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香港太空館(Hong Kong Space Museum)

之前答應左駿駿今個假期會同佢去太空館參觀,本來係琴日想帶佢去架,但係又唔知點解佢唔肯去喎=_=;所以就今日先去啦,今日再唔去就冇時間去架啦,我唔想答應左駿駿既野做唔到呢. 我地11點鬆d就出門口啦,諗住去完太空館再去食午飯時間就岩岩好^^中午前去到太空館,見到12點半有恐龍電影咪問駿駿睇唔睇囉,點知佢要睇1點40分果場深海世界.但係我地冇可能係太空館睇2小時既野,又唔可能睇完電影成3點先食午飯..所以最後放棄左睇電影呢=_= 講真丫,科學館同太空館比,我情願去多次科學館…太空館真係太細又冇乜野睇,又冇野比小朋友玩下喎.駿駿本來都好興奮架,見到有d遊戲都想去玩,不過全部佢都唔夠高玩呢.唔多唔少都有d失望啦.行左1小時左右我地就離開太空館準備去食午飯囉. 其實都唔知食乜好,最後行下行下又係去左麥記…駿駿鍾意嘛^^ 搵左張枱之後我就叫駿駿坐定定,我去買野食啦.返到黎見駿駿同坐隔離枱既鬼婆雞同鴨講咁玩緊喎…其實都唔係第一次架啦,我發現駿駿好鍾意同鬼婆玩架,上次坐船又係..一見到附近有鬼婆就會搵人同佢玩…唔知係咪因為佢歲幾時見過我喫媽,所以對鬼婆特別好印像呢? Promised to take Chunchun to Space Museum this holiday, at first I wanted to take Chunchun to there yesterday, but he refused me=_=; So we go there today, because it’s the last day that we would go there, I wanted to keep my promise^^ We leave home around 11am something, and arrived to Space Museum before noontime. Sigh, wanted to watch the Omnimax Shows – Dinosaurs Giants of Patagonia which is show on 12.30pm; however Chunchun wanted to watch the Deep Sea that show on 1.40pm. It’s quite hard for us hanging around in Museum for 2 hours, and we have to have lunch too… so we didn’t watch the Omnimax Shows this time. To be honest, I like Science Museum a lot more that Space Museum… nothing much to see in Space Museum actually. Chunchun was exciting at first, but than, he was quite disappointed because he couldn’t play any game in Space Museum. We leave Space Museum around 1pm, and then we started walking around to find somewhere to have lunch. Finally we went to McDonald’s to have lunch, haha, Chunchun’s favorite. Found a table and then I went to buy stuff while Chunchun sitting there. Ha, I found that Chunchun like foreigner a lot, he always play with foreigner… Today he playing with the foreigners that sit next to our table, and last time he played with foreigners sit near us on the ship.火箭升空穿梳機乜黎架睇下先


今日好無聊丫(Boring Day)

今日下午自己一個去左行街呢,本來我今日係想帶駿駿去太空館架,不過駿駿今朝唔肯去街喎.咁我咪自己去囉.今日我買左一套衫比駿駿,買左本漫畫同買左個髮夾比自己…其實我係有好多野想買架,衫啦,鞋啦…不過又真係冇乜心情行街喎~_~所以最後都冇係街食午飯,而係買左幾個東甩返屋企同駿駿一齊下午茶^^買左個巧克力鬆圈,彩虹脆圈同一個玉桂沙翁…全部都好好味呢,不過食得多就太甜.但係駿駿唔欣賞丫…最後有一個要留番第二日做早餐呢. 太婆話駿駿今日成日都好乖喎,冇乜點睇卡通,成日都係度畫公仔,重有好多都畫得好靚架喎^^ 食完晚飯我就同婆婆帶駿駿去吉之島行街啦.唉~今日有d失望丫,係吉之島乜都睇唔岩,好似都冇乜靚野咁.最後行左一陣就去左冒險樂園玩啦,玩到10點先返屋企呢. Went to shopping alone this afternoon, at first I wanted to take Chunchun to Space Museum; however, Chunchun didn’t want to go to out. Hum, bought a set of clothe and pants for Chunchun, and then bought myself a comic and hair clip…Hum, I wanted to buy clothes and shoes for myself too, but didn’t have mood to walk too long~_~ So I bought a few doughnuts back home, wanted to have tea with Chunchun together^^ Bought a Chokko Fudge Cake, a Chocolate iced with sprinkles and a Cinnamon 8; they were so mummy^^ I like it a lot, but Chunchun didn’t like it=_=; Finally I ate 2 of it and leave 1 for tomorrow breakfast. Chunchun was being a good boy today, great Grandma said that he didn’t watch TV at all, keep drawing the whole day. After dinner, Grandma and I took Chunchun to Jusco to walk around. Hum so disappointed that I didn’t found anything nice. Went to Jumpin Gym afterward, and played until 10pm.


