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故事喵快樂推薦: 幸福花園∼一個以孩子為學習中心、讓孩子共學共遊的家。 *幸福花園徵求:台中市"何厝/東興/長安國小"學區,不想上安親班、不想花很多時間寫評量的小一孩子。 *孩子在幸福花園做些什麼? 在生活的帶領中,自然與健康、探索與實作、規律的作息是幸福園丁最重視的元素;在學習的路上,透過大量的閱讀、遊戲、思考與討論來充實孩子的背景知識。我們這樣生活著、學習著,也希望有一兩個學伴能加入,跟我們一起分享... 課後活動包含有機食材為主的午餐 Lunch time、暖身時間 Circle time、家庭作業及點心時間 Homework & snack time、戶外探索 Fun time、課後學習(含英文遊戲、數學想想和手作生活)English Play Time/ Math / Hands-on Activity、中英文故事時間 Story time、主題活動 Monthly Theme、自主活動(含英文閱讀) Free play (Including Phonics) 、特殊活動 Special Events 等。 *幸福花園榮譽顧問小蜜老師說: 幸福園丁所帶領的英文閱讀基礎、英文閱讀活動將使用故事喵小蜜老師設計的Phonics教材,包含小蜜老師的選讀書單,在幸福花園裡提供的英文活動與素材都由小蜜老師擔任顧問喔! *想進一步了解幸福花園∼ *來這裡了解幸福園丁吧! *參觀幸福花園 *故事喵的好朋友們,假如您認識台中市的媽寶符合上述的條件,也期待這樣的共學共遊小團體,請幫忙推薦一下喔^^

Summary 8 - Castle Adventure


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy 小二;Rice 小一 目前參加課程: "故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式: 孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師的話: 除了提醒拼字錯誤的部份,現在開始會點出孩子們較常出現的文法錯誤、或文意銜接問題,但還是尊重孩子的原創,不更動過多,這一個階段的閱讀即將進入尾聲(Level: Green Books),比較一下孩子們的書寫,會發現他們敘述的邏輯越來越好,越來越能夠抓住故事的重點。 Summary書寫訓練對於將來自由創作是非常有幫助的,因為孩子們可以從閱讀當中學會一個故事該怎麼敘述?怎麼營造高低起伏?自由創作最需要的不是正確,而是勇氣,所以,我們花很長的時間讓孩子們隨意寫、不糾正太多。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Andy's summary Three witches live in the castle. They are bad witches. The black witch opens the door. Chip locks the door. The witch cannot get out. A witch is coming. It is the red witch. Grandma puts a net over the red witch. Grandma throws the witch on the floor. Now the witches are frogs. The magic takes Grandma and the children back to Biff's room. 2. Rice's summary The magic takes Grandma and children to a castle. Three witches live in the castle. They are bad. A witch is coming. Grandma pushes the witch. Chip locks the door. Red witch is coming. She puts a net over the witch. Grandma goes to the green witch. Now the witches are frogs. Grandma puts the book on the fire. Everyone goes to the party. The magic key is glowing. The magic takes Grandma and children back to Biff's room. 3. Dora's summary The magic takes Grandma and children to a castle. Three bad witches live in the castle. "I am the king of this castle," says the frog. The witch opens the door. Grandma pushes the witch. Chip takes the key. She puts a net over the red witch. Grandma throws the witch on the floor. Now they are frogs. The king has a party. The magic key is glowing. It's time to go.

Summary 7 - Grandma


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy 小二;Rice 小一 目前參加課程: "故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式: 孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師的話: 除了提醒拼字錯誤的部份,現在開始會點出孩子們較常出現的文法錯誤、或文意銜接問題,但還是尊重孩子的原創,不更動過多,這一個階段的閱讀即將進入尾聲(Level: Green Books),比較一下孩子們的書寫,會發現他們敘述的邏輯越來越好,越來越能夠抓住故事的重點。 Summary書寫訓練對於將來自由創作是非常有幫助的,因為孩子們可以從閱讀當中學會一個故事該怎麼敘述?怎麼營造高低起伏?自由創作最需要的不是正確,而是勇氣,所以,我們花很長的時間讓孩子們隨意寫、不糾正太多。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Dora's summary Grandma comes to the house. Grandma plays with the children. The children go in Grandma's old car. The children run into the fun park. Grandma goes on the castle. Grandma makes a hole in the castle. The castle begins to go down. A man is angry with Grandma. "Go home," shouts the man. Grandma takes the children home. Grandma goes to Chip's room. She looks at the magic key. The magic takes Grandma and the children to a new adventure. 看看Dora的作品和插畫 2. Rice's summary A car comes to the house. They take Grandma's things. Grandma plays with the children. Grandma takes them to the fun park. The children go on the jumping castle. Grandma makes a hole in the castle. The castle begins to go down. He is angry with Grandma. Mom is angry with Grandma. The key is glowing. The magic takes Grandma and the children to a new adventure. 看看Rice的作品和插畫 3. Andy's summary A car comes to the house. The children run to see. "It's Grandma," says Kipper. The children go in Grandma's old car. William and Wendy go, too. Grandma takes them to the fun park. The children go on the jumping castle. Grandma makes a hole in the castle. Biff tells Mom about the castle. The key is glowing. "Look at this," she says. "Oh, no!" says Kipper. "It's the magic." The magic takes Grandma and the children to a new adventure.

