year, my kid will have good luck this year. Haha, didn't know is that ture or not, but I do bought that 3 colors underwear, and planned to follow it legendary traditions^^係八佰伴渣電單車