同公公一齊賣野(Work with Grandpa)

公公琴晚問駿駿今日一唔一齊去開鋪喎,駿駿當然話好架啦…就係咁..一日就花左大半日係荃灣陪公公做野啦. 唔,我地一早先同叔公叔婆一齊去左公公屋企先,因為d貨係公公屋企喎.之後大約11點左右就係地鐵站同姑婆會合一齊搭地鐵去荃灣啦.中午前去到荃灣,因為今個鋪位係新租架,所以一去到佢地要執好多野呢…咁我就帶駿駿係商場度行下街先啦,唉~雖然我係想行街買野,但係又覺得冇乜心機喎,所以同駿駿扭左3隻扭蛋,我地就返去睇公公佢地執野囉.到佢地執到差唔多,我同公公,姑婆同駿駿就一齊去食左午飯先啦.不過果頭好似冇乜好食,我地只係去左快餐店求其食d野就算囉. 我地食完野之後就到叔婆佢地去食野啦,我同駿駿係鋪頭坐到3點左右就準備返屋企午睡囉.本來呢,我想送左駿駿返屋企午覺之後自己去行街架,不過最後變左我同佢一齊大覺瞓呢=_=; 食完晚飯後就同婆婆一齊帶駿駿去冒險樂園玩啦.哈,今日駿駿好叻丫,佢自己玩公仔機中左隻小bb怪獸熊丫…其實我地係另一部機度見到有d大隻d既怪獸熊架,隻隻都好得意,不過一睇就知佢好難夾…見駿駿好想要之下試左2次都係唔得,就放棄囉. Grandpa asked Chunchun to go to work with him yesterday night, so today, we went to Tsuen Wan and stay in the store for a while with Grandpa. Hum, we first went to Grandpa’s home, and then we met my auntie in MTR station to Tsuen Wan around 11am something. Arrived to Tsuen Wan before noontime; Chunchun and I went to walk around in the mall before they finish set up the store. After the set up the store, Grandpa, Chunchun, my auntie and I went to have lunch first, while my uncle and auntie looking after the store. Didn’t have much restaurant there, we just went in a fast food restaurant for lunch today. Sigh, I want to go shopping around, but didn’t have mood today>_


又過香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)