超Q∼Baby Pink and Toddler Pink


這週兩個Baby班正式開跑,幾個小baby也在教室裡爬來走去,十分熱鬧! Baby Pink 和 Toddler Pink 是以童謠和硬頁書為主的故事時間,教室裡的佈置和一般故事班不同,整個空間和流程完全參考溫哥華公共圖書館的Baby Time來進行,其實,自從我第一次參加溫哥華公共圖書館的Baby Time,就一直夢想著可以將這樣的模式帶給台灣的媽咪和寶寶。 不過,Baby班要成軍,有兩大困難: 1. 要讓媽咪相信這麼小的寶寶在一場混亂當中真的能把童謠和英文輸入腦袋裡,不是一件容易的事,看起來他們真的都沒在聽嘛!其實每個孩子學習的方式不同,尤其是baby,他們通常不是經由"專心坐著聽"來學習,他們就是一面玩、一面動、眼睛也像是沒在專心看的時候,就偷偷學起來了。他也許不會馬上表現給你聽、給你看,但如果能持續親子共讀共唱達兩年以上,一定會有滿滿的收穫和驚喜。 2. Baby Time 是帶領媽咪學習"如何在家與孩子玩英文和玩童謠"的過程,媽咪需要抱著寶寶上上下下(up, down, turn around...),一整堂課下來,活動量超級大,回家後還要做功課、背歌詞才能把這些童謠融入生活中。但是,媽媽的語言就是孩子的語言,媽媽會唱的歌、孩子很容易就開口唱,這跟帶baby到教室來上英文一點關係都沒有,老師示範的、帶領的是媽媽"在家"能怎麼做,如果您已經會了,那麼我會認為兩歲以前的小寶寶不需要出來上英文課! 兩歲以前的生活經驗會大大影響未來孩子對這種外國語言的感覺,如果是快樂無壓力的經驗,孩子通常會喜歡英文;如果是有壓力的,提前痛恨放棄英文的例子很多,所以我只想帶領媽媽們一起營造孩子自然快樂無壓力的英文環境(*註),並不想"教"會寶寶英文。 一歲以下的baby跟正在學步的toddler,帶領的童謠是差不多的,但玩童謠的方式稍有不同,不過,重點都在這些活動要融入生活中,才會真正好玩有效。 經過第一週試上、第二週正式上課,Toddler Pink裡的一位小男孩,還是只喜歡窩在媽媽懷裡,聽故事還蠻專心,一唱起童謠,他就開始暴走,三番兩次還直直走向大門,說著我要回家!我要回家!媽媽只好辛苦地抱著他站著聽故事、站著看大家玩童謠。我鼓勵媽媽:就讓他觀察我們吧!他需要時間。 我本來以為,還需要久一點的時間,沒想到今天媽媽分享了小男孩在家裡的回饋,這種"觀察型"的孩子總是讓人驚豔,故事喵裡已經有好幾個這樣的例子囉∼ 經過小男孩媽媽的同意,下面轉貼媽媽在FB的分享(藍色字體部份): 聽了兩堂故事課的兒子,老師說故事時表現得倒是不錯,可以很專心的聽,但一聽完故事要唱歌謠時,他就開始顯的不安份且亂跑,但沒想到昨天聽到他輕輕的自己唱起Teddy bear Teddy bear還帶動作,跟他說fly like a bird, swim like a fish等等等,他也都會表演給我看,整個中午跟我關在房間不睡覺,自己一個人在玩ring around the rosies,偷看他動著手指在數one,two,three,four,真是可愛極了!就這樣自己ㄧ個人玩了快兩個小時,我心想ㄟ....你不是都在亂跑嘛!其實你是喜歡的嘛...... 所以,給孩子時間,這些快樂的親子互動,都會存入孩子的記憶中,只待未來某個時刻提出取用∼ 謝謝Baby Pink 和 Toddler Pink班的媽媽,願意相信、願意嘗試、更願意為您的孩子付出這麼多的體力和精神! (*註)學齡前的"自然快樂無壓力的英文環境"不等於一輩子學英文都應該快樂無壓力喔! 隨著年齡增長,學習會慢慢變成一件需要認真對待的事,而我們在學齡前建立的快樂經驗,能幫助孩子有勇氣面對國小之後的學習壓力,孩子們的學習動力將逐漸地由"好好玩、我喜歡!"轉變成"這個有點難、但我做到了!" Michelle



