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Summary 2 - The New House


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 這是第二次書寫,老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解,而他們的書寫已經開始有不同的開頭和結尾了。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Andy's summary A van comes to the house. "What a lot of things!" says the man. Biff says goodbye to her friend. Then they go to the new house. but they are sorry, because the fish bowl is broken. 2. Winnie's summary A van comes to the house. Chip looks at the van. "What a big van!" he says. Mum and Dad help the man. They put things in the van. "What a lot of things!" says Dad. "Good bye," say William and Wendy. "Good bye" says Biff. "Come and play soon." They go to the house. "Oh no!" say Biff and Chip. They are sorry. "What a day!" they say. 3. Rice's summary A van and man come to the house. Chip looks at the man. The man look at the things. What a lot of things! says Man. The man put heavy things in the van. Mum and Dad help the man. The fish bowl was broken. They are sorry. 4. Dora's summary A big van and big man come to the house. "Hi good morning" he says. "What a lot of things!" he says. "This is heavy" says man. "Goodbye friend" says Biff. Come and play soon. "What a day" they say



【這篇文章我是以一位媽媽的心情來書寫】 最近又到了許多父母煩惱著幼稚園該怎麼選擇的季節,感謝大家看重我、來詢問我的建議,兩年前我 寫過這樣一篇文章,請大家有空參考看看。 選擇幼稚園 在那篇文章之後,兩年過去了,經歷了快樂的中班、大班生活,均均也從華德福幼稚園畢業了。在乾 媽的眼中,均均在這兩年幼稚園生活中學會了許多,他的身體動作能力發展得很好,小手小腳都有了 許多力氣,能夠相信自己的身體能力,能跟大自然和睦相處,很關心我們的地球與環境,也能很勇敢 地嘗試、挑戰各種活動。(已經會爬雞蛋花樹、也會像消防員一樣slide down the pole),生活自理能 力也相當不錯,已經會自己刷牙、洗澡、換衣服、樂意在廚房裡幫忙、外出時自己照顧backpack、 水壺袋、公車票和隨身玩具,除了吃飯速度需要稍微加強,老實說,我覺得生活自理這部份家庭教育 還是佔很大的比例,似乎不能全依賴幼稚園老師。 均均在混齡的環境中學會照顧幼小的孩子,他很喜歡照顧幼小的孩子,跟不同的孩子一起玩的時候, 均均能樂於分享,也不停地從中學習如何保護自己和朋友,兩年中,我們在這個話題上有很多的討 論。在社交能力方面,我們也能感受到華德福老師的正向引導力量,並且老師讓我們感到她很希望維 持孩子適應不同文化、不同個性的能力,她不願孩子逃避問題,希望幫助他們面對問題,想辦法解 決,這部份,老師的建議給了均均媽媽一些不同的經驗分享和討論。 