今日3點半超準時去接駿駿放學丫,因為要趕返香港嘛.一接左駿駿就即時返屋企準備返香港囉.今日係萬聖節丫,之後答應左公公,如果佢肯乖乖地戒酒,駿駿今日就會返香港,搵公公帶駿駿去姑婆,叔婆屋企拎糖食,姑婆重話要同駿駿去尖沙咀玩添架. 我地坐到4點半班船返香港,平日都冇乜問題既,唔知點解今日特別大浪,搞到駿駿係船上面嘔左2次呢,而我都有少少暈船浪添丫.見駿駿係咁嘔,就打比婆婆叫佢出黎碼頭接我地啦,如果駿駿真係好唔舒服都有人幫手丫嘛.好彩駿駿嘔完2次,落船時就好好多啦..起碼唔駛我抱,唔係唔舒服度唔肯行先^^返到太婆屋企時都差唔多6點半囉,休息一陣又要食晚飯啦. 大約9點鬆d,公公就黎到太婆屋企接駿駿去玩啦,我地先上叔婆屋企,再去姑婆屋企,再去表舅公屋企玩左一陣,就準備去尖沙咀囉.不過因為姑婆,叔婆佢地比得太多糖駿駿都,都未出尖沙咀,成個籃都滿晒糖啦,要返太婆度放低d糖先可以出去玩呢. 去到尖沙咀時都成10點架啦,不過今日又唔係好多人喎,更加唔多人扮鬼扮馬啦..可能因為今日都唔係周末丫,好多學生第二日都重要返學,就少左人出黎玩囉.駿駿初初都有d怕羞咁架(其實佢係細膽)唔敢同d鬼快影相呢..行左成10分鐘左右,見到d靚仔少少既鬼,駿駿先肯影相呢…影開一個,就係鍾意影囉,行過有人問佢同佢影相佢都會好開心咁比人影..如果見到靚女扮鬼扮馬,佢重要自己走埋去同人影相添架..駿駿重好大口氣咁話”唉~個個都黎同我影相,好累丫!”真係唔知好嬲定好笑呢… Went to pick up Chunchun around 3.30pm and then back home immediately to prepare to go to Hong Kong this afternoon. Halloween tonight, we promised Grandpa if he quit drinking, Chunchun will back to Hong Kong tonight and asked Grandpa to take him to all Auntie’s home to get candy^^ And my auntie wanted to take Chunchun to TST tonight. We got on the 4.30pm ferry today, sigh, didn’t why the surge upset Chunchun today=_= Chunchun vomited twice while we on the way to Hong Kong, I got a little bit seasick too, so I called Grandma immediately and asked her to come to pick us up in the ferry terminal. So lucky Chunchun was feeling a lot better after he vomited twice, at last he didn’t need to me carry him^^ Back home with Grandma around 6.30pm, and then we take a rest before dinner. Grandpa came to pick up Chunchun to all my aunties home around 9.15pm. We first went to my uncle’s home, and then went to my auntie’s home… haha, Chunchun got a full basket of candy afterward, we have to back to great Grandma’s home to empty Chunchun’s basket before we go to TST tonight. Arrived to TST around 10pm tonight, it’s not very crowded today, maybe because today wasn’t weekend, most of the kids have to go to school tomorrow. Chunchun was being shy in the beginning, maybe he’s scare of the devil and monster, he didn’t willing to take picture with them. After around 10 minutes, finally he was willing to take picture with devil and monster and skeleton man. After the first picture, Chunchun love it, and enjoy taking picture with anyone pass by, especially pretty lady ^O^搭地鐵出尖沙咀怪醫同狼人南瓜2號3號靚女天使魔鬼


派測驗卷(Test result)

今日駿駿本來係好開心架,因為今日佢地去左大澤山環境教育中心度參觀丫.我去接佢放學時,佢重好興奮咁同我講左好多今日見到既事同物…不過當我問佢,除左去參觀,今日重做左d乜事…佢就靜晒囉=_=;之後佢先講佢派左測驗卷啦,不過冇100分…我睇下佢d測驗卷,中文99分,英文同數學95分,常識90分…真係唔知講乜好,因為佢中文同英文應該係100分架…又係佢d字寫得衰,寫得醜…咁就比人扣左分囉~_~真係唔抵呢.我係度諗,我以前讀中小學時,字寫得衰d都唔會咁扣分既,睇到係果個字咪得囉..點解依家幼稚園都捉得咁嚴呢? 可憐駿駿記得自己答應過要考100分架,所以放左學返黎好快手就做完功課冇乜點出聲呢.其實我都唔想要求太過份,數學同常識我都由得佢…但係中文同英文係寫字問題…咁係佢做完功課之後,我就叫佢再寫一次佢係測驗時比人扣左分既字啦…等佢記住下次寫字唔好心急,要寫靚d先得嘛 It should be a happy day for Chunchun, because they went to sightseeing the Centro de Educação Ambiental da Taipa Grande today. He was exciting telling me about what he see today when I went to pick him up. But then he told me that he got the test result this afternoon… sigh, so quiet suddenly. I check on his test paper - Chinese 99; English 95; Math 95; Common Sense 90=_=; His Chinese and English should be 100, it’s his ugly handwriting reduced his mark~_~ Poor Chunchun remember that he promised me to get full mark for all test, so he’s being super quiet after we back home, and finished his homework as soon as he can. Hum, didn’t want to be mean to him, but I made him to rewrite the words reduce his mark on his test after he finished his homework…just wanted to remind him to write better.