今天跟5-6歲的孩子一起讀Henny Penny ,這個有趣的故事有很多版本,至少我手邊就有兩三個,上一期我們讀了結局比較緩和的Chicken Little,今天我決定來挑戰結局很有爭議的Henny Penny,故事的最後,所有的動物都進了Foxy Loxy的洞裡,然後最後一頁,我們看見Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey, Ducky Lucky他們頭上的鍋子掉在地上、Foxy Loxy肚子大大地躺在草地上休息,故事結尾說No one ever told the king the sky was falling。 讀完了故事,我問孩子們那些動物到哪裡去了? 讀過這本書中文版的小男生說:他們都被吃掉了,因為我看過了。 小女生小聲的說:應該沒有吧! 幾個小女生都說了她們的想法: 他們可能去探險了。 他們可能去找king了。 他們可能迷路了。 另一個小男生忽然發現:可是Foxy Loxy的肚子大大的,應該是吃飽了! 這時小女生有點小小的動搖,然後我們針對這個發現再翻回最後三頁,仔細地研究了圖畫。 她們還是一一確認自己的想法是:他們沒有被吃掉! 我再問第一個小男生(因為他的原因是他看過了),我們上次讀的Chicken Little結局不一樣對不對?那這本可能跟你讀過的那本結局也不一樣喔?那你覺得老師這本的結局是什麼?他很認真的想了一下,還是說:應該是被吃掉了,因為他們都進洞裡去。 很好,這次他是自己想過、觀察過再決定的。 小女生們總是很仁慈,就算看見了證據,也還是相信沒有畫出來、沒有說出來,就不會被吃掉;小男生們講求證據,看見了,就推理,然後相信。 跟孩子們討論,我用英文問,他們中文說,聽聽孩子的想法,很有趣,我沒有給孩子們標準答案,因為故事裡沒有寫,想像空間本來就很大啊! Michelle *補充:這是個經典的故事,老師今天說的這個版本因為有不斷重複的句型、相當可愛的插圖及簡化了的故事,對孩子來說是比較容易理解的。

Summary 6 - Pirate Adventure


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Andy's summary The key begins to glow. "The magic is working," says Biff. The children get smaller and smaller. The children go inside the house. Everyone goes in the boat. "We want a party," say the pirates. "No body wants to come." The children go to the party. It is a good party. "I like pirates," says Biff. "The key is glowing," says Biff. "What an adventure," says Biff. 看看Andy的作品和插畫 2. Rice's summary William and Wendy come to play. The key begins to glow. The children get smaller and smaller. The windows are glowing. It's a magic house. Look at that big rope. The children go to the party. It is a good party. The key is glowing. "It's time to go," says Biff. What an adventure. 看看Rice的作品和插畫 3. Dora's summary William and Wendy come to play. They go to Biff's room. The key begins to glow. The magic is working. The children get smaller. They look at the house. She puts the key in the lock. She opens the door. Look at sand. Look at sea. A pirate sees the children. Children! Everyone goes in the boat. We want a party. I like the party. What an adventure! Everyone look at small hat. 看看Dora的作品和插畫 4. Winnie的作品已經帶回家,沒有存檔。Sorry!

Summary 5 - The Magic Key


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Rice's summary Biff picks up the key and the magic begins. Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Everything looks big. The house is big. The windows are glowing. Biff and Chip get bigger and bigger and bigger. The magic takes them back to Biff's room. 2. Dora's summary The box is glowing. Chip runs into Biff's room. It's a magic key! Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Everything looks big. They look at the house. It looks big. The windows are glowing. She pushes and pushes the door, but she cannot open it. Chip pulls and pulls the window, but he cannot open it. Biff and Chip get bigger and bigger and bigger. The magic takes them back to Biff's room. 3. Winnie's summary The box is by Chip's bed. Something is glowing inside it. Biff and Chip look at the box. They open the box. They look inside. The key is the box is glowing. Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Everything looks big. Chip picks up big pencil. Biff picks up a big pin. Something is coming. Chip picks up the pin. "Oh help!" he says. It is a mouse. Biff gets the magic key. Then they get bigger and bigger. 4. Andy's summary The box is by Chips bed. Something is glowing inside it. Chip picks up the key and the magic begins. Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Something is coming. Biff and Chip look at the mouse. Something is glowing. It is the magic key. Biff and Chip get bigger and bigger.

Summary 4 - The Storm


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Dora's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. The children go outside. They look at the tree house. Dad helps the children. He mends the roof. Chip and William paint the tree house. William paints the door. Chip paints the walls. Biff and Wendy mend the door. The tree house looks new. They have a party in the tree house. It is the next day. It it time to go to school. "What a storm" says Mum. The children cannot play outside. It is time to go home. The mums and dads come. The tree is down. Floppy finds something. It is a box. Mum opens it. They find a key inside. 看看Dora的作品和插畫 2. Andy's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. The tree house looks new. They have a party in the tree house. Floppy finds something. It is a box. Chip wants the box. He puts it in his bedroom. 看看Andy的作品和插畫 3. Rice's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. They look at the the house. They mend the tree house. They have a party in the tree house. There is the storm. The wind blows. The tree is down. Floppy finds a box. They finds the key. 看看Rice的作品和插畫 4. Winnie's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. The children go outside. They climb up the ladder. They mend and paint the tree house. Then they have a party in the tree house. There is a storm. The wind blows. The rain comes down. The children cannot play outside. "What a storm!" "What a wind!" "Oh, no!" The tree is down. "What a mess!" Floppy barks and barks. Floppy finds a box. Mum opens it. They find a key inside. 看看Winnie的作品和插畫