創造力的發展一直是我們很看重的,因為均均的老師手工特別好,她班上的孩子因此有了更多美感的 經驗,加上我們在生活中鼓勵均均保有最純真的創造力,因此我能觀察到他對周遭事物、包括大自然 的觀察力、感受力都很好,他透過自由繪畫表達出來的東西又多、又細,常常令我們感動,就如同華 德福的理念一樣,這個孩子到了六歲,仍然保持很夢幻的童稚心,對於大自然和奇幻世界有許多相 信,所以他十分能接受正向的溝通方式,對於這個世界有許多的愛,他愛蟲、愛樹、愛花、愛風、愛 大海...,他是個非常惜物的孩子(有時候太愛了,以致於常常撿拾許多垃圾回家^^")。 唯獨在語言表達方面,可能居住地和學校位處郊區,不如都會區的孩子有較多的語言刺激,目前均均 在語言表達方面是量多、很勇於表達,但在選擇辭彙方面稍弱、速度也稍慢,這部份將會是未來發展 的重點。 這兩個星期,我近距離地觀察從幼稚園畢業的均均,是否已經準備好了上小一呢?他沒學過注音符 號,沒上英文課,只有我教過的簡單Phonics A-Z的發音,和一些些拼音基礎,他聽過一些英文故事 和英文童謠,因為他對圖像的理解和觀察力十分好,因此他能看全英文的迪士尼電影,或英文繪本 DVD,而且能把大意說給我們聽。但是在生活中,他幾乎沒有用英文溝通的能力,我想那些英文的輸 入都還沈潛收藏在腦子裡的某個部份吧?! 我們到了溫哥華後,我開始教均均注音符號,也繼續Phonics和閱讀的課程,因為每天都要花很多時 間在戶外玩耍,所以上課其實是有一搭、沒一搭地進行著。 均均對於學習中文有強烈的愛好,對於寫字也是,因此注音符號的課程對他來說簡直就是有趣極了, 這麼短的時間裡,我不可能讓均均把所有東西學會,但是我注意到他的學習興趣,我的想法是,在九 月以前把注音符號大概地介紹過,也開始帶領簡單的中文閱讀,不用學到精,讓他保留一些部份必須 在小一課堂上認真學習,這樣子銜接小一應該不會有太大問題。(我受過國語正音和作文老師的訓 練,也教過幾年的正音班和作文班,剛好在均均上小一前又派上用場。) 至於英文方面,沒有上過英文課的他,會說的句子真的十隻手指就能數完,這一次來到英語的環境, 均均在"聽"的理解能力變好了些,但仍舊不怎麼有自信,因為已經到了會害羞、不敢隨意開口的年紀 了,所以"說"的部份目前仍然是比較弱的。未來還有兩個月,希望在勇氣方面會有所進展。 英文閱讀方面還算是能夠跟上我設定的進度和目標,均均在書寫方面的發展和勇氣,跟英語世界的小 朋友挺類似的(大約是慢了一年的速度),這一點倒是很令我開心,均均和媽咪將會在溫哥華待到八月 中,九月以後回台中上小一,我對均均未來的英文計畫仍舊是每1-2週透過視訊教他一些Phonics, 平日由媽媽負責陪伴,繼續英文閱讀,每天看英文繪本DVD(一個故事),每週上一個小時外籍老師的 遊戲課(外籍老師和學伴都還沒找到),因為沒有住在一起,我能為均均做的其實很有限,培養基本 能力和維持英文興趣是主要的目標。 不知道是因為華德福的引導,還是天性使然,沒有上過任何自然、科學課程或活動的均均,在自然、 科學方面都抱有很大的興趣,一部份應該是爸爸的影響,加上媽媽常帶他到科學博物館玩吧?!我相 信中文閱讀能力進步之後,在這兩方面的學業一定不會有問題,我相信興趣可以推動學習;至於數學 方面就不是我的專長,我也就沒有特別觀察囉∼ 銜接小一還需要什麼能力呢?我沒有繼續多加研究,我比較重視的是他對於學習的態度和熱情,他對 於合理紀律的反應,他對於規律的學習生活的適應力,他對於世界、對於人的熱情,我想,我們當初 為孩子選擇的幼稚園生活算是還蠻趨近於我們希望均均能擁有的童年生活,所以我看見他對於新環境 的適應力,對於新認識的大人和小朋友的熱情,我相信他進入小一之後,應該能適應得不錯吧! 這個暑假,我們會跟均均聊聊小學的事情,聊聊一個七歲的孩子在學校要做些什麼(十月滿七歲),聊 聊小手小腳小腦袋有力氣之後,要開始怎麼樣用在學習上,聊聊將來想做什麼?聊聊要如何學習才能 朝自己的夢想前進,為了讓均均適應公立小學的生活,我也請媽咪要開始讓均均練習早起、練習每天 做一個小時的功課(閱讀和寫字)。 然後,接下來,關於均均的小學生活,我和Hazel有許多的討論,也有了初步的計畫,因為均均將在 台中市讀小學,周遭會有更多好用的公共資源,我們會希望找到幾個不想讀安親班的學伴,一起在下 午的時間裡,聽故事、說故事、完成學校功課、到playground玩、參觀各種展覽(博物館、美術 館)、到圖書館閱讀、在家玩手作、烘焙...,我們希望給孩子一個健康的、自律的、開心的、沒有過 多壓力的國小生活。 Michelle