爸爸生日(Papa's birthday)

今日爸爸生日丫,哈哈,31歲啦…又老一年囉^o^可憐爸爸今日重要一早返工呢,而且重唔知今晚可唔可以返黎食晚飯同我地一齊慶祝生日添喎.不過我同駿駿今朝同下午都有出街去買蛋糕,準備同爸爸慶祝既,諗住就算真係慶祝唔到,起碼都要一齊食個蛋糕嘛. 本來我同駿駿都係想係屋企附近間餅店度買蛋糕架咋,不過今朝去到,佢蛋糕又唔多,個樣又唔係好靚喎…睇黎我地都真係唔好彩囉~_~因為平時行過佢d蛋糕都好鬼吸引架嘛.買唔到蛋糕,就同駿駿去公園玩一齊,返屋企食完午飯先再出去新馬路果頭買蛋糕啦.結果駿駿有一間小餅店揀左個芒果蛋糕呢^^都幾靚架,係心型架…而且重幾好味添! 晚上我,爸爸同駿駿就一齊去左漁人碼頭玩同食晚飯啦.食完飯再返屋企切蛋糕.可憐爸爸食完蛋糕又要急急腳咁去返工囉.講真,咁趕,我地都冇乜真係同爸爸慶祝既感覺~_~我諗駿駿係唯一一個好開心既人呢… Papa’s birthday today, haha~ 31 years old today ^O^ Poor Papa have to go to work early today, and didn’t sure will he back for dinner tonight. Anyway Chunchun and I went to look for birthday cake for him this morning and afternoon. At first I wanted to buy birthday cake in the bakery near us, however, they didn’t have much birthday cakes there, and they didn’t looks nice to me~_~ Went to the playground with Chunchun for a while and then back home to have lunch and prepared to go to the shopping area to look for birthday cake again. Hum, finally Chunchun choose a mini mango birthday cake for Papa^^ It’s look nice with heart shape and taste good haha. Went to Fisherman’s Wharf to play around and have dinner there with Papa, and then we back home to have birthday cake together… Poor Papa have to back to work afterward, so we didn’t feel like we were celebrating Papa’s birthday~_~ I guess Chunchun was the most happy one today.搖搖板同爸爸渣飛機爸爸30又1啦爸爸切蛋糕


返澳門囉(Back to Macau)

之前一早買定飛打算今日5點船返澳門既,本來我地搭5點船應該有好多時間食午飯同行下街先架.不過因為麻煩公公,我地邊度都冇去,而係留係屋企附近同公公,姑婆,叔婆佢地飲茶. 唔,其實駿駿就冇乜所為既,一來佢鍾意飲茶,二來佢鍾意同人玩,三來佢地答應飲完茶帶駿駿去公園…又有人痴住公公,駿駿不知幾開心.不過我就…本來我想去買野架嘛,搞搞下都冇得去囉~_~ 11點幾左右去酒樓飲茶,飲到差唔多1點就去公園玩啦.睇到駿駿同公公係公園玩,都好既..公公有2日冇飲過酒啦…希望佢真係可以忍到唔再飲酒,真係戒酒就好囉.係公園玩左一陣,駿駿就跟公公返屋企休息啦,因為舅父係屋企,駿駿可以上去打機呢.而我呢..本來係想自己去行街架,但係最後係上左叔婆屋企陪佢地打牌囉=_=打左一個鐘左右到3點半我地就準備走囉. 由姑婆同公公一齊送我地去碼頭,3點45分出門口,4點半之前就去到碼頭囉.見4點半重上得船咪去試下有冇後補位囉.哈,又好喎…比我同駿駿坐到4點半船,駿駿上船冇耐就瞓左囉.原本諗住,坐早左半小時既船,可以早d返屋企啦…點知隻船成5點45分先到碼頭,重要的士站冇的士又多人排隊喎,最後我同駿駿都係行返屋企呢…行到返屋企都6點幾囉..真係累死…. Planned to back to Macau by 5pm ferry today, we should have penny of time to have lunch or shopping around this afternoon at first. However, because of trouble Grandpa, Chunchun and I have to have lunch with him and my aunties. Hum, actually Chunchun didn’t mind that because he love to play with them, and they said that they will take Chunchun to playground… so he’s happy anyways; but me, I wanted to go shopping~_~ Sigh~ Have lunch with Grandpa and my aunties around 11am something, and then we went to the playground around 1pm. We were all happy that Grandpa didn’t drink for 2 days already, hope he would keep his promise not drink anymore. After playing in the playground, Grandpa took Chunchun back home to rest for a while… and me… my aunties asked me to play Mahjong together, so I played around an hour with them. Prepare to go to ferry terminal around 3.45pm and arrived there before 4.30pm. Lucky us, we would got on the 4.30pm ferry, and Chunchun fall in sleep soon after we boarded. I thought that we should be at home a little bit earlier today, however, ferry arrived to Macau around 4.45pm, and no taxi in the taxi station…we have to walk home this evening…and reach home after 6pm=_=係酒樓畫公仔係公園玩



