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The city on the moon 2 (The attack from Alien) By Chip

作者小檔案: Chip 國小六年級 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀\"每週一小時 跟著小蜜老師學習的時間:四年多 故事創作方式:回家自由創作。 批改故事原則:只提示較明顯的文法錯誤,盡量不更動太多,保留孩子的原創性。 小蜜老師的話:終於讀到第二集了,可惜Chip要準備上國中了,好期待有機會還可以再讀到下一個科幻故事... ************************************** The city on the moon 2 (The attack from Alien) By Chip When the people get on the moon, the scientists are still looking for another planet that people can live. One day a scientist finds a planet that people can live on. Then the scientist takes three astronauts to the planet, but they are gone, all gone. Two months past, an astronomer finds a UFO. Then he tells the captain about it. The captain thinks there must be another planet that people can live on. So the captain takes seven astronauts, two scientists and three hundred solders to attack the planet. But when they get there, the aliens are gone. Back to Venus there are a lot of aliens, and they are attacking the moon! The solders on the moon say,” Quick! We need more people to help us!” But when they are back to the moon, it is too late. The aliens occupy the moon. An alien says,” Then moon is ours. We want to get it back. Go back! Go back to the earth!” The captain says,” But the earth has been destroyed.” The alien says,” Fine! We give you the moon. But you have to promise you won’t attack us.” And they are gone. The end.


The City On the Moon By Chip

作者小檔案: Chip 國小六年級 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀\"每週一小時 跟著小蜜老師學習的時間:四年多 故事創作方式:回家自由創作。 批改故事原則:只提示較明顯的文法錯誤,盡量不更動太多,保留孩子的原創性。 小蜜老師的話:這次開放自由創作,沒想到Chip忽然寫起連載的科幻小說,連我都好期待下一集喔! ************************************** The City On the Moon By Chip The story happens in 2099. An astronomer finds a big meteoric stone will crack on earth. Some scientists plan to build a city on the moon. So they make four space shuttles, and take eight astronauts to the moon. When the astronauts get to the moon, they see some small meteoric stones fall to the earth. The astronauts think the people on the earth have a big problem. So they call back to the earth and say,“ We have to build a city on the moon quickly. Some little meteoric stones start falling! We need more people!” Scientists build more space shuttles to take more astronauts to the moon. They build a big space ship to take more people to the moon. The astronauts work very fast. When they’re done the work, they name this city“ Venus.” Then they test the city. It works perfectly. They call the scientist, and they say they’re ready to go. The scientists take the people on the earth to the space ship, and they go to Venus. When they start to leave, some meteoric stones start to fall, more and more! Then they’re in the space. People are on the moon, but…… the story hasn’t end.