Our Roomates- Eastern Europeans


We have four roommates living in the same floor in this house, and we share the common area, such as living room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, dining room and so on. They are all very friendly. Today we finally got a chance to know each other more. I realized we are surrounded by Eastern Europeans. Jerry, our landlord, is a Czech. He has strong accent that only I can understand. I mean his English is very difficult for Hazel to understand. For me, I can only understand 60%- 70%. Others I have to guess. Stan, who is a friend of Jerry's son, is a half Czech, half Filipino. I thought he was originally from Vancouver, but he wasn't. However, he grew up in Vancouver. So everyone else here counts on him a lot. We consult everything with him. He's a very good person. And he's the one who told me Czech and Slovakia was called Czechoslovakia. Fero, is the handsome guy that I mentioned in the first diary. He's a Slovakia. He doesn't talk much. Today Stan invited him and us to a Dim Sum place to have lunch. It's Fero's first time having Dim Sum. He didn't seem to enjoy too much. Kasia and Artur are Polish couple. Kasia is very beautiful and we often talk to each other. She can make very good cinnamon apple juice. Smells so good! Artur's English isn't very well, so he hardly speak to us. Just having very basic conversations. Those are our interesting roommates. I've never met so many Eastern Europeans. Now I learn a lot about Eastern Europe. It IS some experience. Michelle Photos for Week 3 *

First Day of Explorers' Child Care


Today is the first day of the family care for Ryan. We got there on time. The caregiver, Shafani, and her husband welcomed us. I stayed for an hour to make sure Ryan was ok, and also talked more about Ryan with the Shafani. Most importantly, I wanted to see how Shafani deals with kids. There, we met the other kids that she's taking care of- Daclan, Pippa and Reily. Well, truth is I think Shafanie seemed inexperienced, because she just opened this Child Care for several months. I guess she's getting used to it. However, she tries her best and she's really friendly, gentle and patient. The best part of this child care is that she takes kids outdoor twice a day, no matter what. Shafani's husband made black tea for three of us while the kids were having their morning snacks. The tea was really tasty! I didn't realize it was the famous ceylon tea until the next day. I felt lucky when I found out that. I picked Ryan up at noon. Because it's been raining for days, Shafani asked us to buy a rain jacket and a pair of rain boots for Ryan. They go out every day, even in rainy days, so those things are important. Therefore, we went straight ahead to Metrotown for shopping again. We got no luck on rain boots hunting. We spent hours and tried several stores, but they were all out of stock. Finally, we got an expensive rain jacket at a sports store (we were planning to get a cheaper one.) Everyone was too tired eventually. We gave up on rain boots. We went home and went to bed and hoped it would be a sunny day tomorrow! Michelle *This Child Care is not very close to what I want, but I guess we really don't have much choice at this time of year. Good, experienced teachers or caregivers seemed all unavailable. However, I am still very thankful for everything. At least, Ryan started to feel comfortable with speaking English. He opens his mind to the English speakers little by little. He's not so shy any more. This IS a good start. Photos for Week 2 *

"Feeling Good" Day


It was a big sunny day. How wonderful! We all woke up with smiles. I had a feeling that this day would be a perfect day and we would have so much luck on finding the school. First we set out for the Montessori School, but it was closed. We stood in front of the school and waited and called the teacher, but got no response. So I decided to go straight ahead to the nearest library for the family time. We had luck because we met the handsome, cool and funny male librarian again. He was Ryan's favorite librarian last year. We didn't expect to see him this time, but we did. What a surprise! He must be very popular because the room was full. It WAS a great story time, and Ryan enjoyed it. While I was thinking about coming back every Friday morning for his story time, he suddenly told everyone that he'd got promoted and was going to transfer to the Central Branch. After the story time, we went to ask him if we had a chance to join his story time downtown. He said he won't be a children' librarian again. Oh! What a waste!!! There was another meeting and try-out with the other home care giver. Hazel went with us too. The house shocked me at the first sight. Then we had a talk with the care giver and we left Ryan there for two hours to see if he liked it. The care giver's two boys played with Ryan immediately. It let us feel more comfortable, so we decided to put it into consideration. There's a huge and beautiful playground near that home care, so we let Ryan play on it for an hour after we left the home care. He met a boy and started to play with each other. It was a "School Finding" day and we did get luck. Now we need to decide if it's right to leave Ryan there. It's REALLY a hard decision. >