今朝4點幾先返到屋企,一返到屋企就上床瞓覺囉,累到死…又頭痛.之後大約7點鬆d,婆婆就打比我,話我知公公最後都係唔肯入院,自己簽紙出院呢..5點鬆d重行番屋企添…之後佢一直拍門要婆婆開門,拍到7點幾先離開…所以佢打黎叫我地小心d,公公拍門唔好開比佢,佢應該重發緊酒癲~_~ 瞓到11點幾先真係起身,之後太公太婆話見到公公同姑婆坐左係公園喎…見有姑婆睇住公公,所以我就打比婆婆搵佢一齊去行街啦.有姑婆睇住應該唔駛擔心. 大約6點鬆d返到屋企…結果係姑婆開門比公公返左屋企呢=_=;咁都算啦,婆婆咪同佢講條件囉…如果公公答應以後唔飲酒,唔比錢佢用…一日三餐買好係屋企比佢食,直到佢真係戒到酒為止…不過公公又發脾氣走左出街~_~ 最後…又係我丫…我出門口之前就知公公返到屋企架啦,都打電話同叔公果d傾,有乜事佢地要睇住公公.到我10點幾去完街返屋企…發現公公又坐左係街邊呢=_=叔公同婆婆都叫我同公公傾,要公公接受婆婆既條件…最後傾到12點,公公先肯返屋企,答應以後唔飲酒,答應婆婆既條件喎… Back home this morning around 4am something, and then I went to bed immediately. Grandma called me around 7am something, she told me that Grandpa walk back home around 5am=_=; he escape from hospital…and kept knock at door since 5am something until 7am something. She warned us to be careful Grandpa wasn’t in good shape~_~ Didn’t woke up until 11am something, and then great Grandparents said that they saw Grandpa was in the park with my auntie… so I called Grandma to go shopping together, we didn’t have to worry if my auntie was being with him. Back home around 6pm something, and knew that my auntie let Grandpa back home=_=; sigh~ Anyways Grandma let him back home again, but he have to promise that not drinking again, and he will have not money until he quit drinking for a period of time. But Grandpa didn’t agree with it and run away~_~ Is me again… I came back around 10pm something after having dinner with my friend, and then I talked with Grandpa until midnight, and he finally accept what Grandma said and promised me not drinking again…玩踼球機


同太麻去玩(Playing with great Grandmother)

今日姑婆一早就約左我下午飲茶呢,佢話有d野同我地傾喎…當然係有關公公架啦.一早11點左右,我同駿駿就上婆婆屋企啦,等駿駿同公公玩一陣,之後再一齊搭地鐵出街…因為公公今日約左伯公睇鋪位喎.婆婆就同我同駿駿一齊去街,同姑婆飲茶咁.係地鐵駿駿同公公拜拜時,公公重答應駿駿今晚一齊食飯添. 唉,其實真係有d後悔一早約左姑婆呢,淨係同佢去街都冇所為,不過姑婆又要接太麻喎…同太麻出街,即係乜都唔駛做>__< Because we have to stay with great Grandma for whole day… didn’t have time to shop around… sigh, I wanted to buy some new clothes and shoes. Having lunch in a Chinese restaurant with great Grandma and auntie… my older uncle called to join out lunch around 2pm; and told us that Grandpa back home himself cause he was tired=_=; It’s not a good new that he back home himself, because that mean that he may have time to drink again… At night, we went to a Chinese restaurant with great Grandma, and my older uncle and auntie went to pick up Grandpa to the restaurant. Sigh, we were right, Grandpa’s drink again, he didn’t willing and he’s not able to go to Chinese restaurant tonight, may be he didn’t remember his promise either. Chunchun was quite disappointing that Grandpa no show, and we all didn’t happy about Grandpa drink again. We finished dinner quick, and then Grandma asked me to take care Chunchun myself tonight, she and my auntie and uncle have to take care Grandpa tonight. Knew that Grandma didn’t let Grandpa back home again, and Grandpa didn’t willing to go to hospital… and when I called Grandma, I could hear that Grandpa was having quarreled with my auntie and uncle. Quite worry about Grandpa so went to Grandma’s home to take a look… Stupid me, I didn’t go there, and that made me couldn’t sleep all night=_= My uncle asked me to try to talk to Grandpa, make he willing to go to hospital… So I started to talk with him around 9pm something, and then around 10.30pm, I started to felt tired, suggested to go to have a drink with Grandpa… Good step that at least Grandpa wanted to leave the building, afterward, we talked somewhere near taxi station… trying to make him take taxi to hospital with me. But it’s not work, he stared to blame on my auntie. Finally my so call sister comes to us around midnight, and then Grandpa willing to go to hospital with us. It’s no bad that he willing to go to the doctor, but he didn’t willing to stay in hospital~_~ We all stay with him until 4am something… kept trying to convince him to get in the hospital for a few days…同太麻飲茶波波池係大南瓜入面


麻煩公公(Grandpa is Trouble Maker)

今日駿駿測中文同常識丫,唔知佢測成點呢..不過我同婆婆今日都冇乜時間理駿駿到底點囉..因為近日公公好麻煩,我地淨係煩公公d野已經覺得好煩啦~_~ 平日婆婆都係星期二晚黎澳門,星期四朝先返香港既..不過今晚婆婆突然要提早返去呢=_=因為舅父打電話黎,話公公又搞左d麻煩野出黎喎… 果時都唔係夜,都未夠9點,所以我同駿駿就一齊送婆婆去碼頭啦,之後先返黎搞掂駿駿沖涼瞓覺…不過婆婆就慘囉,唔知做乜今晚碼頭好多人,佢完全買唔到飛呢,最早都要10點半打後先有飛=.=不過佢唔等得咁耐嘛,10點半船既話,返到屋企都12點幾囉..唯有貴少少都睇下有冇豪華位既飛…可以早得幾多就幾多啦.結果最早都要9點45分既船…婆婆都重要係碼頭等大半個鐘先上得船呢… Having a Chinese and Common Sense test today, wonder how Chunchun doing… but Grandma and I didn’t have much time to worry about Chunchun this time; because Grandpa was being a trouble maker recently~_~ Grandma usually come to Macau on Tuesday night and then back to Hong Kong on Thursday morning… however, Grandma have to back to Hong Kong tonight suddenly, because my brother called=_= Grandpa was making trouble again. Chunchun and I drove Grandma to the pier around 9pm, and then back home to prepare to sleep. Sigh, pier was so crowded tonight, Grandma called that she couldn’t buy ticket before 10.30pm=.= finally she have to buy the first class ticket to back to Hong Kong earlier around 9.45pm.


澳門媽咪聚會(Macau Mama Gathering)

唔,駿駿今朝溫習都乖左好多啦..可能因為琴晚爸爸鬧過佢,如果佢今日重唔乖乖溫習,下午就冇得去聚會啦..所以今朝鬼死咁合作,溫習乖,食野乖,連叫瞓午覺都好快手就瞓著. 我地大約4點前去到公園,我地係第一個到呢^^本來重驚我地會遲添..坐左一陣,其他人都一個個咁黎到啦,有Sandy, Marcus同爸爸啦,加菲,敏敏同爸爸,Jennifer同恩恩,Stephenie同Gina, Toby, Christy, Ponla, Jennifer Kwok, Bela佢地等.今日真係好多人去呢..不過人多就亂,我地影黎影去都影唔到大合照丫~_~ 今次個公園好細,而且重估唔到咁多人,駿駿同nienie同恩恩玩完渣車,我地就開始野餐啦.唉~已經成日都叫大家唔駛整咁多野食,少少就夠..因為小朋友都係掛住玩…大人又要捉雞仔,唔食得幾多,但係結果都係有好多野淨囉.. 係公園玩完,因為爸爸話今晚唔同我地食晚飯,所以就拉大隊,有Gina, Ponla, Jennifer同Christy幾家人一齊上我屋企食Pizza啦^^ Hum, Chunchun doing a lot better this morning while I study with him… haha, because Papa warned him yesterday night, if he not study well today, he couldn’t go to Macau Mama gathering. He was being a very good boy this morning, ate well and nap early today. We arrived to the playground around 4pm and we were the first family to get there. Sandy, Marcus and his father arrived after us, and then Garfield, Manman and her father…Jennifer and Ianian, Gina and Stepheine, Toby, Christy, Ponla, Jennifer Kwok and Bela… so many member today^^ Chunchun, Stephenie and Ianian played the mini car, and then we started picnic around 5pm. Hum, we always made too much foods to picnic, wonder why we always have a lot of left over~_~ After gathering, Gina, Ponla, Christy and Jennifer came to my apartment to have pizza together^^同nienie好襯丫唔齊人既小朋友合照唔齊人既大合照排排坐等食Pizza



今日又去左新馬路行街啦,因為太公太婆星期一就走啦,佢地話想買d手信返香港食喎. 我地先去左麥記食午餐先,因為駿駿睇電視話鍾意果d字母熊丫,見好似幾得意咁,我地就買左三個餐,換左H,I,N三個字母啦,本來想換I,J,K架,但係冇晒J同K啦..而且我地又遲左一個星期先去食冇得換A,C,E囉..睇黎要儲番一家三口個名都冇乜可能囉.不過換完三隻熊仔睇左一陣,就覺得唔係咁靚,比廣告差好遠喎…咁,儲唔儲都冇乜所為囉~ 食完午餐,我地就去左行十蚊店,不過行行下竟然唔見左太公太婆喎=_=;都唔明點解佢地突然向後走…好彩佢地識得企番係店門度等姐,不過都冇癮啦,因為要搵佢地我同駿駿行晒4層樓都冇乜點睇野…再去埋買手信,我地大約係新馬路行左3個鐘就返屋企午覺囉. Went to the shopping area with great Grandparents and Chunchun this afternoon, because great Grandparents will leave on Monday morning, they wanted to buy something to Hong Kong. We first went to McDonald’s to have lunch, because Chunchun said he wanted that Alphabet Teddy. We ordered 3 kid’s meal to got H,I,N Alphabet Teddy, too bad that K,J were sold out already, and we missed A,C,E =_=; It’s hard to collected as our names now. But when I look at those teddy, hum… it’s not as cutie as it on commercial, I guess I won’t crazy on collecting it…haha. Walking around in shopping area after lunch, got lost with great Grandparents in Daiso=_=; Luckily they didn’t walk to anywhere else, just waited in front of the store… We spent around 3 hours in the shopping area and then we back home to nap together…haha.



今日同太公太婆同婆婆一齊帶埋駿駿去金都水療玩丫,我地一早10點就出發囉…雖然係早左d,泳池同按犘池果d都未開,不過我地可以早d去食個早餐,同駿駿係兒童區果度玩住先.話晒188一個大人12個鐘架嘛,當然要早d入去玩盡佢啦…我地又唔可以太夜走…因為駿駿明天就要返學囉^^哈,今日去到又好喎,原來做緊優惠2大送1小,即係駿駿又唔駛錢入場呢^^ 大約10點半左右去到金都,第一時間就係上一樓食早餐啦,之後就同駿駿上5樓玩.由我睇住駿駿,太公太婆同婆婆就坐埋一邊嘆報紙呢.見天氣好就出去玩左d戶外遊戲先.奇怪今日冇左滑板車同單車玩呢?不過駿駿渣電動汽車同玩滑梯果d就玩得好開心囉.之後再入去室內遊樂場度玩.咁岩今日又好少小朋友喎,成個場得駿駿同一個小朋友咋…可以由得佢地2個係入面玩都好安全呢^^ 玩完就去食午飯啦,食完係電視區果邊坐左一陣,就準備去浸下按犘池囉.浸完一輪又返上一樓電視區度休息啦.到3點左右諗起未游水喎,就即時走去泳池度玩下水先^^果度個水池係兒童池黎架咋,好淺水,最高只有0.9米呢…哈,果度d工作人員又好喎,見到有小朋友係度就拎左2隻充氣蕉出黎比駿駿玩呢…又因為依2隻蕉搞到駿駿唔願起水丫..好彩到左4點左右突然落大雨,我地先可以借d意返入室內咋. 游完水我地又返上電視區休息啦食下午茶啦..太公就去左做泰式按犘…而婆婆同太婆就係電視區果邊做普通頭,頸按犘…我同駿駿就休息休息囉.等到太公做完按犘之後,我同婆婆就帶駿駿上5樓再玩過啦…等佢玩完就食晚飯,浸按犘池準備走人.不過係5樓電子遊戲區度,我見到有小朋友玩遊戲中左隻福娃公仔喎…幾靚架.係晚飯時間同婆婆太婆講起,佢地就提意晚飯後上去試下中唔中到公仔啦^^哈,又好彩喎,真係比我地中左隻藍色既福娃貝貝丫.開心死駿駿囉..所以我地走果時佢都突然開心呢.. Went to Grand Waldo Spa this morning around 10am, it’s a little bit early to go there, massage pool and swimming pool wasn’t open yet, but we would have breakfast and playing in the kid’s fun area and outdoor playground with Chunchun first. 188 for 12 hours, we just didn’t want to leave so late, because Chunchun have to go to school tomorrow^^ So happy they were having promotion again, 2 adults free 1 kid, so Chunchun was free^^ Arrived to Grand Waldo Spa around 10.30am something, have breakfast on the 1st floor and then went to the 5th floor to play in outdoor playground. Wonder why no scooter and bicycle today? Anyways Chunchun was happy driving the Mini car and play slide there. After playing in the outdoor playground, Chunchun went in the kid’s fun area to play until noontime. Wasn’t much kids go to Spa today, Chunchun and other little boy playing together and it’s very safe because no other kids around^^ Lunch around noontime, rest in the entertainment and dining area for a while and then went to massage pool. Resting in the entertainment and dining area again until 3pm something, then we went to the swimming pool. It’s our first time to go to swimming pool that, it’s only a kid’s pool water only around 0.9m, but it’s really nice pool, when staff saw Chunchun, he gave 2 floated banana to Chunchun… Haha, Chunchun was so happy and didn’t willing to leave, we stayed in the swimming pool almost an hour, luckily the rain make Chunchun back to indoor around 4pm^O^ Back to entertainment and dining area again, great Grandpa went to the Thai massage immediately, and Grandma and great Grandma do the head massage there, while Chunchun and I napping there. After Grandpa came back from Thai massage, Grandma and I took Chunchun to the 5th floor again^^ Saw someone won a mascot from the game, so we went to the 5th floor again after dinner to play the game. Haha, lucky us, we won a Beibei tonight^^ Went to massage pool one more time before we leave, and we back home before 10pm同太婆去水療攬住香蕉船嘆三文治中左福娃丫